Anyone have experience of fat chicks calling you scrawny/weedy etc even tho you're pretty buff?
Fatties caling you weedy?
>caring about some fatty's opinion
>caring about a woman's opinion
>caring about an opinion that isn't yours
That pic is right in that she is trying to change it and putting her down us counter productive
At the same time shes wrong because negative feed back for what she is, a fat girl, is what shes getting, not for her going to the gym. It should be encouragement, a constant reminder of what she wants to leave behind.
Based on what I've seen of the average Veeky Forums poster, you probably are a scrawny dyel too afraid of losing your abs to actually put on mass
Whats your bmi?
dunno but I'm bout 175lb at 6 foot and not fat at all, I bench 225 so I wouldn't call myself weedy
Well obviously you experience it because you're DYEL. So how about you lift?
lol how much do you lift faggit?
How much you bench does not matter at all..
I was a scrawny fuck at 18 (weighed sub-140) and benched 210..
>dunno but I'm bout 175lb at 6 foot
auschwitz, you should be AT LEAST 200 pounds assuming you're male.
I just said my weight ffs, in that post you replied to
the old Veeky Forums body dysmorphia strikes again lol, only way I'm hitting 200 is if I roid
I am aware, then you included your bench stat like it was somehow relevant..
Either way yeah you probably are really skinny so it doesn't surprise me, especially considering it came from a fatty.
That's stupid, go to any powerlifting club and you'll find tons of lads weighing 230+ pounds all natty and relatively lean.
OK what's your height/weight and your bench now?
Yeah I'm not a naturally big guy like that mate, I'm 80kg, but I defintely wouldn't say I'm weedy
Lol, does anyone actually laugh at fat people working out.
thats some sick shit lol
6'1, 190 and probably shit because I fucked my rotator cuffs benching the way i used to..
If that's how you wanna play, what's your DL?
I don't DL fucked my back, was doing 3 plates a year or so ago
Lol so we're basically in the same spot.. Injured doing an exercise the other seems to prefer.
Lets just say, fatties gonna fat.
kek this bitch was like 100lb overweight and trying to tell me how she knows all about fitness an muscles etc bc her ex was a bodybuilder