>there are cucks who didn't follow a program when they started lifting
Enjoy your oddly shaped body?
Enjoy your lack of strength?
Kek can't say you didn't deserve it
>there are cucks who didn't follow a program when they started lifting
Enjoy your oddly shaped body?
Enjoy your lack of strength?
Kek can't say you didn't deserve it
>that was me
I jusrt went to the gym twice a week
I just squatted every day plus deadlifts once a week with; on days I didnt deadlift I did just two upper body exercieses and on deadlift day just one, now I have huge legs
I see nothing wrong with it desu. As long as people get in squats, benching, and deadlifts within the week then they are solid.
People managed to get in great shape before programs were a thing m8. Just don't be retarded and you're solid.
Fuck you man, i wish i has a time machine, and the ability to talk to my former self.
The problem with this is that most people who did get big back in the day did follow basic programming, plus they had mentors. The majority of nbs who do their own shit fuck them selves up because of the following.
1. a fundamental volume/core base
2. mobility
3. a coach/mentor
4. age
Plus i dont care who you are, if you dont got the following above you are looking to fuck your shit up.
>Muh programs
Your average prisoner on their shit diets and lack of actual equipment are twice as big as your average gymfag.
fuck me, when i first tried to start working out i went to the gym trying to do a "batman routine" that was supposed to be what christian bale did
>that guy
2. role of testosterone in violent tendencies
3.ass hole smuggled creatine
100% agree OP
DYEL detected
Landwhale detected
>2. role of testosterone in violent tendencies
>Everyone is in prison for a violent crime
>3.ass hole smuggled creatine
Or, they just work at a lot.
You sure showed me, i'm absolutely BTFO (blown the f*ck out) right now.
How did that go?
Can you give me any indication that you're not the 98% of Veeky Forums that is dyel?
>a tripfag tries to talk shit
So you're saying you're DYEL?
looks like I win another Internet argument
>I read ss so im special
Boardshorts, i am not usually a fan, but is post made me love you
Not even true, I work as a CO and although there are a few jacked dudes most are dyel as fuck, there's a tonne of dudes that are skinny fat with massive man titties
Pic of body with legs desu
reddit or samefag user?
>literally op
yo thats ATG famalia
right then
Jokes on you, I'm a huge autist who wants to do everything right so I had already planned what routine I'd do when and for how long before I ever set foot in the gym
did they fuck?
>not squatting with a plug
Satan demands answers. And sauce
Yeah we're gonna need some sauce on this
Efukt Flipper Boy
Don't ask me how I know