>wearing your shirt inside out so girls point it out and you have an excuse to take it off in front of them
does anyone on here do this? got a date on sundy and thinkin i might give it a whirl.
>wearing your shirt inside out so girls point it out and you have an excuse to take it off in front of them
does anyone on here do this? got a date on sundy and thinkin i might give it a whirl.
Your excuse to take your shirt off is when you fuck her you dipshit. If your game is so weak that you need to be shirtless to pick up a girl you've got other things to worry about.
Also, every girl will see through your "clever game."
Ur a dip
Btw this is me, as you can see it shouldn't matter if the girls sees thru my plan because I look pretty good
Actually post ur body and well see if you look good enough to just pull off your shirt in public
That's pretty clever. Thanks user I'll use this as ammunition.
That guy literally has perfect genetics
Checked satan btw that pic so old
Yeah pretty crazy how long would it take to get there?
No shit sherlock
They will think that you are a retard who can't dress himself.
Meant to quote this guy
>Surely my muscles will make up for acting like a retard
what if she doesn't point it out and thinks you are retarded?
jeez dude summer is here just invite her for some beach stuff
this whole plan is retarded
checked and kekked
Deez dubz
You are fucking retarded. This is so dumb in so many ways I am literally now in a bad mood. You ruined my morning with this.
dude definitely do this
also put your pants on inside out so she notices and you can show off your quads
also put your undies on inside out so she notices and you can get naked and she'll suck your dick
also put the condom on inside out so she'll notice and you can hit it raw
Jesus fucking autism
You've definitely got amazing potential.
No, I just take off my shirt whenever I feel like it 2bh
Go be fat somewhere else.
It's a good start depending on the date. If you do it in a restaurant you're a fucking autist.
This x100
this desu senpai
more likely scenario
Depends, are you rather seen as an (I assume) athletic retard momy's boy who can't dress himself or a possible athletic sane person?
Attainable naturally?
>it's a good start to a date..
>not just smiling and initiating normal conversation
Not fat in the least son, just pointing out how silly this is
>making yourself look retarded on a date
great idea, OP
+1, top kek
Once i was at the gym and a really QT girl and i kept making eye contact.
I was getting really sweaty that day. At one point it was dripping down my face quite a bit when we looked at each other. She says "you need to pull up your shirt and go like this" (making a wiping motion on her face).
I sperg'd out and the only thing i could think of was the truth, i said "heh, i dont want to ruin my shirt" (which was true because the acne medication i put on my face will stain any fabric it touches).
I realized later she probably was telling me to pull my shirt up, and that i could hace parlayed it into some cheeky flirtatious comment like "you just want to see my abs" or something like that.
I was never this autistic until i came here. Fuck you guys.
Sounds like you were disgusting and sweaty and she could not stand to look at you
>that pic
god I'm jealous of his skin, it looks airbrushed
what exactly is the context of op's pic related? At first glance it looks like a fit guy out in his underwear being mired hard by a crowd of men. as much as id like to believe this is true and happens in real life theres got to be some sort of back story to this.
this tbdesu.
based user
>current year
>not doing a screening date
OP this is actually clever.
Beach wrestling maybe
Probably Turkish oil wrestling, the manliest and least homo of all wrestlings.