OPEN DISCUSSION: Why do we die? Age. Why do we age? Time. Why do we deteriorate over time? Time is a seeming illusion; I mean all that really exists is now. and there must be something to this beyond millions of jumbled textbook theories.
OPEN DISCUSSION: Why do we die? Age. Why do we age? Time. Why do we deteriorate over time...
it only exists if you think it exists
shit man I dont know
mhm. and someone had to think it exists, first right? How would they do that with no previous experience.
Life and death are two faces of the same coin.
Cells replicate.
The genetics are split, the telomeres (endcaps, if your chromosomes are a shoelace, telomeres are the plastic bit at the end to keep everything from unfraying) shorten.
When telomeres are too short, cells can no longer replicate.
In skin cells, for example, we see this as loose, wirnkly, old skin.
It is your skin cells no longer replicating.
There are a couple of other factors as well, but this is the biggie.
You hippies are trying too hard to wax philosophical.
Smoke dmt until you realize you are speaking utter nonsense.
>but i already..
>I'm 14 and this is deep
think about it this way. when you think about the past, it exists as a concept in your mind, when looking towards the future, similarly a concept in your mind
each moment can be thought of as a series of photos transitioning from one point to another, in our case its a mental state to another mental state.
when we conceive of ourselves as as a person, we are imagining ourselves as a thing that exists and not a process that flows, eg we imagine ourselves as a river rather than the water returning to the ocean.
user I'm going to ask you one simple question
yeah sorry bro i dont rely on drugs for answers. maybe you can lay off the junk and explain your points without telling me to chase a drug i cant even find around here. very enlightened. im not trying that took me like three mins to type.
so, in theory (textbook theory, but sure), could you just find ways to re energize those cells? Overall blood health.
yes, but in a Buddhist sense life is not the complete opposite of death. complete rebirtb and what not. so even by your Buddhist principle that is not truth
To continue on this thread.
Once the cells cease to replicate, oxidants in the body literally cook the cells - if you look at tendons or tissue of elderly individuals it's browned like a cooked piece of meat. It is literally the same Maillard reaction that you use to build up that nice crust on a steak.
Even if you pump your body full of antioxidants, what gets you then is the fluctuations of the quantum foam due to neutrino flux.
Granted, it's been a while since I've studied this stuff, but IIRC a team at Harvard (or maybe Berkeley) showed that the half-life of any material is not a constant - it changes depending on closeness to any source of neutrino emitter. Namely the Sun.
That is the physical mechanism of time - this constant stirring and sloshing of the quantum foam due to the flow of neutrinos - and other particles as yet unseen and unknown.
holy shit i forgot the to add theq eustion lol
>what is special relativity
Sorry mate, time is as real as space.
yeah, its even simpler than that. our cells are no more part of us as an individual than when we cut our hair or clip our fingernails.
our selves as consciousness is simply one pattern of a few linked neurons firing, our next moment is another pattern of neurons, and repeat for every moment of your lifetime.
The answer to all of these questions are relative only to you because you are trapped within your mind.
not really. im mindful as fuck. but you can explain further instead of telling me what I am
neutrinos aren't really directly implicated in cell life and cell cycles, i may be wrong but neutrinos are way way at the micro level.
cells cycles are more determined by direct environment and its genetics, ie if you are exposed to smoke some cells die, some replicate and so-on.
Reenergize wouldn't be the most accurate way to say it, more like tack some extra lengths of DNA onto your DNA. But yeah it's not unimaginable.
Life is a chemical reaction.
Once you reach energy equilibria with your environment, you die.
Philosophy and spirituality are nice, but that doesn't mean your mind suddenly isn't subjected to physics.
but we must voluntarily cut those to make them go away, so "it's even simpler than that" was not really true
so in a sense, how can life and death be things when everything is nothing
"equilibria with the environment" balance with the environment? and physics are man made ideas with evidence just as philosophy and spirituality are. you chose to pursue one and saw systematic benefit.
wouldn't "recycling" be just as, if not more effective and easy than increasing stock?
you should read up on buddhism.
it more or less points to this idea, except the buddha didn't really conceive of it as a biological process.
more like, a conflict between physical existence and conscious experience.
You're right - we die too soon for the neutrinos we are exposed to to really do anything. Though if you're not protected by a magnetosphere you get churned up pretty quickly.
That's what time is in a material sense, an inorganic sense - without some perturbations a system remains static eternally, right? The neutrinos stir shit up at the micro level, like you said. These disturbances create infinitesimal perturbations in the electric field - when there's enough of them though shit just evaporates. Recall, everything is spinning so when there's just enough disturbance the wheel flies off its axel, so to speak. That energy imbalance is corrected by little chunks of building blocks shooting off into space.
The point is that even if you could live forever biologically at some point your shit is gonna melt.
yeah each momentary state is not like the other, they don't repeat. our non-neuron somatic cells don't affect how we experience the world or conceive of time.
its like when you throw a leaf into the river. its just flowing down it and won't move backwards. similar to our conscious experience.
I'm not telling you what you are. No one can tell you what you are. I'm simply offering my viewpoint to you that you may glance through it and take away from it whatever you find helpful.
May you find happiness in your life.
another assumption. already found it bro. it was just so incredibly vague idk why you would even put it in a discussion. sojmeone should type "toasters" and we can all metaphorically analyze that too
Recycling wouldn't work because bits of the DNA are broken away from when a cell divides - and necessarily remain behind and there is no way for those bits to reconnect.
>What is entropy?
Find your answers in a physics course. Philosophy only asks questions and has NEVER provided any answers.
sounds like the answer to that would be some kind of peace to where everything stops bouncing around.
physics, also. there are exceptions to every single rule. and answers can be found. its a grey life of complete knowledge. and absorption that can only be brought on by questions. i take science into consideration too. but i take the ideas from everything and play with them for an optimal life.
have they found a way to add human dna? i havent taken physics courses. but it seems to be connected to animals.
It's "real" because it is relative to the observer. It is not concrete and does not belong to a matrix external of human perception, though. It has no meaning in a so-called external world.
>Time is a seeming illusion
Wrong, time is a very well defined and understood measure relating to the rate of propagation of physical phenomena
>Cientific theories are just theories!
Fucking keking
4 Noble Truths. Eightfold Noble Path. 3 Marks. 9 Signs.
but physics is always explained terribly. take it from one of the top scientists in history
bull fucking shit. time is only now. everything else cannot even scientifically be made certain. i didn't see the word science in there but thanks. and scientific theories are theories because they're called fucking theories. lol wut
You can keep spouting word salad and think that you've came up with something deep but that does not change the facts of the universe. If you'd read a SR textbook you wouldn't have made the thread; but you did, which means that you wouldn't read a SR textbook anyway even if people told you to do it.
Yes. If you are buddhist may I ask you something. In the event of this world's annihilation, what would we reincarnate as
that was quite honestly the stupidest shit I've ever heard. you really think you can tell me what i would and wouldn't do. and btw he didnt make it xD they make text books about theories bro
>everything else cannot even scientifically be made certain
The fuck are you talking about, any non chaotic system is easily predictable if you can measure the current status of all the elements in the system.
The point on theories is that you don't seem to grasp the actual meaning.
your mind is black and white. you can scientifically tell me what will happen in five minutes? the point on theories is i know the definition of theory.
not him, but lad buddhism isn't a literal thing. people have taken it literally and made into a religion, but reincarnation can also been viewed as instinct cycles. much of buddhism actually, wasn't written as literal as some people take it because it all dealt with consciousness and conscious experience.
ie you have a cycle of hunger, so you in turn eat and the cycle repeats. or you have a cycle of wanting to go binge shopping, and therefore you purchase and the cycle repeats.
its a good explanation for addictions, either psychological or non-psychological. liberation from reincarnation can be conceived as a mental state whereby one severs the link between human cyclic activity and conscious experience, so one experiences each moment in fully sensory awareness rather than due to compulsions of instincts.
can something "relative" even be factual
>so in a sense, how can life and death be things when everything is nothing
Because it's not nothing yet. Imagine it like this, the whole universe is like water circling a drain. As far as we can tell, there's no end to the flow of water - we can take the eternal nature of the universe as an axiom. In fact, the drain probably just runs back to the faucet and the water is recycled - unless there's bleed over into parallel universes but then you're getting into the Many Worlds Formulation of quantum mechanics.
IIRC there's no place in the observable universe where there is 'nothing'. I'm sure you've heard the saying, 'nature abhors a vacuum' - like the water runs down the drain, physical matter rushes into the vacuum. To try and put it simply, when something becomes nothing, 'nothing' becomes something in its place.
Now, if you're saying there's nothing from a metaphysical standpoint then you're not looking at nature in a subtly enough.
Dwell on this for a moment.
Though our systems of measurement have a certain precision to them the physical universe doesn't have those restrictions.
Now - looking at the problem from a materialist perspective as many anons have above, thoughts and feelings and emotions are simply electric crackling inside your skull. Though this seems mundane, what you have to remember is that every single firing of neurons is unique - it creates a unique frequency and generates a unique electro-magnetic field. While we can't see the fields, the fields feel each other.
Every thought you have perturbs the magnetic field around you - infinitesimally so. That perturbation echoes out such that it affects the entire magnetosphere of the Earth - infinitesimally so. The magnetosphere of the Earth interacts with magnetosphere of the Sun.
From there, it's just infinity and beyond.
still doesn't answer my question. maybe a cyclical world elsewhere? i know it's not literal but some things are right there.
Physics provides answers. If you want to expand your knowledge base add biology, and chemistry. If you're looking for context take history, for a combination try geology or anthropology depending on the angle you want to tackle. If you are looking for practical applications take engineering. If the true answer doesn't matter to you as long as other people believe you take Law.
If you are only interested in asking vague questions with a poorly structured premise and don't want to put any real effort into searching for answers then take philosophy.
lad, if you measure a river you aren't physically measuring the distance of a river as it exists in nature. you are creating a mental conception or idea of a river.
seperating human conscious experience or human perception with the actual physical nature of the universe is impossible, but they don't always exist on the same level.
liberation from reincarnation still does not entail complete yin; nothingness
i take whatever i want. and you are told physics provide answers i know this because no one even mentioned taking courses and you're on here spouting about it
yeah, reincarnation isn't real. its used as a metaphor to explain other things.
the buddha made it clearly explicit that he wasn't trying to explain gods or deities or afterlife or things not of this world. it was clearl that he was talking of things that exist as we know it in our world, so it would be impossible for him to answer what happens after death.
honestly i'm ignorant about what yin is or how it fits. never really read anything about it desu.
Sorry friend I can't understand you. I only speak English, French, and German. I don't know what you're speaking but it's none of these.
English is another good course to take. It's the language of business and opportunity after all.
it was tibetan dumoss
course? thanks man glad you think im in college. but i took expository writing. got a B. but she was a bitch to all of us. im not going to waste precious time capatalizing and shit. so many posts and i dont live systematically like you do. lots going on.
I could if I had the data, on a macroscopic level.
>Your mind is black and white
My mind is various tones of gray, but you seem to lack a basic understanding of the actual world that surrounds you and preach as if you did.
Wrong, human consciousness is a direct result of physics. To think of yourself as anything more complex than an incredibly complex molecular machine is just self delusion, attempting to justify whatever pshycological issues you have with a greater sense of being.