Is 1 pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream a day a meme?
Rich Piana does it and he is huge why shouldn't I?
Is 1 pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream a day a meme?
Rich Piana does it and he is huge why shouldn't I?
>not three twins ice cream
neva gon make it
A pint of B&J is about 1100 calories. Take from it what you will.
Rich panini is huge, so he probably can cut with 5000kcals, youre probably dyel so i wouldnt suggest it
1200 calories
Mix it with three cans of sweetened condensed milk and several scoops of whey.
His TDEE is probably twice what yours or mine is. He HAS to eat some pretty calorie dense stuff that would make a mortal man fat, just to keep up.
If you're on 1kg of juice/day like Piano, go for it.
Considering im 61' 205lbs with abs and my metabolism is fast as fuck im losing weight with 3800 kcals. I can only imagine how much RICH PANINI has to eat to not lose all his weight.
I wonder how many calories Rich burns on any given day.
Look at that fucking attention whore
What a cunt
I personally think that's a waste. I eat maybe a few scoops once in a while to treat myself. If you just eat a lot, you're going to get tired of it. Trust me, It happened to me before. I had like 2 pints in my freezer and I couldn't even get myself to eat it.
All the gear he is on makes his body very efficient at calorie partitioning. Basically his body is trying the hardest it can to build muscle all the time.
Nattys aren't like that. Our bodies don't really give a shit. If we ate nothing but Ben and Jerries and protein powder we would get fat pretty quick. Rich Piana's is anabolic as fuck. Us? Not so much.
Plus, the dude is like 300 pounds. He needs to eat like 5000 calories to maintain his weight. On top of that he works out like 30 hours a week.
yeah i agree with you
whats the sauce?
rachel spence tumblr
Guys how many pints should I work into my 8 hour arm workout?
I'll do whatever it takes
He just uses small shakes in his video, so I'd say 16 of those small boxes, rather than the pints.
Keep going until you feel humanity slowly slipping away
I did exactly this for 2 months
Didn't die but it did nothing
Sick of Ben and jerrys now tho
>Thinking that a man who takes enough steroids to kill a horse is a good dietary role model.
Yeah, nah mate.
What's the difference in following Rich Piana's (living) dietary choices and zyzz's (dead)? Zyzz ate "clean" and still died earlier than someone who takes more steroids and eats ice cream every day.
>having a bmi of 0.3
Are you actually a skeleton?
I was picking up 2 a week and would down them on days where I wasn't eating enough. Made 20 lbs on a few months bulk. It was effective.
Who do you think survives longest in the sauna - The guy who's been snorting, smoking and popping whatever party drugs he could come over and danced the night away without noticing that he's dehydrated, or the guy lugging around a gallon jug of BCAAs and a pint of ice cream to stay cool?
>he actually believes the sauna cover up story
Okay then, let me rephrase:
Who do you think has the best chance of fending off a raging mad Tim Sharky and jealous Chestbrah - The guy who's in a party drug-dueled daze, or the hulk freakbeast who cage fights Jens Dalsgaard and carries around a golden switchblade?
Who is this testicle wizard?
>everything anyone ever said in a youtube video is true
Simeon Panda is natty and Jason "my boy Hemingway" Blaha is an elite mercenary who fought at the frontline of the Powder Wars during the Clinton administration. The world is a crazy place.
Really depends.
If the dude lugging around gallon jug of BCAA's just got done working out, he may need more water to help with cell division and also to replace any water that was used to excrete waste. The dude that was smoking and popping drugs may not be recovery mode at all and may not need as much water since he isn't going to go through cell growth along with just replacing water that was excreted.
he is basically saying would you take advice on how to get big just by eating from a guy who cheated or a guy who didnt
>No cardio
You dumb nigger, zyzz used roids you stupid fuck
SS + POBJAD>>>>>>>>>>> SS + GOMAD
>Zyzzy natty
>Stroke from roids and faggotry
20 meter class titan
>fast metabolism
You're clinically retarded.
>make a /CMON/ thread earlier
>0 replies
>this thread is up now
how many scoops have you had today, Veeky Forums?
Why do girls do this. Why doesn't she just say in the caption "tits" or "attention"
>thread theme
Top jej
Ice Cream is controlled by the Jews.
Download the Coincidence Detector and visit these pages:
They're all Jewish.
Keep /pol/ in /pol/
also piano is full of silicon in-plants his muscle are fake as fuck,
>my metabolism is fast as fuck
kek what a fucking bonehead
Those losers make me laugh as fuck
He does it because he is already huge and the ice cream hardly dents his macros.
Is this the new manlet cutoff point?
My new favorite the Tonight Dough is 1320 a pint.
Technically I could do it if I was fine balancing my day with whey and water.
So far as icecream is concerned Ben and Jerry is some of the cleanest with the most wholesome ingredients.
why don't you just make your own
you could literally get some ice cream salt or whatever the fuck it is and shake it in a bag of ice and get free gains with only milk, sugar, vanilla, and salt
Hack me the recipe to the Tonight Dough or fuck off with your shit tasting solution.
Is ben and jerrys and silicone titties the way to go
Metabolism varies in efficency depending on the individual
Its possible to have a "fast metabolism"
He might me right
Just because its Cals in vs out does not mean its the same for everyone
>Rich Piana does it and he is huge why shouldn't I?
Because you aren't on tremendous amounts of steroids.
I assume, anyway
>Just got back from the gym
Bitch, you're hair is PERFECT. All combed and shit and not sweaty or dirty at all. The fuck did you DO at the gym?
cheap fuck
>rich piana does it so why shouldnt i?!
oh i dunno
Rich Piana might also wipe from the front, but that's not why he's huge, you fucking inbred.
frugal* fuck
why the fuck would I pay 4 bucks for a pint of random chemicals and flavors when I could pay 4 bucks for some ICECREAM SALT and get a million pints
>random chemicals and flavors
Confirmed for not knowing fuck all you ignorant, taste hating cunt.
Not talking about Breyers ffs.
what did he mean by this?
I've created a new eating plan to put MASS ON NOW
It's called Stick Of Butter A Day
hes prob 3x bigger than u so thats the diff