Skeezy Steroids users general.
Old thread almost dead
Skeezy Steroids users general.
Old thread almost dead
jill stein
r8 my progress
4th week of 250 mg test e blast
If dubs FL gets gf.
Yeaaa lets talk about drugs we never take
whats the latest stack dets?
Listening to those dick tunes?
why the fuck would you start roiding when you have never lifted in your fucking life?
Stop being so insecure
You're too inferior for my superior genetics.
Move one please
good job my man
cuz my natural test production was was 255. why the fuck would i even bother with levels that low?
Lookin swole
Worst lighting ever
Riding on a high today. A coworker who's leaving for another job said they're gonna see if they can hook me up at their new place, since they're gonna be a manager, and I got my natty status questioned.
I must be getting bigger.
ya know
Brewing gear wouldn't be that bad.
Having an almost never ending supply of test would be pretty neato imo
Thanks skelling
Mp3 player is clipped onto my pocket lel
Thank you Mr. Mast
Thank you trip who I am unfamiliar with
600mg blast* idk why i typed 250mg
stats before and after?
picture 1; lights off
picture 2; lights on
mirin lightning progress
4 weeks is just when it start to kick in. Make a picture when before you started and after your cycle
What are you on right now?
Paging brick
Are the 5/3/1 supposed to be a full wendler Style first week 555 second 333 and so on or really every Workout 531?
before i was 123 11% bf
now im 137 11% bf
Where does /fraud/ get their fake piss?
Thanks man appreciate the help
>10 days into first cycle
>test e 500mg e5d
>first cycle
>700 test ew
absolute madman
my dick is kill. what do?
up the dose? chopp off my dick, replace with bbc?
why? it seem to be a pretty standard dose here in the town i live
Old folks homes.
They leave bags full of the stuff lying around.
Start to feel it yet?
If you lived in the town full of goatfuckers and incestuous bastards, having three arms might be the standard there too.
It's not too crazy. I would pin more frequently tho. At least e3.5d
Stop blocking your estro fgt
yes its like my muscles are more full most of the day, especially after a big meal. more veins and i can jack off more often
but i heard it kicks around week 4 so maybe i just respond good to the gear or something
Test tren mast proviron cialis PT 141 mt2
lol its like the weakest dose of steroids you can take except 250mg e5d that actually yields any results you idiot.
plus if im going to be shut down why would i even bother with 250mg?? thats like not much more than normal trt dosage
i'am on low mast(300) + test(250)
Not taking an ai.
My balls are fucking tiny and my shoulders look huge even without pump, so i think it's real mast.
It's less that it's too much in general, but the fact it's your first cycle.
Jerrbears confirm it
When in doubt go with the fraud motto
ok maybe it is a little high but yeah now i ve already started and im not pussying out. what do u think can happen to me that wouldnt if id ake 250mg?
For fuck sake the hottest girls I see on the internet are always in this thread.
yeah its like were attracted to the same shit us with high test levels
Isn't the minimal dose for mast; 400?
I never went above 400
then you visit the wrong porn sites.
What are you running?
Could be. Placebo's a powerful drug too.
/fraud/ is truly a home of connoisseurs.
>then you visit the wrong porn sites.
Red pill me, for the love of god.
>never went above 400mg
U wot
Up the dose.
Then how about you drop the mast and just pin test 500 or 700? Unless your gonna compete then it makes no diff!
250test + 300 mast
ask Jerry
I didn't name myself this way.
It was because that mast + test guy.
That seems useless to me for a cut. I might bump the mast to 400. Might do something i hope
If you feel nothing at 400 it might be underdosed.
I was cruising on 250 test 400 mast.
Pro of 400 mast over just 250 test solo:
Better libido, better aesthetics
>tfw want to keep cruising but am 2 much of a lazy faggot for HCG
if i just cruise forever i wont have to worry about my HPTA right. i mean thats a logical, safe, and rational approach i feel.
Why would you cruise with HCG.
The logical thing would be to use HCG if you ever want to come off or get someone pregnant.
isnt it advised when cruising for over 2 years to supplement a low dose HCG as well to minimize any HPTA fatigue? I know you're supposed to take it as well as part of the PCT when coming off completely, but i thought taking it when you're deep into a cruise was more of a precautionary thing.
>isnt it advised when cruising for over 2 years to supplement a low dose HCG as well to minimize any HPTA fatigue?
if you look around on the internet enough you can find someone advising just about anything
nerd dyel mathtest bullied mastest into namechanging to mast
lmao, pussy.
and then you compile all of the advice relative to the subject and factor in the credibility of the source and use that to come to a consensus which in this case i feel coincides with my initial statement.
but i guess the /fraud/ thing to do is just ask coach
what sources have you gotten this from?
only places ive heard anything similar is retarded trt practices
I had an interesting day
>on 500mg DNP
>Finished 8 hours of mostly outside work
>Fasting all day
>Heat index 107F(really not that bad for me. I can tolerate DNP pretty well.)
>No AC in the car
>Car breaks down
>Lady sees me and lets me use her phone, drives me to her place, and gives me water
>Drives me back to my car
>Cops everywhere
>Someone called the cops on me because I looked suspicious(this neighborhood calls the cops on everything)
>Search me, my wallet, the car. Everything's clean. Except they were extremely suspicious about my Pink Himalayan sea salt LOL
>Brother is now on his way to jump my car
>Meeting him at a grocery store
>Shopping while waiting
>Grocery store worker offers me a job selling drugs(without actually saying it)
>I think "Hell no" to myself and leave
>Driving home now
>Car breaks down again
>Run home
>Jump car again
>Here now.
>Search me, my wallet, the car.
can cops do this?
So does anyone have a pic of the heroin ho?
I def feel something at 300. I also look much fuller and my delts look much bigger. On 250mg test i looked very dyel and flat on this low carb diet
Yes, hè was really scary.
You can only absorb so many mg of test with that much muscle. Any more than you can use causes side effects. You're overdosing. 400mg test max on a first cycle imo.
>BTC at $768 and still climbing
Wew. I bet all the sources/vendors are laughing all the way to the bank.
For absolutely no reason, apparently.
mostly just /r/steroids comments and random posts on /fraud/ and other forums. I dont have anything actually published.
Sounds like me a few months back driving around with an extension cord and a battery charger because I was too poor to afford a battery lol
If you consent to it. You have a right to refuse a search.
yeah well its completely unnecessary unless you want to stay fertile during the cruise
you can always just start using hcg when you want to get your fertility back
>You have a right to refuse a search.
Which constitutes probable cause for a search in most places. .
Pink himalayan sea salt is goat tBh, and you should have said yes to that grocery store guy, what drugs?
I doubt most of them hold on to it for any length of time. Luckily I buy a little extra btc each time I get roids and now I have like .5btc. Yeeee son.
Fuck she's nasty looking dunno why I saved that.
Yeah I've been following that. I really regret not dumping a few thousand into btc when it was in the 200s. For what its worth I've been keeping some of my coaching money in a wallet I'm curious to see how much it grew.
You can still buy ETH while it's at $20.
Makes me wish I'd dumped a couple grand in it when it was $30.
I wish I hadn't been 15 back when Bitcoin first started. I remember seeing the threads on /g/.
Imagine having bought thousands of bitcoins back when it was pennies. You would actually be a millionaire right now.
At least you're not the guy who owns a hard drive with millions and millions of dollars worth of btc, but threw it out.
T3 gives me uncontrollable bloody noses, anyone get this and figured out how to lower blood pressure during t3?
ikr. Life is awful.
If I had a time machine, that's what i'd do.
Also tell my younger self to lift and eat, and buy lotto tickets.
> hey, good info you got there m80
> Not bunk, under 40% purity.
> all contaminated in the same ratio, with the same shit.
> can you hit me up where you gettin' this?
The guys from hive posted it in a IRC a few days back. They were warning other brewers to avoid sdrol at the moment. Just saw your post on SST, seems like they were right. So glad I have some stashed away from 2012.
You could say the same thing about being able to guess the next powerball.
Truth. I'd probably be contemplating suicide.
be less fat, or do cardio, why not both
Currently 250 Test e, 400 deca, 10mg winny
Sigh, actually was supposed to have a date last night. She cancelled last minute because she found out my age and said the difference was too much, the next time I saw her in person though I kept noticing her looking at me. I decided I'd regret not asking her again if she's sure she won't reconsider. She said she's sure, so I told her I'd respect that.
Think I'm going to hang out with one of my coworkers tonight, he's pretty chill and keeps trying to hook me up with chicks and such, might be cool.
That's a stretch. Bitcoin was something a lot of people took seriously from the start and knew where it was going.
is she 50 or what?
That's some legal fuckery right there. I would love to have a copy search my shit without my consent so I can sue the shit out of the department.
Example: My idiot friend who was drunk and ran from the police and crashed his car into a mobile home. Got out of most of the trouble because he was not conscious to consent to any searches or having his blood alcohol level tested. Pretty stupid but it's the law. No one was seriously hurt fyi.
I lived on /g/ during the start of Bitcoin, even I thought it was going to go nowhere. Only king neckbeards took that shit seriously back then, I remember going on one of the few sites back then where people would list items for sale in exchange for BTC, back then there weren't any sites like Silk Road, I think I remember a few weed listings but mostly I just remember some video card that was 2-3 generations old getting sold for a ridiculous price and some actual CRT monitors listed on there. Hard to take it seriously after seeing that shit, but I guess I ended up being wrong.
I thought she was 19 or 20, turns out she was 18, and I'm 28.
Ehhh don't feel down man. She is so young it wouldn't have lasted anyway.
Why do I keep reading that tren is not a bulking steroid? Why the fuck is the most powerful steroid not considered usable for bulking by some? WHY
Yeah, I don't feel down, maybe I did before work, but a few hours in that got my mind off it. Like I said, I asked today so I wouldn't have any regrets, so no reason to feel bad about anything. At least I learned some things with this one, for the next time.
Tren shines in it's ability to prevent fat gain in a surplus. It's fantastic on a bulk.
Don't listen to the hivemind, people simply parrot whatever they read.
Try things out for yourself and decide from there.
I've used tren, I just dont get why people say its a bad bulker. I think I didn't get the most out of it last time - had too high fat not enough carbs, I now realise how much better tren is with high carb high protein
Brahs I had gyno surgery exactly 5 months ago, but I still have quite a bit of fluid buildup in my tits. It's for sure fluid and not breast tissue because I drained it myself a few weeks after surgery and the results were perfect, but it came back since it was still relatively soon after surgery.
Now it's the 5 month mark and it's summer, and I want this shit gone. Do you guys have any tips on draining it properly before I do it again? Last time I couldn't draw the blood out with my needles and had to basically poke holes in my nipples with a needle to drain all the blood out, which took around 3 hours.
tren makes you look amazing when youre lean so bbers use it to get ready for a show
its also amazing on a bulk so ppl use it for that too
its a gr8 drug all around
but i guess some bbers (pussies) want to take breaks off of tren after theyre done with their show so they take other shit in the off season (high test, deca, eq, etc.)
>1500 cal keto cut
Brehs, my mind might die before the 6 weeks are over. I almost have no strength left to lift after a shift of shelf stacking
That's rough. Try any dating sites?
How it deca treating you? I'm pretty hyped to try it next cycle.
>That's some legal fuckery right there.
Yarp. The biggest thing to remember about the law, is that what is legal, is anything you can get the Judge to agree too.
>Try any dating sites?