Has anyone tried Rich Piana's pre made meals? How is the taste? Its 126 bucks for 21 meals.
Has anyone tried Rich Piana's pre made meals? How is the taste? Its 126 bucks for 21 meals
Stop it Rich.
this is a shill thread isn't it
Yea I tried it
His beef chili is not actually chili breh
It smells
Is it good though?
That's pretty damn fucking expensive.
Yes, this is the same image used the last time.
Its the only image of someone actually having it, the rest are stock images moron
>ingredients: lean ground beef
>17.8g fat
bitch what
its better to make your own meals, and for a fraction of the cost
I dont like cooking and can afford it so....
Making the same thread every day is spam.
Made the last thread 6 days ago seeking if anyone tried it, nice try though faggot
Calm down Rich
hows the bowlerknees mang?
makes 0 sense?
Are you a dr? do you know shit? Do you have a fucking degree?
>being fucking retarded
i know what "lean" means and i know that neither tomato paste nor any of those spices contain any fat, idiot.
bro not in the am im shredding down bro chuck beef 6x a day lean meals kpeaceoutbye
literally what the fuck did you even just say
what moron?
Said what will you if I hate your gave with that you stupid mugshots?