H-hey user! You're strong and pretty good with girls right?
Could you teach me to be more like you?
H-hey user! You're strong and pretty good with girls right?
Could you teach me to be more like you?
Sure, just follow me to the gym showers cutie.
>oh wow, you're looking really cute today haha...
>are you sure you're interested in girls?
>maybe we could t-teach each-other a few things...?
I used to love that fucker's traps but now I'm more into po-ju's boyish ones. Have I gone too far?
Nah you're fine. Po-ju's traps are thicc as fuck.
Can't teach genetics, boy
>tfw you will never have a younger man ask to be your protégé
>tfw you will never help him grow as a person, and maybe on the way he teaches you a few things much to your own surprise
>tfw he will never overtake you and become the great man you always knew he could be
>tfw everyone thinks this would be gay rather than the platonic bond of mentor-student it truly is
Why do all white people smile like this? There's even a vine that talks about it
stfu nig
w-wanna be friends?
Be something to aspire to and you might find someone who looks up to you.
I unashamedly admire someone in my life. He's taught me more about selfrespect and manhood in the 3 years I've known him than anyone has in my entire life.
So true. Witness this first hand at my job.
>I've seen a lot of white people smile like this
>This somehow accounts for all white people
I'm not offended but this logic is simply terrible
an obscure feel, but a real one...
>tfw you will never fuck his boypussy under the guise of "training"
Its people like you that keep guys from having close platonic relationships
feels bad man
This is why homosexuality is wrong. Because it corrupts the idea of male bonding
I'm currently doing this with my little brother, user. The only way you'll ever get to have this sort of relationship with someone on this day and age is with a younger sibling or a son. I'm sorry.
Here here
Not exactly user.
You just have to be a cool guy to someone who needs the guidance.
Not really, no.
Gay men have literally no effect on the way YOU choose to interact with others, you're just a beta hetero pussy afraid he'll get branded a homo by other insecure hetero fucks.
So, before you go pointing fingers, have some self-reflection.
fuck you animufag
No fuck you leather man
Oh God.
I did. At least I thought I did.
He was a complete fucking sperg. Literally diagnosed with asperger's syndrome.
I thought he was finally getting his life headed in the right direction, instead he's now engaged to a fucking SJW landwhale, and moved out of his parent's place in with a 400 pound slob and HIS girlfriend in a tiny fucking apartment in the ghetto.
I don't see him anymore. He was a fucking eagle scout.
Now he's just a browbeaten sad sack of shit.
I sat him down before he committed to any of these stupid things, and I spelled it out, but he wouldn't listen.
Last time I saw him he gained a huge beer gut out of nowhere, never looks up, never looks people in the eye. Just sad and reserved and defensive.
Chris you stupid fuck why didn't you listen to me.
>Implying homosexuality doesn't blur the intention of words or acts of affection guys express to each other
>Implying because of this guys don't tread super carefully to avoid giving the wrong idea
Years before the lgbt movement guys expressed love and affection fairly openly.
Even in sports today where sexuality is more of an afterthought.
Cut your losses user.
Theres some other kid who needs the help and will listen
It adds a level of complication to something that should be natural and wholesome.
In other words, it's degeneracy.
Even if it's the sort of thing that only affects insecure people, you know how many human beings are insecure? Most.
I used to have trouble hugging male friends that I hadn't seen in years because of this.
Ironically its the insecure males that need that affection the most and as we established, on both sides of this issue, who does homosexuality hurt the most?
I can't even do this with my brother, he's too far gone. Not to say he's bad, but he's been swept up into the hockey team mentality too much for me to really mold him any more. My cousin and I are starting to have that sort of bond though, fortunately he's already Veeky Forums and a master with women, which only leaves the finer things to be taught.
Why don't more traps in 2D and 3D wear pantyhose?
Again, your arguments are based on YOUR insecurities about the way other heteros will perceive you, if you show any kind of non-sexual affections towards other males.
It is a problem you have created and you have no one else but yourselves to blame.
Yet, you point fingers at us fags for your flaws, even though we're literally not even part of the equation.
It's always easier blaming others for own shortcomings, senpais. :^)
I know right? Or garterbelt
You say our arguments are in vein because we're insecure, which you're presuming, heteros.
By that logic why are your arguments sound when you're an admitted homo who's belittling of our plight show's great ignorance to how much it actually effects our ability to maintain good platonic relationships.
Dont act like the way other people see you doesnt effect your life, cause it simply does. It can and will effect your social status, advancement in the work environment, and how you percieve yourself.
I'm not pointing fingers at you bud. I consider homosexuality to be bad, and a spiritual affliction, but that doesn't make it your fault per se.
I just think you're misguided desu.
How is it bad?
same, its fatherhood instincts yo.
or need for gay sex iunno.
>Sure, here's some workout programs that are really easy to follow, and here's my copy of starting strength! Remember to do plenty of upper body work too friend, because you want to get big!
>Let's go workout for a few weeks too, so you can get the hang of things and won't be intimidated!
And that's it. I set them in the right direction, and let them decide for themselves how badly they want it.
8/10 Underated post
Would you let him become one of your gym bros if he stuck to it?
I actually had to face this situation.
I gave advices to a friend of mine, he listened to me and he got more laid than I've ever had. He's now studying in of the greatest schools for bartenders, he's gonna get even more pussies. I can't even apply the advices I give.
You argued that homosexuality has somehow affected your ability to create platonic relationships with other males and your only argument to back that up was "b-but if i hug my heterosexual friend in public, p-people might think we're fucking".
I simply pointed out that the fault does not lie with homosexuals, but it's you, heterosexuals, creating the problem for yourselves.
It's your insecurities and your repulsion to homosexuality.
It's not fags that will make you feel uncomfortable hugging your male friends in public; it's other straight men's looks that trigger your fear of being mislabeled as a, god forbid, degenerate faggot.
>Don't act like the way other people see you doesn't effect your life, because it simply does.
Damn, thanks senpai for those life altering truths.
Being a faggot, that in multiple cases had to hide a part of my identity to avoid getting bashed in the street or fired from my workplace, for 25 years sure taught me nothing. :^)
Yes, and I'm just posting what I did with one of my mates.
>good friends in high school
>I got into lifting and sports way ahead of him
>he gets into lifting but has no idea what he's doing, dumbass curlbros try and point him in some fuckass 7 day split
>I offer him my starting strength book, go workout with him a few weeks
Now whenever I'm home from uni we go lift together, although he still has my copy of SS and I have another friend to give it to.
He stuck out lifting and hasn't given up yet, so I'm quite proud of how far he's gone under my tutelage. Plus, I'm not a picky man. The condition to become my gym bro is simple: you have to want to be my gymbro. idgaf about anything else, lets lift
>He was a fucking eagle scout
The Boy Scouts isn't what it used to be. Now it's a mediocre club for coddled children and their overbearing parents. It's a damn shame. I'll bet you a pretty penny that the Boy Scouts did very little in his personal development.
Besides what has been said itt about how it affects interpersonal relationships in males;
It's my belief that it's a spiritual affliction. I think it hurts the individual far more than it hurts society. That it knots up your heart and clouds your mind and keeps you from connecting to The Spirit. That there's often a lot of pain and emotion and confusion tied up in it.
But I also believe that it's only one of about a thousand spiritual cancers that afflict every aspect of society. You won't see shooting up gay night clubs or anything like that. I just legitimately hope the best for you and your ilk, but i think you're misguided and I hope it all works out for you because I bet you're in a lot of pain.
Didn't seem to be a problem in ancient Rome.
Jokes on you idiot I have a younger brother.
That's because those anons are pulling shit out of their asses and projecting their own insecurities onto the public.
yo, i'm not the phaggot who is arguing with you. i agree with you that it is a spiritual affliction in some lost or misguided souls. for example its normal to have curiosity at young ages about sexuality. in a traditional society such thoughts were squashed, and you grew up straight (or, if you were truly genetically born gay, you covered it up for the most part)
now a days, a kid has normal sexuality curiosity and either his 2 phaggot dads or 2 lesbian moms, or alpha mom who has cucked his dad, will come in squawking like a bunch of hens asking "Do u like boys?? its normal!" "honey its ok if you are bicurious!" and this just promotes gay culture and you end up getting all kinds of confused, pansexual homosexual sapiosexual people with a spiritual sickness
also, u cant argue with fagg0ts so dont try
Oh and homosexuality in ancient Greece boosted morale and garnered respect from heteros, even.
Yeah I know. People love to blame minorities for shit that is their own fault.
>Yeah I know. People love to blame minorities for shit that is their own fault.
Ironic that this is also the defense that minorities use even of there is a legitimate arguement used against them.
Being a minority doesn't automatically make you the worst treated and it doesn't make you right.
>and pretty good with girls right?
I literally haven't talked to a girl in at least 5 years besides trivial stuff like tipping the receptionist or cashiers
You're actually blaming gay people for your own insecurities. It's like Jim Crow laws and segregation all over again.
Grow a pair and own up to your insecurities so you can conquer, rather than be ruled by, them.
Please stop posting.
Please stop replying.
>For your own insecurities
1. You don't know me
2. Read 1 again
>you don't know that I'm insecure and threatened by the gays because they have cooties
Yes sir/ma'am.
Good. Now let's all kiss and make up.
>They disagree with me, they must be bigoted and homophobic
Please discard this terrible argument.