>tfw rest day on your day off
Tfw rest day on your day off
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw everyday is exactly the same
>tfw been injured for three weeks and haven't lifted at all
Count your blessings, OP
Did you injure your whole body? Are you in a full body cast? If no, go fucking lift pussy
Go run fatty
>not using rest days to make cardio gains
>not using rest days to make mental gains
>not using rest days to make social gains
>not using rest days to make spirual gains
When it's rest day and your alone with your though and you realise how sad you are...
>summer starting
>double down on workout schedule
>plan 2 week solo cycling trip to france
>finally getting over ex
>finally some direction in my life, feeling bretty gud
fast forward 2 weeks
>definitely not over my ex, couldnt even maintain erection to fuck titcow 7/10
>break right wrist into pieces cycling home one night due to retard overtaking me
>surgeon puts in titanium plate, post-op pain medication doesnt work, end up back at hospital with 9/10 on painscale bawling like a little kid
>cant workout till the incision heals
>all my internships have ended, have to wait till sepember for masters/job hires, have literally fuck all to do
>losing gains
>ex calls about some bullshit bill from when we lived together, despite me telling her not to call me anymore
>get sad, fap twice while fantasizing about raping her, breaking a week of nofap while im trying to get horny enough to fugg an italian tinder chick im supposed to meet
>all my friends are going to a festival tomorrow and do x while im stuck with this bum arm
brb, taking some oxycodon, getting some fastfood and fuck this gay earth
Read a fucking book.
To become Veeky Forums of body is a good thing.
To become Veeky Forums at socialization is also a good thing.
But neither means shit if you don't become Veeky Forums of mind.
Go into literally any bookstore, pick the first book you see with a blurb on the back that makes you say "Oh this looks interesting." I don't care if it's fiction or not, just fucking do it.
Get a book and go do some fucking brain squats.
>Veeky Forumscucks actually think reading fiction makes them smarter
Actually, I read mostly shit about history and archaeology some sci-fi as self-indulgence.
Veeky Forums has shit tier taste in books.
>tfw rest day on your day off but you still gotta study for that damn DAT and go back to work for the next 4 days after today
Are audio books stupid?
Although it helps with grammar and basically how to use the English language properly, yeah, reading fiction doesn't give you any more knowledge than that.
As long as your ass is paying attention, it's perfectly fine.
Just downloaded this nasty fucker, actually.
Are you retarded?
I don't doubt you m80. I'm just saying that grabbing any book that might interest you and cracking it open is a good start.
George orwell or Philip k dick anyone??
A brief explanation
>be me
>25 yrs old
>fatfag, but I enjoy lifting, and was making good progress
> married
> wife has babby
> take time off to be with wife and daughter
> sleep schedule goes to shit
> can't leave apartment to go to gym because wife and baby
> baby lowers testosterone levels by mere presence
> eating like shit because convenience
> nosexbecausebabytoreupvagina.bmp
> losing progress
However, I've found a solution.
> feeling sad
> channel negative emotion into palms of hands
> start doing pushups
> transfer negativity into floor
> feel better
This apartment is gonna be haunted as shit by the time I move out, but I'm feeling alright at least
not him but depending on the injury could be a terrible idea.
i broke my occipital condyle (piece of spine that connects your spine to your skull) and had to wear a neck brace for 3 months. if i accidentally moved my neck, i could have been paralyzed.
i was still able to do bodyweight squats and VERY CAREFUL light weight bicep curls, but the brace didn't stabilize my neck 100% so i could have been fucked if i actually went to the gym and tried to really work out.
> > transfer negativity into floor
>This apartment is gonna be haunted as shit by the time I move out
Powerful imagery user
Sounds like my life, wtf
Btw how do u take ur oxy?
And do u like x?
got 5mg and 10mg pills. x is ok, though i prefer slightly more trippy stuff. only do harddrugs like ~3 times a year
brotip: if you ever have to get surgery on you arm and you opt for a local anaesthetic instead of general, make sure you get your surgery asap after it starts working. i had to wait 3 hours after i got the anaesthetic due to a logistical problem. 1 hour after the surgery the anasthetic was already wearing off. a few hours later it felt like the nerves in my arm were on fire. took several hours of heavy painkillers in the hospital to get it back to a manageable level