Is raw dogging worth the risk of pregnancy? if I did raw dog my GF, I would still pull out when I'm about to nut.
Is raw dogging worth the risk of pregnancy? if I did raw dog my GF, I would still pull out when I'm about to nut
Get her on the pill or something fuck sake man. My gf is on the pill and I nut inside her all the time!
Never used condoms, always been able to contol myself and pretty much cum on command.
I say do it but be extremely careful and listen to your feelings.
Good luck bro
no, two people I know got pregnant within two years doing this
Just don't do it when she's ovulating. It's usually 1 week before her period. Other than that you should be good.
Only when she's bleeding or if she's on the pill, too many people I know have kids because of this.
Don't raw dog random girls. You can raw dog your girlfriend, or girls you know and have seen take birth control, but do NOT raw dog random bar sluts. You have no guarantee they take BC and are more likely to contract an STD.
coitus interruptus pearl index: 4 to 30, which means 4 to 27 women per 100 who do it get pregnant.
Condoms:0.6 to 12
Don't be a fool.
Dont. I'm on the pill and my bf and I go raw but we still pull out.
I'm not about to risk that shit. The pill still doesn't work sometimes even when taken perfectly.
Also make sure you can trust your GF to take the pill at the right time each day and never miss it.
Good goym don't breed with your girl friend.
I feel like that result may be skewed though. They get pregnant because they get hornier when they ovulate and that is when they are more likely to get pregnant. If you have sex with a woman a on a random day of your own choosing, I feel the odds would be far lower.
So basically you can wait to have the girl want to have sex with you, and use a condom the first time. If she gets her period the next week, you know you can raw dog for 3 weeks after the period is over.
Sauce on pic?
>tfw girlfriend wants to bring another girl into the room
>I raw dog my gf, and literally cannot go back to using condoms
What do I do?
condoms are to protect you
never, EVER trust a girl that says she is on the pill, unless you see her taking it
Sperm can live up to 6 days inside a woman.
I've been rawdoggin my gf on pill for 4 years now at least thrice a week.
you won't get preggo
Nah, if you piss between ejaculations to clean the residual semen out, pulling out is considered only very slightly less effective than condoms. The reason it "fails" is the same reason diets "fail", people just don't do what they should. I can almost promise the people who get knocked up actually shot inside at least once, but figured once wouldn't hurt. That's a pretty expensive gamble, seeing as how it costs your life.
You finish inside every time too?
This shit
Jesus christ thanks god im no woman
not him but i shot my hot cum deep in my gf's pussy multiple times per week while she's been on BC for over a year
dont do this, it fucks with their head too much.
Raw dog crew reporting in. I usually smash a different sloot every couple of weeks. No babies and the worst STI I've had is chlamydia. Condoms are overrated as fuck.
Yeah, so you only raw dog for 3 weeks because the 4th week she'll start ovulating again.
If you make your girlfriend do this, you're fucked up. She has a literal metal rod cutting up her uterus and possibly causing an infection just so you can cum inside? That's fucked.
there times when like some cum dribbles out jsut before your big finish, ive experienced this before
in any case theres no 100% way to prevent it except dont have sex or possibly a vasectomy
IUDs aren't that bad, stop crying faggit
>cutting up her uterus
>how do IUDs work?
Mine can live 9.
>tfw had infertile sex partner that i cum in twice a week for 6 months.
Best sex Ive had.
Iuds cause infections
You will eventually fail. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it WILL happen.
I have a big donge and my girl is 5'0 qt 3.14. Am I gonna get sounded by the metal rod every time we bone?
Unless you penetrate the cervix and enter the uterus, no
I've fucked my current girlfriend raw for years and only got her pregnant once. She let me come inside her for my birthday because she calculated her ovulation period and thought it was safe.
Apparently my sperm lived in there for quite a while and colonized an egg. Killed that fucking baby though so we're good.
Still use the ole' tried and true pull out method to this day.
No it isnt. It will feel good for about 10 mins of fucking then you will worry about any STD you may have picked up or if you knocked the girl up for the next month.
I decent sex session is not worth ruining your life.
If you are with your partner either use condoms or talk about BC, either the pill or the arm implant. From personal experience the arm implant is better because you dont have to worry about taking the pill every day at the same time.
In all seriousness user we have all been there. That moment when we are rubbing our bare cock against a soaking wet hot pussy and thought "What are odds?". Too. fucking. high.
people like you should be put down like a sick dog
You should have let her stay pregnant long enough to let her boobs swell and possibly lactate at 5 months. Then you should have gotten rid of the baby. That's what I'm doing with my gf right now to make her hips wider and give her bigger boobs.
salsa on picante
False. I'm 8x6, my wife used to have this. I could feel the threads enter my urethra sometimes and it fucking hurts. We went over to no BC and pulling out. Now problems for 5 years so far
>no problems
Why? We caught the pregancy after like 3 weeks when she didnt get her period. The thing was literally just a pile of disorganized cells at that point
Creationist please go
Nope. Get contraceptive foam at the very least.
I have been raw dogging sluts for years. I might be shooting blanks but I have never even had a legitimate pregnancy scare. Pull out responsibly and unless you are dating a 13 year old african girl you will probably be okay.
I have been nutting in my gf for weeks now explain how I have fucked up oh Christ
The alternative is a pill that might render you infertile if you take it for too long. It really depends on the girl.
i meant the pill, not the creampie.
I ate the creampie I put in her.
My bf and I raw dog about 70% of the time, and I'm not on the pill or anything and there haven't been any accidents over 2 years. As long as you know shes clean and you know your body well enough to pull out on time you should be good.
Doe anyone here have any experience in training their girlfriend to eat their semen?
ive done that a few times for a girl that found it incredibly hot. i even snowballed to her
That depends. I'm a big guy as well, and my gf got one of these fuckers. I could feel them in the beginning, and yeah, it hurt a lot. Since you're not supposed to feel them, she went to cut them a bit shorter, but they couldn't do that because the nurse had cut them too short the first time. So my gf got a new one inserted with longer threads, and now I don't feel them at all.
No thots allowed
How does it feel to be cummed inside of?
this is a story my dad told me.
he married his first wife, they loved each other.
she stopped taking the pill and she absolutely couldnt stand the smell of him and she couldnt go anywhere near him. on the pill she was fine.
it can mess with whatever genetic attractions that occur between people by fucking with the womens cycle.
I raw dogged this one girl for 8 months
then I raw dogged another girl for a year
I still win the pull out game to this day
So basically you're supposed to meet a girl who likes you before she's on the pill. Then you switch her from pill to pill until you find something which keeps her relatively the same mentally. Then you raw dog forever.
I don't know, we've never had a slip up.
>pulling out
You didn't win anything. The real winners cum inside every time and never get the girl pregnant because she's on birth control.
>Then you switch her from pill to pill
any pill will change her behaviour.
birth control fucks up a womans hormones.
imagine if you took birth control that fucked up your testosterone.. would you fuck up your test levels..?
get her to install an IUD in her pussy. If she doesn't then dump her and find someone who already has one. I can't pull out bruh.
You say that but I'm still cumming inside and you're not. You lost.
I have been creampieing his gf for just as long. Can confirm.
>people using the Pill and Pull out
>No IUD's
IUDs are the shit. They also have one that implants in the arm.
I don't know why more girls don't use them. Birth control you don't need to ever worry about. Can be removed at any time without affecting later pregnancy. Prevents periods.
m8 female birth control (the pill) is a hormonal drug. It fucks with their hormones.
Each one is different, and each girl is different. They've all got different effects.
One ex of mine used to cum buckets when we fucked, but she started on the pill and couldn't climax. But her sex drive went WAY up.
Another girl started on the pill lost all interest in sex and became depressed and clingy. It's reasons like this that I welcome non-hormonal male birth control being more commonplace. Can nut with 100% safety, and I won't go nutzo.
raw dog, nut inside her, get dad gains
>letting her get to 5 months only for her to abort it just so her body looks different
Boy I hope you're ready to raise a baby, I guarantee at 5 months she'll start to feel a lot different about the abortion.
She's been on black cock for a year? Good for you, cuck.
Wait doesn't your precum already contain sperm and any STDs you have? How do you protect against that? Careful planning and tests?
> non-hormonal male birth control
You mean just nutting in the condom?
IUDs will give her a vaginal infection that will spread to your penis
We're already on the second pregnancy cycle and aborted the first baby. My gf is completely onboard because it was her idea in the first place.
nice maymay I bet you use hormones to make your gf into a gains goblin or condom to cuck your dick
No, because then I can't nut in her puss.
I'm talking about stuff that is still in testing that's just a little capsule they put in your jizz tubes (pretty sure Vans Deferens but I don't recall specifically) and it prevents sperm from getting out. So far, from what I've read, it is completely safe for the man, and completely effective.
You still get to bust, too. It doesn't affect your ability to ejaculate, but your jizz won't have any sperm in it. It's pretty cool, I'd definitely talk to my doctor about it if/when it becomes approved.
Why do you think we have so many low testosterone faggots in the world?
ya it is. i fucking love raw dogging and so does my cock if you follow what im saying
Within the next year or two, they're supposed to be rolling out the ability for men to get a shot in the vas defrens? that blocks sperm from leaving the testicles and mixing into seminal fluid. It's like a cap that's removable whenever you actually do want to get a girl pregnant again.
Oh Christ that ass that godly face ruined by some weird cuck caption
My friends had to get an abortion because they raw dog.
My gf won't let me raw dog her cuz she's not stupid. Even though I'm on the juice, it's honestly no worth the worry/risk.
I've had exes on birth control. The difference is nice but it's not nice enough to risk having a kid.
>a girl being on the pill effects MY testosterone production
I'm going to need a peer reviewed source for this.
>enter the uterus
Might want to lay off the hentai, boyo
I was talking figuratively since they act like cunts when on the pill because of hormones which stresses you out and thus lowers your testosterone production and sleep gains
Precum doesn't contain sperm
>use condoms
>Run out of condoms because we fuck a lot
>raw dog her and pull out
>Feels so good we can't go back to condoms
>She's now on bc
>Didn't notice any changes in her behavior
>We still fuck a lot
>Every time I cum deep inside her after really aggressive sex
>Get to watch the cum that i filled her up with drip out
>I'm currently hard on the bus as a result of writing this
Don't listen to this cool dude, there are many similarly cool dudes who accidentally become fathers.
She's probably already pregnant with Tyrone's seed so you might as well pump some inside of her
No, just fuck a menopausal woman. Go out and fuck a milf.
In that case one could argue people who work waged jobs have lower testosterone than the unemployed.
infact yes it is true those who work stressful jobs have lower stress than those who work in more relaxed enviroments
So you use condoms like a pleb?
lower test*
So then it boils down to not being stressed. That means have good time management and don't overschedule youself. Also know when to tell your gf "No I'm not doing X". It's as simple as that.