Bcaas are a meme
Prove me wrong
Bcaas are a meme
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I saw a guy doing stiff leg deadlifts on a half medicine ball
What the fuck
Of course boy, they just make the most basic estructure of the Dna and the Arn and are the responsables of creating new protein for the muscle,totally a meme
Nitrogenous bases are not amino acids you fucking imbecile.
What the fuck. What muscles do they think this helps?
Yes they are, you fucking retard motherfucker go to read some biochemistry moron
you're a fucking meme
Nope, aminos are not memes, the memes are the aminos suplements, you can get all the non-escentials aminos from a wealthy diet so only if you are eating junk or fast food you will never need to buy an amino supplement
Bcaas are a waste unless you train fasted
the stabilising ones
literally protein.
That post of yours proved nothing lol
Didnt even mention amino acids.
Amino acids have a completely different structure and dont even look like a ring
Just go to read some biochemistry retard, also that's the estructure of the group amino, not the amino acids you stupid shit
squads are meme ,prove wrong
protip: you cant
>go read yome biochemistry
Great now we have the quality arguments we always needed
Like we are on tumblr "hurr durr inform yourself, i know im right"
Everyone finishing high school can tell you that nitrogenous bases are not the same as amino acids
One may be needed for the other but its not the same
You should read some biochemistry yourself before you go and tell other people to do so
This is bait but I'll bite, you pleb.
Stop talking shit, and read up.
Amine groups are a nitrogen atom single bonded to 3 different atoms (hydrogen or carbon).
Nitrogenous bases contain amine groups, but do not have carboxylic acid groups (C=O and C-OH on the same carbon).
As nitrogenous bases don't have both an amine and carboxylic acid group they aren't amino acids.
You have absolutely no idea what you are taking about!
100% bullshit right here.
fucking nerds
Wtf 18 + kid.
Stay in school.
You're a meme
Prove me wrong
Good post
Retard alert!
Totally not the same person. Fuck you're a complete moron.
Fuck you
Pissed a few people off eh?
Not even the same guy, just calling out an idiot that somehow thinks multiple people on this board are retarded enough to disbelieve basic biochemistry.
Absolute lies.
Why cant you guys just be happy with your natty self
>Itt roid rage fat fucks arguing over bro science
Your mom is a fat whore
Prove me right
Retard alert!
>doing OHP
>watching forearm form on mirror because it is shit and must be corrected
>retard doing dumbbell squats on a bosu ball
>visibly mouth off "are you fucking kidding me"
>he stops doing his stupid shit