Steroids Y/N?
Steroids Y/N?
girls don't like steroid big guys
guys don't respect steroid big
who are you doing it for? yourself? you respect your ill gotten gained at the expense of your health & longevity?
work towards your natty limit and be healthy, live a long & fruitful life
>ill gotten gains
Kekking at u nigga
I bet you look like a dyel kys
How do they know?
They smell it like they do when youve recently masturbated
>at the expense of your health & longevity
what is the downside of doing just 1 cycle to speed the process of hitting the natty limit? like a boost before hitting natty limit
Not rly anything if youre not dumb
what would be dumb?
Not knowing what youre doing basically
we are not talking of abuse tho, more like moderate
Steroid big is a stupid statement pretty much everyone in hollywood is on roids and the same with models people you don't have to be a massive bodybuilder type to be on roids pretty much all the YouTube and Instagram models are on roids, also if you want some proof that girls like the look take a look at zyzz
it's your body man, if you want to potentially screw with it for short-term gains, go for it
stop trying to compensate for your shit genetics because you can't make healthy gains with risky steroids, it's not healthy
Basically this
Just dont go bloated piana mode like some dudes in my gym
Educate me, or gimme some education links
Fraud, lurking can teach you stuff
> Implying any steroid use instantly turns you into a disgusting 300 lb mass monster
Even a single 16 week cycle of test can give you the equivalent of 2 or 3 years of natty development. You don't have to keep going until you're fuck huge. Stop at a reasonable point below your natty limit and you can easily maintain your gains. I'm not saying steroid use is for everyone, but if you are well educated you can achieve incredible aesthetics in short order.
I imply that because if you're not chasing beyond your natural limit, you shouldn't fuck with steroids.
You are literally taking a risk for short term gains, and if you're unlucky, it will be extremely painful & devastating to you in your later years.
>1 cycle
>thinks he can keep his gains after 1 cycle
jesus dude. just leave. don't even go to reddit, they will not want you either. try the youtube comment section or facebook.
w/e m8, trying to help people reconsider risking their health for superficial bullshit
if you want to live for the short-term, that's a problem you'll have to deal with down the line... I ensure you the proper path to a good life is playing for the long-term