Oh hi wagecuck! didn't see you there! Getting ready to work? Another day another day hehe.
Did you get enough sleep for your gains? You look a bit tired? Mr. Goldberg kept you up in the office until late and you missed precious sleeping gains again, didn't you?
Me? I got my 8 hours of sleep, ate a full breakfast and now will hit the gym. Afterwards I might read a book or play my piano for brain gains.
You just get ready for work, soon your two days of freedom will begin and you can use it for whatever you want LOL!
sorry didn't hear you, I was banging my secretary.
Hey whatever fantasy makes your day seem less boring wagecuck, how's it hangin? Still at work? Are you hiding in the bathroom to quickly check Veeky Forums or are you on your "lunch?" That sounds fun either way. I'm about to go snort some cocaine and fuck my trap girlfriend. After that we'lre going to see The Force Awakens for the 4th time and plan on sneaking in some twizzlers. We might even stop by Walmart later to see you! She needs to pick up an enema and I need some zinc for semen gains. Ta ta for now, tee tee.
>tfw have a whole 5 weeks living the NEET life before my job starts
Feels good man.
>"omg mom i need it to pay the memebership, what do you mean "get a job" you slut?"
enjoy it NEETbro. This is the only acceptable form of life human were meant to live
Morning unemployed user. Been here a few hours, yes I slept well.
Have fun with your piano.
im actually on Veeky Forums the entire time at work because it involves 2 hours of computer drawing, 6 hours of kicking back in a chair.
Had to double check this wasn't r9k.
desu being a neet is a pretty sweet life style, ESPECIALLY when you have a family of some means and get autism bucks for shit
if can be content with:
1.) no accomplishments
2.) no gf
3.) your parents have the means to take care of you and leave you enough money to never worry
you're set
Should've studied hard in school to be honest.
>tfw uni cuck
I am neet for the summer tho
Feels fucking great man
Making all kinds of gains
>You asked us to transfer $2,000.00 USD from PayPal to your bank account, and we're processing it now. It usually takes 3-4 business days for transfers like this to go through, so you should see the money in your bank account by Jun 23, 2016.
Being a NEET sucks. Every day is the same, months and years blend together in a haze and you can't remember parts of your life because you never did anything worth remembering.
Enjoy not working towards something.
Lotta misconceptions about neets here, let me clear the air...
>implying i want to be a real life wagecuck meme
Nah. Pretty peaceful at work, then gym it hard, ride my sports car to meet qt3.14s, and make gains overall in life already.
Now THATS the american dream.
>Thinking $2k is a lot of money..
Silly little goose
most of the people I ask are working towards retirement
we all want to be NEETs deep down
What's up user
yep getting ready to work
you doing well? good
see you at tomorrow's game (I'm assuming you can afford a ticket, am I right?). unless I change my plans and go to a restaurant with my wife or something
anyway, if you want you can hit me up any time if you want some tips on how to become an adult, earn respect of real people, make something out of yourself and achieve something in your life so you don't spend the last 40-50 years of it regretting everything
>tfw Veeky Forums is the new /r9k/ now
I was waiting for somebody to post this.
The height of this fantasy is a reflection of the size of the body of pain hidden in a NEET.
Seriously, working sucks but at least I can plausibly believe that I'm making my own future on my own terms.
NEETs on the other hand....
>this is what NEETs actually believe in
This desu
Everyone who knows you starts to hate you, and no woman will ever want you.
>implying this isn't the exact case for wagecucks
At least NEETs can alter their daily routines, you wagecucks just have to deal with your monotone pathetic life earning money for mr. goldenstein.
Sad wagey trying to rationalize his miserable existence
being NEET is shit unless you got some mad cash in the bank to live off, I was duped into leaving my job recently and this is my first week of NEET I hope to god it doesnt last 2 years like the last time, getting out meeting people and working I was happy as fug
It's okay. When enough people follow that path to the point that society as a whole collapses because it can no longer function, you will be the first one we eat.
The few times I was unemployed my life felt pointless and without drive.
I need something to work towards
Most men need to work to be normal
I'm pretty sure the guy who lives next door to me is a neet Veeky Forumsizen in cocoon mode.
You here gainsbrah drive?
>being this delusional
i know this is bait and all, but its funny how real life NEETs try to even explain why its "better" to be a jobless, dependent, unmotivated neckbeard.
>women will laugh at you
>your parents are dissapointed in you
>your friends? what friends?
>b-but muh brain gains!
Stay pleb, don't worry though, the goverment will pay your NEETbux along with the medically incapacitated landwhales and mentally ill since yall belong in the class of 'never going to make it'.
>Someone post the NEET pasta where it burps in the beggining and cucks the guys gf.
>be a do nothing rate on Muricas navy
>walk thirty feet from my bed to work at 7
>play zombies waiting for my radars to break
>nothing breaks before 15, so I'm off work
>have to get up early for a 4 hour watch
>skip out on bullshit trainings bc watch, come into work late
And then I wait to go to beautiful foreign countries. Or for things to break
Last 5 years just faded away
Id love to be a semi NEET, just working a cozy job from home
And when they retired after completely defined their lives by working, they get bored of not working, get tired of their "hobbies", they seek another job.
>tfw got into trades and working is actually fun
Feels good mane
This was meant for
I don't know about you but I have big plans to retire early, and I don't define my life by work
Maybe get some hobbies that you enjoy man
I'm going for that retirement @ 30 thing and plan to try to make a creative career out of writing, if it doesn't work out w/e I'll still have enough to live comfortably.
I was kind of content with being a NEET until recently, was strolling through life, trying to "find myself" or whatever but now I'm at a point where I want to ask this girl out and I dread the "so, what do you do" and "where do you live" questions. Theoretically this desire should be a motivator to get my life back on track but realistically it won't happen: asking this girl out is something that I want to do now and won't want a week from now.
I do not regret becoming a NEET at a point when I did, otherwise chances are I would have been dead but it's getting pretty stale and I don't even enjoy the benefits of this life, I'm constantly looking for something, whatever the fuck it is.
Anyway I want it all and I want it now, all being asking the girl out for the first fucking time in my life and doing something that gives me some sort of personal freedom and is nourishing to the soul.
Anyway nice blog thread OP I'm enjoying this.
r9k wouldn't get baited so you had to come to fit for your (you)s?
well, i have to hand it to you, this thread did make a lot of wagecucks mad
>I want to ask this girl out and I dread the "so, what do you do" and "where do you live" questions.
Or meeting people from your high school and having nothing to say when the "so what have you been doing" question comes.
I'm more on the path of 45. Doesn't require as extreme of a savings rate and I can pretty much have the life I want. By that time I'll have peaked in my career and will likely want to retire or change to a different field.
It's still 2 hours until lunch and I didn't have time for breakfast.
Yeah, I had this a few weeks ago and it sucked, but with a girl it's different. The classmates come and go and you can bullshit them into thinking that you are doing good if you choose to do so, but with a girl you want to date it's different: you choose to bring someone in the life you know you are not living the "right" way. I know my reasons and I'm okay-ish with how things are but how can I expect someone to be okay with something this unconventional(and pathetic yeah, there is that too). It's like being into scat and easing out a person into trying it out.
Sorry, you must've lost your way to /r9k/.
The sad thing is that if you are rich enough to be able to live a life like the left one you are 99% to not do any of the listed things and instead spend millions on cars, drugs, whores and post all of that on instagram
The daily weekday "another day, another dollar" thread on /r9k/ is still going.
You're pathetic m8
Me too. Waiting on the July start date. I'm bored as fuck, though. Just studying for the CPA exam all day.
I love that image because it implies that 99% of NEETs don't spend their day shitposting on Veeky Forums and masturbating.