Posting this before guy posts picture of me in underwear from cbt. In this video I respond to please no bully I received here plus I do squats/romanian deathlifts. How can I make videos better? Thanks, faggies.
Posting this before guy posts picture of me in underwear from cbt...
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They in video bby.
guy in op pic looks like a guy i play wow with
also looks like girl in video but it is guy from starship troopers
Are you in Texas?
Not sure if London meme but no
No idea about the London meme, but provided you are the chick in the video you are very attractive.... Also providing you don't have a femcock.
Thank you, breh. I've been perceived as a man when I had short hair desu.
>trying to pick up girls on Veeky Forums
Eh fuck it, you've got the makings for great hips.
What are you a fag?
That wasn't really a RDL, but a, I guess, 3/4 deadlift. If you're doing RDL because it's safer than full deadlifts, then you should fix your form or you have the worst of both worlds.
ah fuck. No I'm actually doing it to improve deadlift form and help hamstrings and butt.
Wtf kind of creature are you
I don't know. I really like lifting. And memes. I tried posting it to reddit but I don't think they liked it.
It's not a great angle for a form check; just try watching
I usually only do around 95 but wanted to do more to improve strength. Since I can deadlift a lot more I thought it would be okay. Probably wasn't used to it.
You should cut or something. You have weird fat deposit genetics.
i deadlift 425 and only rdl with 95-135
Doing it now. Started on May 30th. My family is doing it. Actually that was one of the reasons I wanted to start the channel but they don't really want to be filmed.
OH shit. Yeah I'll probably lower it.
Lol she's doing it again. This self promotion stuff is kinda brillient tbqh
And where were the tits at bby?
You have tiny C cups at best
Nowhere near Breh level
It's slightly brilliant and while I have started a lot of it but my last video only got like 1000 which is great for someone with no friends but I can't get more unless I appeal to more "normal" people. The one that got the most views someone else posted.
>pokemon in her vid
I didn't want someone to think I was serious about navy seal copypasta
Nothing wrong with being niche. Just dont, for the love of god, fall into being another cookie-cuttrr, makeup-wearing, lordosis-assed kardashian wannabe that's 99% of instagram gymhoes.
Stay the fuck away from being so plastic and bam youre already unique. Just keep doing as you do and stay with us and embrace being as wierd as fuck as you are, you freak
i hope you make it op
I was thinking about making a character/paraody that might act like that but won't do it for real.
i hope you do too
>doing lowbar
>still not hitting parallel
Work on your mobility
Also those are RDLs. Often people confuse stiff legs with RDLs. Seemed fine to me. That's the same form I use for volume DL days and I DL 4pl8+
If its a parady sure go all out but make sure its obvious as fuck its a parady.
Also the geeky shit like pokemans is welcome. Some of the best youtubers kept their quality high by adding random shit in the vids to make it funny
>tfw i never played WoW but found Old swifty vids entertaining
Damn, I'll work on it. I do have a lot of hip fat that distorts the crease so I'll post one with tights to see if it is hitting depth.
Please don't. Shits already annoying enough irl, we don't need a starship trooper pretending to be a barbie
good advice, I am new to editing and it is fun to add shit that makes me laugh, not just for views
I'm not sure if people would even detect the parody. I used to think being a female gym stereotype character similar to Dom Mazetti would be cool. Although I'd need to actually look the part.
THAT is how you do it.
When tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings, he wrote it because it was a book HE wanted to read.
The best media is media that WE like ourselves. Make it if you like it, and only for that reason. Dont worry if we like it.
And you may find yourself making gold.
appreciated, i joined some youtube video maker communities hoping to talk about this stuff, anyway, the hard part is marketing if I ever wanted to be serious but for now this is good
Keep it small at first. Keep it niche. You're Veeky Forums's lil plaything for now so embrace that.
Having a core audience is key. You can pad the fanbase with the mindless masses later.
But for now stay our loveable autismo amazon.
Tolkien is also one of the few writers in history to ever make any sort of money from his work, considering the billions of other writers all through history who have gone nowhere with their work. It's fine making stuff for yourself, but if you ever want to make money off of it you need to make sacrifices and learn to work with distributors. There's nothing worse than a hard headed young content creator who tries to school an experience producer on how to sell content.
You...missed my point...
I think if I do get a lot of progress on this cut that would be the video for "the masses".
Where's the shitposting?? This is actually a nice discussion.
Ofcourse. Once your stomach is tight rather than flabby, it will attract people who watch it for just that reason. Dont MAKE it for them, they'll come no matter what you do.
Its 4 am, the children are sleeping.
Women like progress videos especially id guess.
I cant wait to see the landwhale posts bitching about how a perfectly healtht body is "ruined"
I will stand by with buckets to collect all the delicious, salty tears
yeah but a lot of women like to see weight loss too for "motivation". Right now my viewers are 92% male but apparently that's normal for fitness related content.
Your viewers are male because you have a vagina. I thought we went over this. The actual percentage who are there because you lift is alot smaller. Which is fine, like i said, core audience.
Dont let that disuade you tho.
I forgot, senpai
And yes, you vould be an inspiration to girls too. Thats a good thing.
Seriously keep on keeping on. If you need anyting you got your bro's here. If you need to cry, bitch, let off steam, or be a degenerate like the rest of us, youre a click away.
And in all seriousness, you need to work on that butt. Its so flat it actually gives me chest pains.
You dont want to hurt me do you?
I am doing that. You'll see. Stay safe.
I cant wait to see. You got the hips, if you get the butt and document your progress twords it, maybe some girls will listen the fuck up and follow your example.
Dear god i hope so
Jesus christ all these beta orbiters already
>all except one is (You)
>posting a rage comic on 4chins
A female version of Dom sounds awesome, but you gotta have at least decent writing or else it's just gonna be so cringe.
are you fucking serious dude?
Also, post more cat vids, bitches love cat vids.
Random google image m8
Call the cops, i dont gice a fuck
Yes, problem?
I can go
with the flow
she reminds me of charlize theron, kinda.
no homo
go whore yourself somewhere else, faggot
She's less autistic in this video
I want you know to bb gurl. I will always support through you fitness journey. Im not like other guys. I wont hurt you bb gurl. Ill take care of you and always be there when you need me. When will you post some butt pics?