What's the point?

There are too many fat people.

Honestly fit I've worked hard for my body, extremely conscious about my diet, and I'm a good looking guy. I look damn good without any clothes on, but what's the point?

Walk down the street, go into a store, play this game. The next 10 people you see count them off fat or not. I've done this countless times over the past few months and steadily come up with 6/10 fatasses.

It's gotten so bad I don't even feel proud to be fit anymore. The behavior is so normalized why not just grab a handful of cheeseburgers, it seems like there's no negative social pressure on fatasses anymore, why not join the party?

Move u reTard where do you live? Yiu realize social stigma isnt the only reason not to be unhealthy

It kind of is a big reason to not be unhealthy. When it's gotten to the point where people actively avoid fit people because it makes them feel bad about themselves. Fit bodies are outliers, and outliers are socially ostracized.

Youre rationalizing letting yourself go

Go ahead i dont give a shit, where do you live? Houston?

Sounds like you hang around at the wrong places.

You definitely don't want to spend time with people who are afraid that someone fitter than them will hurt their feelings

I'm in the best shape of my life, so I haven't let myself go. I'm just observing a social shift, where health and fitness lovers are on the outs.

I live in South Carolina.

I live in Virginia, and while I haven't noticed any ostracizing, but I can definitely see where America being one of the fattest countries on Earth comes into play. I'm not trying to shit too hard on people who's life experience I have no clue about, but it's a bit disappointing to see people walking around that are as fat as they would be if they had been exclusively on the couch for 6 months

Dont let yourself go

You dont want to associate with lazy fat fucks, i live in California so it's very different im sure

not true my friend

I'm a white male and all of my friends are more or less thin

Does that mean skellies like me are in a minority?
>5'8 3/4, 140lb

>tfw even here in japan its getting a bit chubby. All these girls drinking starbeetus and getting thicc.

Im starting to suspect japan skews its obesity stats on some level.

>that one skinny guy thinking 'how the fuck did I end up here' only staying because of the sheer weight of the hambeast holding him down

I remember seeing some video where this guy who looks like an average 40 year old (well, average 50 years ago when average wasn't fat as fuck) was about to get fired for being too big
shit man, if Japan has fallen, the wolrd is doomed

>this party sucks
>my legs hurt
>these people smell
>I want to go home and eat a small meal
>I'm tired

>people actually need the general opinion of jackoffs they meet on the street to maintain personal health

Caught in the gravitational pull

If the reason you want to look good is for other people just fucking give up. I don't want to spend my life being average, i want to fulfill my potential

I live in NJ and I see tons of overweight people probably around 7/10 either fat or skinny fat and not healthy


>tfw my oneitis from high school 10 years ago settled down with a pretty chubby dude with a mustache
>tfw hoping some day she gets divorced and i can raise his son
>mfw i still have the nudes she sent me from when they started dating

Climb on their flab to higher heights, brother.

guess what you dumb faggot, nothing has a point. We give things meaning. You either do it because you want to be healthy for you or you don't. Eat a fucking cheeseburger if it will make you stop being such a whiny fucking pussy

>waaaaaa other people are eating shit why can't I eat shit waaaaaa

what's the point to anything, OP?

there ain't.

nothing you enjoy doing, nothing you strive for, nothing that makes you proud of yourself means jack shit.

isn't it awesome?

Also, Double-Check'em

also OP by your retarded ass logic, it would only make sense to be fit because everyone else is doing it. You actually value being fit less because it's hard and fewer people do it than are fat. Where are you on the spectrum?

Forgot to add in that it appears the hambeast is trying to grab his cock

>Walk down the street, go into a store, play this game. The next 10 people you see count them off fat or not. I've done this countless times over the past few months and steadily come up with 6/10 fatasses.

That's about right for the US, around 70% of the US is obese or overweight at this point, there has to be some point where we get to diminishing returns on increasing fatty levels but it sure doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

If you want to settle for mediocrity then go ahead, no need to post your pathetic rant here to seek our validation.

>See image
>Count 9 fatties and 2 fit people in pool
>Deduce that 20 fit people could fit comfortably inside
>9 fatties take the entire volume of the pool up

Just what the fuck. That means they're like 2.3 people, each. Fats should have they civil rights revoked.

lmao where in SC?

Those people arn't "fat", they're small buildings, 18 years in Norway and I never seen anyone that big in real life.

Don't you enjoy being a god among beasts?

I don't pay enough attention to people around me to even notice shit like this.

I'm more worried about whatever task I'm trying to complete.

It's literally because of Western fast-food. It's becoming more and more common there. No more rice, fish, and veggies all the time.

pic of ops body please

Look around and realize you are better than them

In Australia it's the opposite. 6/10 will be jacked or super lean dudes and 6/10 women are out of your league attractive.

Why is that?

what part of japan? osaka naha and tokyo seem like business as usual china been fucking up tbqh

depends where you live, i live in shitty county in atlanta, about every other person is scary fatty, white trash, angry boons and baboonishas, fat mexicans in tight clothing

If you go more midtown hipsterville everyone is in good shape, well dressed even fatties

Cause Australia values physical fitness

because the fat ones cant fukken survive through our weather shithead

So in a way it's kind of genetics? Being skinny is partly genetic?

Do I trigger you

210 at 6'3"

You're what I call a mini-fat. Keep working and one day you'll be a small fat, or maybe even a large fat!

ha fooled you not even fat 13% bodyfat suck it twink all muscle

1: ewwww.
2: better sexy time
bonus: makes me incredibly horny post workout

What the fuck are you talking 1 in 4 children are overweight (25%) and 2 in 3 adults are overweight (63%)

the fuck why do you want to raise another man's seed....

>fat people in the south
>and you're surprised

>japanese girls... getting thicc.
my dick is ready

Move further into the city. I live in Georgia, in the actual city of Atlanta people look more normal and walk around more.

Fuck all that.
You shouldn't be disheartened, you should be pissed.
We're fighting a battle of body and mind against an enemy that wants to drag your ass down into the depths of mediocrity and complacency.
Those fat people you've been counting are its victims, most of them are beyond saving.
This is the time to grip the iron tighter, not abandon it.

Capitals are full of fit people unless you live in a third world country or a poor state.

You're not a skelly

I'm jealous of you user. Here in America it's a common occurance

Are you missing out on anything meaningful?
>You're missing the opportunity of hanging out with people that don't like you because your success males them feel inferior

These aren't people you want to be around anyway.

He's right

because id rather be the creame of the crop than the average dude, and fatties are helping me achieve this

damn dude well said. i think im in love with you

Self respect

Do you want to be average?

Do whatever the fuck you want, familia. You want to eat a handful of cheeseburgers? Go for it.
Why do you care about the daily lives of strangers? They don't affect your life.

If some fat as fat can be fatass wants to post mostly naked photos on the internet, that has no bearing on my life (or yours) at all. Just let it go.

>implying that's bad

Who even wants to be near fatasses. It's a good thing they avoid you, why are you even complaining.