Worst exercise thread?
I'll start: Barbell rows
Worst exercise thread?
I'll start: Barbell rows
Other urls found in this thread:
Barbell rows (horizontal or 30°, overhand or underhand, constantly holding the bar in the air or pausing on the floor or touch and go)
Upright rows
Any kipping lift (pullups, lat raises, curls, etc)
Any lift for time/max reps (xfit)
Any geared lift outside of competition or competition prep
Itt: faggots who dont know shit
Front squats
>Barbell rows
literallly explain why
because they're fucking gay
wouldn't that make them great?
People say you break form too easily because of lower back and hamstring tiredness, so don't get to exercise upper back, arms and chest as much as intended.
I think.
True, especially for lats
oh well, what are some good exercises that replace BR
If you do chinups and deadlifts, there is literally zero reason to do rows. Price me wrong.
How about u do rows and... you know... do not break form?
h ah ah ah a ha ha ha ah aha ha ah aha h haha hah ahha h ah ahah ah ahhah a haha
you should stop lifting asap
Barbell rows give you amazing lats. If your an idiot and can't engage your Lat on a barbell row then don't come near a barbell.
yeah just use lower weight with Prosper form and get your lower back swole
Deadlifts and chins do not involve scapular retraction, which is real damn useful for getting your rhomboids and mid traps trained. Also kind of important for benching.
squats you dont need to do them, there are other exercise that work the same muscle but a lot safe
long bar rows
That retarded kind of overhead press where you put the bar behind your head.
Just asking to fuck up your shoulder with no advantage over regular OHP.
Get away summerfag
>good mornings
seated rows
>people say
>not weak beta manlet pussies
Barbell rows are godtier for lats pussys dont do them cuz pussys
The memelift
barbell row isnt supposed to isolate the back and arms, it's a strength exercise which also works deadlift muscles
If you can't row at least 1pl8 with strict form for reps you're not even a man so stop talking shit
Hang cleans and bench press.
They're good and all, but not when children solely rely on them thinking they're the best shit in the world senpai + e-statting on Facebook.
Holy shit yes they feel so fucking terrible
i did only bb row for my back, my form is probably not the best and people on fit said my back looks great so i guess what you are saying is not true
deadlift is worst lift
>donkey kicks
If only because I always use heavy ass weight and feel like my ass has been obliterated every time after
But them joocy flutes though
The exercise I really hate is OHP, sometimes my muscles just plain want to give up and it feels like shit literally forcing myself to complete the reps, like with other workouts its hard but not "I'm gonna pop a fucking blood vessel" hard, it mostly has to do with me running out of breath mid set, I think it might be because I clean the weight off the ground first instead of just ohping in the squat rack or something
>hate barbell rows
>do one arm dumbbell rows
>hate deadlifts
>do trapbar
:^) my least favorite lift now is actually curls
>hate deadlifts
literally admitting you're a pussy
Epic Xd
Military press is fucking retarded mate
>military press
Kill yourself
Failure just comes out of nowhere on OHP for me. I'll be in my third set a few reps in feeling good, last rep felt perfectly fine, and then suddenly the next rep is just impossible. Ibut that feeling when I get my head through the window on one of those reps is amazing.
>I'm a big boy because I like internet meme lifts :)
>hur dur i don't have the morphology nor the mobility to do front squats so they're bad for everyone
235-250 is where my bb rows started looking like bar-humps so i quit them
They're atill viable this way as a dl accessory, but there are better things (rdl, sldl, etc.)
For lats/lowtraps and grip, db row is best (especially kroc rows)
reverse bench press underhanded calf raises
tyson rising weighted card chinup squats
incline reverse-gripped overhead rotating hamstring kickbacks
lateral planking squats
stiff-leg squats
overhead deadlift
front wrist double bicep squat
kneeling kettlebell crossover reverse ankle hyperextension pronation lunge with bands
Everyone laugh at the pussies who can't diddly.
There is no reason to be alive if you can't deadlift
I do them
they're still a shit exercise and you're still a massive memelord if you pretend to like them.
dumbbell rows
>I'm a pussy: the Post
calm your autistic dick down not everyone's gonna have the same preference for exercises.
or maybe, just maybe, you're forms fucked up and you're weak as shit. I love em and purposely base my weeks around deadlifting as no.1 priority
why can't you accept that some people like to deadlift you dumbass
Goddamnit I just can't do front squats. It hurts my right shoulder, every time. I've tried nearly suffocting myself with that bar to really get it in position, but I just can't. Hurts like a fucking bitch.
People that roll their shoulders when doing shrugs.
Stop being a faggot and try again
Deadlifts are the most fun exercise to me, how can you hate such a perfect exercise?
Why does Veeky Forums hate barbell rows so much? I love them. I do a
vertical/arms/horizontal/vertical/rear delt/horizontal
routine for my back and they fit in great.
Worst lifts would be:
Incline DB Flys
Straight bar tricep pushdowns
Dumbell shrugs
I really hate Close grip Bench press, my wrists always feel akward when doing it.
What is snatch press. Getting shoulder strength for doing oly lifts
Personally, I find the form to be draining. If I'm looking for a horizontal pull to counter the bench press, why not a chest supported row or cable row?
The deadlift can work the posterior chain fine on its own.
>people still falling for the trap meme
Have fun being an unaesthetic fuck
Get stronger forearms?
I kinda understand. I just lowered the weight some and fixed my positioning a little
I row 185 for 5 with perfect form and a lovely lat stretch but can't even bench 165 for 5. What gives? My shoulders are kinda fucked tho
Retract your scalpula
Do you arch your back and tuck in your shoulders when you bench? A lot of people fuck their shoulders up benching because they don't use the right form
I think you mean tuck your elbows not shoulders
I use a kettlebell for one thing: the clean press. Excellent exercise, only worthwhile thing a kettlebell is good for. Totally worth getting a heavier one.
only tryhard oly and strongmen lifters do hang clean, not the curlbroy children
why can't you accept that some people don't like to deadlift you dumbass
I think you are either dyel, stupid, or both.
Tucking in elbows when benching takes the pecs out of the lift, isolating the front delts and triceps and makes you lift LESS.
Tucking in your shoulders makes you lift MORE because it makes the shoulder girdle more stable and decreases ROM
>Tucking in elbows when benching takes the pecs out of the lift
No it doesn't, it just decreases the workload on them. They are still hit significantly. I bench more with my elbows tucked in than flared. I also find I get a better squeeze at the top when my grip is a little closer and I prefer that.
>No it doesn't, it just decreases the workload on them. They are still hit significantly.
No it doesn't, it just decreases the workload on them significantly*
>I bench more with my elbows tucked in than flared.
1) not tucked in ≠ flared
2) no you don't.
3) post form check vid from the bottom (camera on balls and towards barbell) and from side with what you think is close and wide or tucked in vs flared elbows so that we can laugh at your terrible kinaesthetic sense
>I also find I get a better squeeze at the top when my grip is a little closer and I prefer that.
>Muh squeeze
>Muh burn
Of course you do, closer grip = longer ROM. But close grip ≠ tucked in elbows. And prefer ≠ more efficient lift
I retract pretty well and keep my elbows nice and tucked. But yeah my form used to be shit and now it's better. I'll keep working I just feel like I have a terrible bench.
Not him.
You imbecile it is not about liking it is about being efficient you trash
Jefferson curl
Not him.
You imbecile disliking something does not mean you don't do it you trash
>No it doesn't, it just decreases the workload on them significantly
Then why do I feel it in my pecs more, you faggot?
>But close grip ≠ tucked in elbows
Why the fuck wouldn't you keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor?
>no you don't.
I get more leg drive and my lats come into play more if my elbows are closer to my sides, yes I do. If my elbows hit 45 or greater it feels awkward as fuck and kills my left rotator cuff. Maybe I have a shoulder problem but that doesn't change the fact that:
>I lift more with my elbows tucked
>It still hits your chest significantly
this whole thread is full of retard fucks
why reverse brench press, feels amazing for upper pecs with dumbels IMO
This will probably garner me some hate but
fuck squats. All of them, I know they're important and I do them but I hate them. If any exercise feels like it's going to injure me someday it's squats.
this is the correct answer but you need some hyper extentions as well.
>Long Ass arms
>Fucking hate Bench Press and Rows
I do OHP & Weighted Chins instead, Fuck BP and Rows.
No core?
Lol what do you think a squat rack is for? Literally the safest, best leg lift if you don't have shit for brains and learn form.
facepull isn't supposed to be a back exercise bro
i agree but i still do them anyways
>Leg curls
>Upright rows
>standing triceps extensions
>leg press
>leg curls
this faggot knows what's up
Dude please look at a fucking anatomy chart because you're ignorant as fuck apparently.
Worst effort:reward ratio
Not him.
not liking the best option is fucking retarded you trash
Dumbell rows, just as bad as barbell. Works no muscle effectively and is bad on your joints.
Who here hate squats but love deadlifts
Do them on an elevated bench where you're laying on your stomach and pulling the weight off the floor. Takes the legs out of the movement
This, absolutely. It's great. My gym has one of these things (pic related) and I've completely stopped doing rows the other way.
At least I know the difference between "you're" and "your".
Barbell Flys
t. internet lifter
dude was talking about seal rows not t bar rows