Fuck fat people,and i'm 100% sure that no one saying this means it sexually,fat people are the stupidest humans that ever lived,everyone should hate fat people.
/fph/ Fat people hate
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I'm scared that I'll get a desk job in my future :(
take advice from
This is why we need a STATE-MANDATED FAT TAX and a STATE-MANDATED FITNESS PROGRAM for FAT INDIVIDUALS where no compliance equates to PRISON TIME
I'd bang that fatty
Call the cops nigga i dont give a fuck
Never gonna happen in murika, land of muh freedoms
Hope you are talking about banging her with a gun.
Well, she's not wrong
it doesn't guarantee weightloss, you can count all the calories you want and it won't help if you can't stop eating them
There should be at least a fat surcharge where you have to wear your BF % on a sticky note on your forehead so when you go through the checkout and you're above 25% you pay the surcharge on your sugary and processed goods, and a discount on your fruits and vegetables
>Call the cops nigga i dont give a fuck
i don't need to do anything to you
I do indeed user
I read a story as a kid about a troll who had to use stick held in its lower lip to hold the girth of its massive head above its eyes
>You'll never live in a fascist utopia where fats are rounded into labor camps
thats actually pretty hot.
would shagggggg the fattness outta her
I would seed her and make her my own.
I would though.
eh, tits are a bit small for that kind of body.
Sticky note would fall off, an armband would be better. That could even be made to automatically test and update in real time.
But only to be unhealthy.
You wanna protect your kids, speak your mind, or generally act like an american? Fuck off.
Wanna suck down thousands of calories of fat and grease, be an overall drain on society, and just shit up the air with your literal shit?
Please, be our guest.
Imagine how hot she would be if she wasn't fat.
>and a discount on your fruits and vegetables
I can see the bulking already
one cookies=delicious
twenty cookies=fat
So on the latest episode of big fat fabulous life we got some of Whitneys vitals
>resting heart rate 120 bpm
>blood pressure 160
>trainer revealed she smokes too
So how long before we get my big fat fabulous death?
If I ever get elected into office, I'm immediately going full dictator and putting all the fat people in camps à la Third Reich, but with less killing and more hard labor until they lose the weight. We could solve our clean energy crisis today if we just set up the infrastructure for millions of giant hampster wheels and load them all up with fat people. Totally srs btw
Not fat, chubby.
Would (just like all of you) smash
Her resting heart rate is the same as EDM songs? That can't be good
Let's make it happen
>doesnt know at all how the world works
they would tire out and die from heart attacks in the wheels.
2bh the fedora shoop is funnier than the original
So being fat is good for cardio, basically?
Thats why I kept that version :)
>screw it! love yourself!
you best, cause nobody else is gonna love you, fatty.
jesus 120 bpm? how can she function normally?
>my resting heart rate is 53bpm
this bitch deserves death
this pic will trigger so many fattys and /r9k/ manchildren.
>i told you all he eats is pizza!
Nah they crank it up to 127 bpm brah
False the paramedics will tell the story to each other and laugh
Why are we not actually encouraging fat acceptance with all our hearts?
The more disgusting lards are around the more and easily we stand out.
Because shit like londons transit signs starts happening.
I don't want all advertising to be some hindenburg trying to sell me tarps posing as t-shirts.
Because my tax money goes towards public healthcare.
> when I see this
>the more and easily we stand out.
>stand out
Le special snowflake
The joints part gets me every time
>i can't stand
stopped right there
It must be horrible to look like this. I would have a shitty personality, too. She has completely struck out genetically and is fat, too. Nobody will love her in her life.
How about stop acting like a child, stop thinking that every meal has to be candy, and put down the fucking cookie?
I also appreciate the assumption by the artist that fat people are too stupid to do basic arithmetic with ease. And yet fatties complain if fit people point out the correlation between obesity and stupidity. The ride never ends...
>in case there's candy at work
Fat people aren't even adults, are they?
Every tinder slut i've fucked this year has been a giant dumb bitch, i like to rail skinny chicks and im pretty sure one of them was actually infertile she was like 13% bf eyeball look. Dumped it in her and she didn't get mad because i think she knew i knew.
Maybe they get even more dumb when fat, sometimes when i talk to really fat people it's actually like talking to an old person almost. They don't always understand right away and kinda look confused a lot.
That's kind of like wanting unemployment to increase ever more just because you have a job and that will make you better than others.
It stops mattering once civilization crumbles and being better stops working.
Fuck this high test meme bullshit.
Is this the same girl in top and bottom? Her face doesn't even look the same.
Started lifting a year ago but still about 15% bf. Want to gain muscle but lose lots of weight.
What do
I was raging until I got to the end of that sentence.
No its not.
It's a buzz feed video about one size fits all clothes
No, it is not.
She's just showing that being cute and fat at the same time is impossible.
Its not the same girl. It's showing how the same clothes look on a qt vs a fatty
>Stomach wider than her tits are
Damn what a turn off
I recognise the bottom one, I think she's a Buzzfeed writer. My guess is that the original photo was meant to show how companies don't make clothes for fat people or something.
Anybody got the source to the gif itself? I've always wondered if there was any kind of context.
Look at that fattie.
Recently was thinking about this. Yet in my shitty, corrupt eastern European country every fat fuck would find a way to evade the fat tax.
What a statist shitlord
why do older people always use excessive punctuation marks?
of course tinder is a haven for bad personality / ugly girls. if they were good catches, they wouldn't need to be using a dating app.
I'm a skinny little twig that hates fat ppl but this girl isn't even fat she's just chubby. She's def not like the tumblr feminists that have big guts hanging over their cunts.
I hate how fat people have developed this like new way to wear clothes that disguises how fat they are I mean I'm sure it existed before, but now there's more fat people in general so they have obviously evolved their techniques of hiding fatness AND NO I DON'T MEAN THE CORSET. I mean like wearing those pants over your fat rolls and other (not seen 20 yrs ago) styles of dresses and shirts they wear nowadays that is all cleverly designed to hide the fat parts of them ALL WHILE they promote fat love and body positivity etc. Why are you wearing clothes that are designed to camouflage what you really look like they? Hide the real shape of your body?
Just realized I typed "ham planet raging at Milo" to find it, third result.
seriously though if the government steps in and slaps a fat tax on fast food and soda and keeps increasing it year after year like cigarettes, people are going to start dropping weight pretty quick. one of the reasons why fats are so fat is because shit tier fast food is so easily obtained and is cheap. make it too expensive for these fatties and theyll have no choice but to drop a couple hundred pounds
better yet, make it mandatory that all fast food clerks have to say ARE YOU SURE? after everything that the fat people order. then give them bonuses for all the original jokes they can come up with
That arm wobble is mesmerizing
Because people dont smoke either. Or drink for that matter.
I feel bad for them..more so the fat guys. Yeah lack of willpower, excuses, etc etc..but no matter how much of this body positivity hysteria they try to cram down our throats they just cannot be satisfied with themselves at night, alone, in bed :(
esp the girls, you know they're looking at tumblr or instagram at night after they've hung out with their fat friends and exhausted after a long day of forced enthusiasm and confidence, comparing their bodies to thinner counterparts, not even unrealistic standards of beauty or anything, just yearning for that feeling of fitting in easily into a pair of shorts, running up and down the stairs without losing breath, and being able to have the self-control to look at a tray of cookies on a table with indifference.
Not necessarily.
My breakfast today is a banana and a bagel type thing with lettuce cheese and salsa in it, plus a bottle of water, my lunch will probably be some chicken breasts and garlic bread, then rice and chicken with peppers for dinner, honestly all comes to about £8.
McDonald's Big Mac large meal, with large Coke, and an additional side like onion rings or something is about the same, and that's just one meal, and almost twice the calories.
of course not. they even look like overgrown babies.