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I'm on SS. How many reps should I be doing for chin ups if I want size? I read I should be doing 3xF, but isn't that for endurance? I can do about 12 perfect chin ups. Should I just do 3x8?
Other thread is dying
I'm on SS. How many reps should I be doing for chin ups if I want size? I read I should be doing 3xF, but isn't that for endurance? I can do about 12 perfect chin ups. Should I just do 3x8?
do 3x8-12. If you can do 12, start adding weight.
Guys, I have a serious dilemma here.
I just got a job in construction and it is very physically demanding. My body is always sore and tired. How can I train doing this shitty work?
How can my friend improve his grip strength?
He's fit, but has broken both his arms numerous times. The left one has no grip. When I mean "no grip" I mean the guy simply can't get a hold of anything heavy. He says his whole hand feels detached.
Form is good. He goes in for the deadlift and his left hand loses it at like 100kg. It's limiting him.
tl;dr how can someone with no grip due to bone issues get grip
Need help figuring out what my 'activity level' is for calorie tracking purposes.
I work about 4 shifts a week of about 7 hours worth of lugging bags of dirt around, and work out 3 times a week.
Am I moderately active, active, or very active?
Trying to gain weight and it seems the more I eat the less I gain.
That sounds like something a doctor should help you out on. Sounds like it has to do with neurology if he cant maintain a grip
just leave it at the lowest activity level possible.
Im losing weight eating at a bulking diet of 'moderate activity', lowering it would be worse wouldn't it?
how about you increase your calories instead of worrying what your activity level is? Those calculators are best guesses. No one can accurately tell you what your activity level is unless you're strapped up to heart rate monitors.
Increase your calories. Are you gaining weight? no? Increase it more until you are.
Alright, thanks
3x5 chin up.
Never understood why people dont treat it as a main lift, as greyskull does.
Definitely add weight.
Farmers carry, dead hangs, static holds, single arm deadlifts, maybe one of those meme captains of crush, if his shit is super weak
Your body will adapt to an in reased stress load over time.
Your lifts just might stall or regress more frequently, which is fine, just take some more rest days to recover.
Eventually you will know yourself enough to know roughly what frequency, volume, and intensity is right for you.
His grip doesnt give out until ~50kg in the left hand or so, it sounds like
So, weak af, not nonexistent.
I'm going to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed in about 30 minutes. On a scale of 1-10 how badly is this going to suck ass?
They put me out when I had my four removed. Woke up, was all fucked up on drugs. They wore off, pain was horrible, face was jacked up for like a month.
I've read the paperwork, apparently they're doing a conscious sedation for me. That means I have to be awake for 2 hours whilst being loopy as fuck as they apply jackhammers to my jaw.
You can treat chinups as a main lift (3x5), but that's for strength. In OP's case, he wants hypertrophy
Posted this yesterday but got no replies
For the past few months when I do squat, high bar mind you, my right elbow has been farther back than my left and I think this is causing the uncomfortableness/pain in my right trap I've had for the past month
video, though you can't see it that well: youtube.com
how do i fix this? I am able to pull my elbow back into position during the squat without any kind of pain or uncomfortableness, but during heavy lifts I tend to ignore it/forget about it
in the vid I'm doing 135 but i currently am at 245 for 3 reps
Also no I'm not looking to the side during squats
Hi newfag dyel
Watch that vid, understand this pic, then kindly go fuck a cactus for giving fitness advice when you have precisely zero fitness expertise
Just dont be a pussy and munch your prescribed opiates.
All you can really do is guess, and adjust as you go based on your results over time.
There is no fixing it, except conscious effort, and actively being aware of it on heavy sets.
there are 3 different barbell bench presses, right?
normal, upwards and downwards.
Should I do all of them or only one?
Doing chest + biceps on the same day if that matters.
>Watch that vid, understand this pic, then kindly go fuck a cactus
kek at this autistic rage
Made a thread but nobody responded.
So I'm about to start greyskull and try to consume 3000 calories a day. I'm a 5'9 manlet and weight 150.
My one question is, is it okay to cardio/core on weekends? I'm afraid I'll end up like Zach without it.
as long as you follow the directions they give you you'll be 100% in less than a week
More than that.
Aside from incline (what you call "upwards") and decline ("downwards") there are many many bench grip variations, from reverse grip bench, to spoto or board press, floor press, and lots of other useless shit.
Incline is for targeting the clavicular head of the pectoral (upper chest) whereas decline is primarily the sternal.
If you arent actively trying to target one or the other, stick to flat bench. When you want a joocy upper chest get that incline bench up.
If you want more lower chest, either dips or decline bench.
thanks for the conclusive reply m8. appreciate it.
Recently picked up running on a treadmill for cardio after lifting. I've never done it before and my shins hurt like hell due to bad technique.
Now I'm working on forefoot striking and it already feels much better.
I'm wondering if pic related shoes are ok for running or should I buy some proper running shoes? Any recommendations?
Don't run, or only do sprints on grass barefoot.
Running is garbage-tier cardio, compared to barbell complexes, or even kettlememes.
Intense sprinting is the exception, but since you suck at running i wouldnt recommend it.
You could do burpees or someshit. Just stay anaerobic. Generally babyweights help ensure the activity is anaerobic
Just bants, lad
3,000kcal sounds like waay to big of a deficit for a 150lb manlet.
I am taller and 25lb heavier, i bulk at 2750kcal
You cant "forcefeed" gains. You are only going to grow so much muscle per week, you shouldnt really be trying to gain more than .5lb a week as a natty. Any more than that is uselessly getting fat.
Herp derp
>forefoot striking
no. see pic
>those shoes
Also no. If you want to continue running, get proper running shoes
>shins hurt like hell
Might be shin splints. You might need orthopedic insoles.
What would be the problem with doing a ppl routine as opposed to something like ss if looks are my only concern.
Yeah I used a calculator and got that number. I was thinking 3000 was a lot too. How much would you suggest then? 2500?
Didn't read the whole thing but
>If you chose to run, make sure you understand the real reasons why you're running. You're running for performance enhancement, sport specific training, stress relief, general health, an endorphin rush, to prove something to yourself, or just because you like to do it. That's fine.
>But if you're running to drop body fat, remove that last little layer of flab from around your midsection, or look good at the beach, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
I qualify for the first group and won't just give up because I started dumb.. There might be better exercises but I like it.
Ppl is designed for intermediates.
Weekly progression instead of progression every single training session means you are getting 1/3rd the gains you would on a novice program that has 3x the frequency
I am on a ppl right now, and would never recommend it to a novice.
It is for when the gains trains slows down, and you need weekly progression anyways, so ppl allows high volume.
Stick to ss or greyskull or reg parks
SL and ICF is meh... I never recommend em.
Been to gym for a few weeks now, but I have yet to get doms or have my legs be anymore than somewhat sore, I feel like I'm putting in effort and the weight is appropriatly difficult for me.
Am I not lifting heavy enough or do some people not get that sore?
I'm 20 btw
sick bants bro xD
Enjoy your fucked up joints by age 50, and your dyel skinnyfat physique, and elevated cortisol, and decreased test, fgt.
Sorry for hurting your fee fees ;_;
You all better now?
>no. see pic
Yeah that's actually what I'm trying to do. Might have gotten some terms wrong from mainly watching vids about it. Thanks for that pic tho
>If you want to continue running, get proper running shoes
What I figured, I just don't know which or what to look for
>Might be shin splints
Yes according to my research. Took a break and no pain anymore and I try to avoid getting there again.
DOMS is a symptom of an undertrained muscle.
If you no longer get them, that means you are training sufficiently
I dont know, man. I was gonna peruse a few macro calculators (iifym is what i usually prefer) and see what i could see, but my interbutts is being retarded and not loading them...
I would start with something like 2700 and monitor your weight.
If it goes up too fast (bear in mind you will assuredly gain some water weight) then eat less.
Not fast enough, eat more.
In my routine I had DB Flyes. However it started to hurt my shoulder joints real bad.
I have been reading up on this exercise and a lot of people, and even doctor say that this does nothing for the chest, and you best just stick with bench presses.
Is this true. Are flyes useless for the chest as they only target a small muscle near the armpit?
Thanks pal. I'll try 2700 out then. Seems like less of a pain
Pretty much useless for natties, yeah.
You can use it as an accessory to damage a few more fibers, after you stimulat growth with bench.
Attempting to progressively overload the pectoral with them is generally a poor idea, unless you have microplate that fit adjustable dumbbells
Also, if you do flyes on the ground, it is supposed to prevent/alleviate the shoulder pain associated with chest flyes
I do a couple of sets after bench pressing but I'd beliefe it doesn't really make a difference for casual lifters at least
Thanks for the info.
do people here delude themselves to thinking that weightlifting is somehow not damaging to the body and running is?
Guys I think I may have fucked my shit up
>workout for first time in a long time
>decide to deadlift
>get a little ambitious
>deadlift a little more than I should have been
>feel strain in back
>stop and leave
>decide to take break
>back is sore for days
>woke up this morning
>back feels fine, can bend up and down with relative ease
>do some squats
>little bit of back soreness comes back
>do some OHP
>finish up
>get home
>back suddenly much more sore than the first day
>can't even bend 90 degrees
>have to periodically stand after sitting on computer chair
so clearly I fucked up, is rest the only thing I can do at this point?
I will not be going back until I am sure I am 100% again, although I fear this may happen again
there's an inherent degree of joint impact force in running
there is not in weightlifting.
Rest, and perhaps some massage. Have you tried some yoga to gently stretch your back muscles.
Just keep it warm and don't strain it. The body can take a whole lot more before it breaks.
Are TEST BOOSTERS a meme? or should I be adding them to my diet? BB.com has a special on test booster supplements and am considering buying it with muh protein
You'll be fine, had the same happen to me a few weeks back but it was because i did a lot of deadlifts more than usual
Dyel reporting in. How do I increase my bench press? I'm currently doing SL 5x5
Add 5-10 additional pounds every 2 weeks, try with 10 if its too much then 5
I've been on SS for about 6 weeks now but I'm not that happy with my results. Mainly because I want to have bigger arms. I've made great results, went from 45 to 140 on my squats and have 130 on my bench now.
Should I break off into Greyskull LP?
Is a "1 a day" section type workout good?
mon arms shoulder
tues chest
weds back and abs
thurs legs
fri muh dik etc
Or will I get too burnt out or sore during the workout?
hopefully you guys are right
I only deadlifted 1 plate (srs) but i'm glad I didn't get overambitious and attempt more
holy shti in 6 weeks? are you counting the bar in that weight?
Oh dude you'll be fine, I dl 100 pounds, literally lmao 1 pl8 + 5 i was
SO, i dont want to go into cut mode because i fucking hate feeling hungry.
So this is what ive been doing this past week.
>Breakfast: The gool ol roasted and soaked oatmeal cooked on water with no sugar and a splash of milk at the end just to loosen up the texture, about 1 regular sized bowl.
>Hit the gym
>I eat a SHIT TON of something of the following: raw tomatoes, mexican yam bean, or cucumbers with a dash of key lime
That helps to endure till about 3PM
>Then i have a regular meal (some type of meat).
>If hungry repeat the whole tomatoes ordeal.
And thats it.
Tomorrow im gonna weight in and see if it worked.
Do you guys think this is retarded?
I mean fucking tomatoes have like what? 25cals each? And all that shit is mostly water with fiber right?
Yeah, I am.
Someone explain what use incomplete proteins are. Can the body use them to successfully synthesize protein on their own?
No seriously will these things help or not at all?
I'm back, it wasn't bad at all. I never felt loopy or anything. I still can't feel my jaw and most my face but my thoughts haven't changed at all from what I can tell.
I will probably not feel so nice when this shit wears off though.
>I just don't know which or what to look for
Just go to the store. If you're willing to fork over some cash, get your feet measured/checked at the store or something. If not, google.
Good luck m8
I stalled a bit after certain weight.
Then i did this:
4x10 my max, it took me like 2 weeks to get the 100% of the series
Then i did
4x12 my max when i did 100% i went to 4x15
Came back to 4x10 with more weight.
My back pops when doing vacuums. Is this normal?
source: some article written by a weightlifter
you could look towards reality and notice that most distance runners don't deal with any significant injuries while weightlifters regularly tear up their body.
> but if you do everything correctly there wont be any problems! you just have bad form!
literally everyones form eventually breaks down if they push themselves. picking up stuff can be technical and fucking up happens
you are 100% delusional about your sport if you actually believe what you're typing or you just never go outside
Brosplits are garbage.
Follow a novice routine.
Stick to the program.
You are SUPPOSED to squat much more than you bench
>form breaks down
Not with proper rep schemes..
All "protein" is just a collection of different Minos.
Some of the aminos, but not all of them, is an "incomplete protein". They are still useful, and can be "completed" by the addition of the lacking aminos
How quick will a newbie make progress on the bench? I just picked one up today and put all the weight I own on it. It looks pretty funny being stacked with 95lbs of 10s and 5s so I was going to buy two 45s soon.
All supps are a meme, except roids.
And creatine, which still isnt worth the low cost.
Not normal, but harmless.
>if a weightlifter wrote it, it cant be factually accurate.
Don't kill yourself dude. It sounds like you have a home gym. Don't go straight into 45's just because the barbell looks funny. Work your way up.
Is it if the number of calories you consume everyday fluctuates if you're on a deficit?
I'm supposed to be eating 1500 calories daily but on some days I won't even meet 1000.
not enough protein, bruh
you can try looking into PSMF (search for ebook Rapid Fat Loss by Lyle McDonald), read it thoroughly and decide if you want to try it.
and if you dont, id recommend broccoli, cauliflower and celery sticks, they're filling as fuck and take some time to chew
Following a program, you should be adding 5lbs every training session, for 3-6 months
3rd day on cutting, cravings as hell. Will this end, or should I just eat more filling meals? I'm on 1500 cals
>not knowing what impact forces are
I'll let you figure that one out yourself. pick up a physics book.
and the point is if both are done perfectly, one still inherently carries joint damage if done consistently in the long run.
you are 100% delusional because you go on an autistic rant just because someone told you your hobby is factually injurious instead of looking at whats being said.
sit down child.
more protein
duly noted
They say never skip leg day so you dont look like a twink, but I haven't skipped leg day since starting SS. My legs still look tiny as fuck, mainly my calves. I know my quads are stronger, and they look big. But when I wear shorts, it looks like I have tiny legs. What should I do?
Thoughts on Jarrow's brand unflavored whey protein powder? All I know is that it's cheap, gooby-recommended.
I have a friend who is 2,01 cm tall, weighs 90+ kg. And is shredded. Doesn't lift, but bikes 8 km to school everyday. Know other people who do the same and are pretty lean.
Does biking make you strong, and goodlooking and attractive?
Train your calves.
Progressively overload a muscle, to stimulate growth.
Calf engagement in squat is minimal
Any anaerobic cardio will do this, you will just be small by the standards of people who lift.
Dont worry too much about it, but i would chalk it up to inaccurate calorie calculation before anything else.
If you feel fine, you are good.
is there a point where I cant do squat and deadlift heavy in one week? Do people then just do one for like a month and then switch?
My dominant hand is way stronger when doing curls, left hand can't finish the same amount of reps.
what do?
Started lifting 1.5 month ago. I lost 5 pounds of fat and 2 of muscle. Did if fucked up my protein intake or did I mayor completly up? (21% bf)
Should I be doing lat raises 5*5 style with increasing weight every week or so?
why am i stalling on pulling exercises specifically?
why do i experience forearm pain when doing preacher curls? i mean like actual pain, not an expected amount of soreness.
masturbate with left hand for a month.
how do you know you lost muscle? did your lefts decrease?
what for? lat raises help with shoulders, its a small muscle. You dont need a lot of weight to hit it. 3-4x5 at 10-20lbs range along with OHP will be good.
Are you doing other exercises that involved forearm? Maybe they are exhausted.
Anyone else make a face like you're about to sneeze when you cum?
>Are you doing other exercises that involved forearm? Maybe they are exhausted.
i mean, most upper body stuff involves forearms to some degree. but specifically, no, only only preacher curls for forearms. it's more than an exhausted kind of pain... it's sharp.
in elbow? or in actual forearm? Big difference so make sure you know for sure which it is. If elbow, you are overusing and could have tennis elbow. If actual forearm try lowering weight. If still painful see doctor.
>tfw left forearm has been flaring up with pain everytime I hit biceps
>tfw can't achieve curl bro PRs
Any medicalfags know what could be causing this searing pain, it's been like this for almost a month now? Never happens when I do other upper body parts, just biceps
Not on labdoor
>Mfw someone already answered my question
Nevermind, I'll schedule a doctor's appointment Monday
Anyone ever have pain behind their knee after squatting? I haven't been able to squat in 2 months because of this. Not sure if its my hamstring or a tendon. Any squatting or bending movements put pain in the area behind my knee.
>go to a doctor
Getting an mri soon, hoping someone can tell me wtf is going on because my doctor told me there is nothing wrong with me
>find new doctor
I probably should