Ill start. Rate me and what should i improve?
Your tan and attire. Decent build muh nuvvah. Traps need work.
You look good man
Need to see face for accurate rating
just shred a little more brah (or it could just be lighting)
Traps and lats, but your delts/bis look fantastic, honestly. Good job user.
Get on dem rows nigga.
Face attached. I think its ugly - not getting any tinder matches using this pic
Attire? What you mean?
JUST hairline
Time to buzz it and cut hard, roid if you can. Time to be that 'bald and buff' guy
you look like the oblivion meme guy's cousin
you're not getting any Tinder matches because you're using a selfie in which you look like an angry serial killer
Was thinking to roid after turning 25. Prob lose all my hair though
Man. Theres no point holding onto that hair. Sorry to break it to you. You're well within balding territory. Buzz it now and ge used to it.
Rock-breaking forehead. Sorry OP
Shave head, grow some kind of beard, lift
You have good chin and cheekbones your hair just looks like shit
I second this, try shaving bald and growing a beard, would look alpha as fuark
not bad for your first year of liftin
Shave that shit off your head nigga. You have good facial aesthetics and thick eyebrows you'll probably look pretty good with a shaved head once you get over the initial shock of how strange you look without hair. If you're too pussy to shave it then Atleast do something else with it. You have fucking wierd bird nest hair like a 12 year old or some shit. There are some guys with receding hairli n es who can get it to work for them but not with a retarded 12 yo style hair cut like that. Just shave thst shit off man you won't regret it.
My arms are all I have famalam
It fucking pains me to see physiques like these, because i'll never be as thick no matter how much I lift.
Those wrists are just a sweet dream to me.
What's your wrist size OP?
>tfw 5.6 inches
sry 4 pixels r8
Ah thanks man. Think i will do that. Problem is I have a block head. I swear its not perfectly round when I shave my head. Wish I had a picture to show. My head shape causes my hair to always be sticking upblike a birds nest.
Same mode as me famalam
>just checked body fat percentage
I don't know how it got like this bros
how did you check it?
Let's get some real shit up in here
18yo 145lbs 6'0"
Checked with an electronic scale ? Got one myself, it keeps telling me i'm around 7%. Being a manlet and all, i assure you it ain't visible.
>that pic
What's hard to believe? 28inch waist
Bro you should be ideally 210lbs at 6'0. You need to lift some heavy ass weight.
I have about the same build OP, just bulking at the moment
You look obese. Not even close to OP.
What, are you an anorexic whore?
same here, althought I kinda got used to it and accepted my frame
>you look obese
No shit faggot, he's fat as fuck. Hilariously weird chest hair growth too.
It's time to shave your head famalam you can do better than that
r8 my shitty thing.
Gonna move from a Brosplit to that "Poor Homegym Lifter" PPL program.
What does famalam mean
r8 m8
work on legs, m8
thank m8 ill work on them
Try smolov squat plan. Watch your legs explode in a month
just looked it up. ill give it a try
If you end up doing smolov program, make sure to eat fuck tons of protein. Otherwise it will be counterproductive. Good luck
thanks man ill need it. how much protein do you advise i eat? i averag 190g a day right now
I think bigger shoulders would be awesome on you.
r8 and h8.
6ยจ3 225lb
Work more on chest, upper chest, shoulders and triceps and also try bulking until you have some mass and then cut
Posted this in cbt already. Lifting for ~12 weeks now.
Any guesses on my bf%?
Any advice depending workouts?
Yeah i have a small clavicle, so big shoulders are a must.
Any suggestions for exercises?
Nice legs. Arms look small though. What size are they now?
Rate pls
4 months of ss with accessories.
6' 190lbs
You have amazing back genetics. Make good use of them. Other than that, looking like a dyel. Continue working out more, use primairly compound movements. After a while add in isolations.
Legs, what should i work on?
190g sounds good. How do you know how much you are eating? Are you tracking macros?
5'8", 155lb, guessing around 13-14% bf
Calves all day
Looking good! I dunno what your goals are, but i'd get to 210lbs then cut
I can just tell all you niggers ugly af, even /pol/tards are better looking
Talk about lifting to make up for being ugly, kek
18 inches
Thanks bro, im actually trying to bulk up to 210 lololOnce i hit that im going to do a slow cut at -300 cals. Hoping to be a lean 200.
I actually have nice calves that pic doesnt do them justice.
10/10 bro looking strong.
same height and around same weight, just slightly less joocy and cut.
What are your lifts. Im mirin, and you inspirin
5'8 80kg
bulk is going a little too well
i hope i look like that when i cut, but i doubt it
5 rep stats?
R8 me m8s
5'8" 160lbs
kevin bacon's nordic son?
What to improve on brehs
6'1, 195lbs
>basketball shorts
Do not shave. Let hair on top grow but keep it short on sides to go for the men's regular haircut. Also a bad picture because squinting in sun. Get a better one
Thats the second time yall have Dai I look like Kevin bacon
Do I really?
I wanna get as big as you. You roiding by any chance?
I am trying that. Its wierd because hair on sides outgrows hair on top. But will continue.
Why you think no shave?
You're fucking lying. Seriously fuck you and all of you niggers with your bullshit. I am exactly 6'0 and every single guy that claims to have my height and weight looks twice as big as me, while I have low bodyfat. And why? Because you're all manlets scared to be manlet shamed. Fuck you, just don't post if you're so insecure.
I swear at least half of the 6'0 guys here are actually manlets.
lmao no
i don't even take creatine because i'm scared of going bald
200x5 bench
265x5 squat
Don't deadlift since I'm trying to correct some APT right now, will pick back up once my posture is fixed.
5'11, 156
More legs and larger arms. Other than that pretty gopd.
Thanks senpai, wasn't the best angle for arms
>No forearms
Nice. Looking good. How long did it take to get? You natty (nothing wrong with roids)?
Btw your face is so hairy, how do you see anything?
Bretty good, you'll look great when you beef up.
Natty, 1 year and 3 months total from this first picture. Bottom right is recent Thank you, I'm trying to get back into squats and deadlifts. Pretty sure I tore a tendon behind and haven't been able to do anything. It sucks because whenever I walk, there's probably inflammation that's stopping it from healing faster
*behind my knee
Get it checked out senpai, even minor injuries can be pretty damaging in the long run if left unchecked.
I will but I already know that even if its a minor tear, the jew doctors will tell me to get surgery. If thats the case then I'm handing in my natty card and self medicating
How you plan on self medicating?
Any advice?
BPC 157 for repair and TB 500 for inflammation. I really do not want to go through the cost/hassle with surgery if I can avoid it entirely. Surgery is my last option. Once that happens ill probably never be squatting again
Rate me Veeky Forums
Simply no way you're natty
I'd believe it. He's got some serious lighting tomfoolery going on in that last pic.
I doubt it mate..
Or he's been working out for like 3years
You have not taken any dosage of any kind of AAS?
core is looking strong brah more chest and shoulders