>he's natty
Wasting your time like a dumb faggot, steroids aren't even bad if you aren't a complete retard and do a proper pct , and take proper supplements to prevent st< sides.
Why aren't you high test user? Tren can you give an Aryan jaw
He's natty
Lol typical dumbass /pol/ loser, doesn't know shit yet still trys to advice people.
Fucking retard.
I don't really see any reason to spend money on it
the way I see it, it's like paying to get a penis enlargement, or bigger tits. Sure I wouldn't mind that, but it's not really important enough for me to go the distance. I enjoy lifting because I enjoy challenging myself and bettering myself, and I don't need roids for that. Roids only make you bigger which isn't overly important to me
>can't afford $500 for a cycle
Stay poor and
Weak natty detected
Roids make you stronger as well and allow you to work out longer times.
Why take a pct when you can just cruise on TRT dose for life? Really makes you think, huh.
Why take any drugs when you can stay natural and still look better than 99% of the general population?
Anabolic shills absolutely BTFO, kiss that income you make out of insecure dweebs away right now, bitches.
what's the point you pay the cycle then lose all your gains and your back to where you started
Isnt a basic cycle like $200-$300
'storidz arnt evun bad i kno trust me guise' fuck off you fucking shithead,you dont know jack shit yet you come here and give advice.
At least search on google steroid side effects,fuck even TRT fucks your shit up,fucktard.
So I can actually laugh at gym tryhards and feel instantly superior because I don't take drugs like a loser.
Yeah you could run 500mg of test of like 12 weeks for that price.
That's the thing, you get addicted to it, addicted to the strength, addicted to the sex drive, addicted to the "fullness".
All of it slowly disappears once you stop, hence why people who start generally never stop, but if they do stop......they fall the FUCK off the face of the planet.
Why do roiders keep posting these threads? Why do you give a fuck if other people use drugs or not? Are you 15?
And then you get to lose all your gains when you're off cycle kek
They'll feel better knowing if everyone else is also taking the same organ-destroying risks. It'll make them regret it less later down the line knowing that everyone else is fucked up like they're.
Yeah well atleast I get babes and cars
While you live a boring meaningless life
Oops, hit a nerve cuck?
because i could probably bash any roid fuck. being that big literally puts you on the same level as a morbidly obese man. roids are for people under 6'2 to compensate for having shit HEIGHT FACE FRAME. get outta here with your trash
this board is shite
mate for 300$ I can run almost 3 months of 500test-500deca-250tren plus AI/caber.
which is a pretty mediumish blast.
If I could cycle in the short term and then maintain those gains long term id consider it but being on roids is limiting in the same way that owning a dog is. It makes traveling awkward for example.
And explaining track marks.