Did you start lifting due to experiences with a BPD girl?
Did you start lifting due to experiences with a BPD girl?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is a BPD girl?
Bipedal dystromorph
>pic related
Biliopancreatic diversion
again wtf?
Bipolar Disorder
Nah, actually she made me so depressed I haven't been lifting at all. They really fuck with ur mind.
"borderline personality disorder," or a subset of psychiatry's attempt to further pigeonhole humans to sell them drugs.
for some reason all i ever really fucking attract is girls with BPD
Cause those are the ones who initiate. you don't attract girls, you go for them.
BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder
common among women with daddy issues
No. BPD is borderline personality disorder, which is far, far worse than bipolar disorder.
Look into mood disorders vs. personality disorders--bipolar is chemical. It's overdiagnosed and to idiotic psychoanalysts, can sometimes seems similar to borderline or other personality (cluster B [remember: "B" is for bitch]) disorders.
I'll list some seemingly similar traits that BPD, borderline personality disorder, and bipolar disorder share but with their important distinctions.
-delusions of grandeur/hallucinations
-crying jags over nothing and bipolar indiv. is also confused by them
-insomnia. SERIOUS insomnia. Four days or more of a few hours of sleep or less a night...during a manic state, individual will insist they feel "fine"
-moods are confusing but have variation.
-DOES NOT SELF HARM although will drink to excess/use drugs even if out of character when manic/hypomanic
-delusions of paranoia. No real hallucinations.
-moods are not subtle. either happy or sad, good or bad
-deep fear of abandonment.
-everything is always someone else's fault
-co-morbid with narcissism or at least one other Cluster B disorder
-"Bipolar II" is code for "borderline".
I started lifting due to experience with the sister of a BPD girl.
Except not really, I started lifting because my life is shit and doing literally anything different would have been an improvement.
If you can't see it it's probably for the best, it's a pretty strange fetish to have anyways...
I'll add that Bipolar is some serious shit. A manic episode looks exactly like schizophrenia. Someone who is Bipolar *knows* something is very, very wrong with them. They will have periods of calm where they try to fix everything they've fucked up while depressed or while manic.
On the other hand, someone with BPD will constantly blame someone or something else for all of their issues. These people are never, ever at fault and while they may apologize for something, they typically don't really mean it. Look for a victimized attitude and sob stories. They are typically averse to medications, or medications "don't help".
bipolar II here, ask me anything.
wow ok i think i might be bipolar
shrinks thought i was when i was like 10 but eventually they dropped the diagnosis and focused on other shit
but i've had some psychotic episodes that i've learned to kind of tame by myself, but the impulses to believe stuff (ike that i'm being watched or that i'm the fucking messiah or something) or find meaning in daily things are still present, especially during springtime... but i counter them now
OP here. BPD is borderline personality disorder, as nicely described by the most knowledgeable guy itt
I'm on a ketogenic diet, and bread discussions aside, it helps a lot with hypomania issues. I don't want to touch Lithium, but was prescribed lamictal for a long time which was a godsend until I developed a rash.
Keep people around you that you can trust to let you know when you're being unreasonable--you probably won't listen to them, but a support network never hurts.
Do you smoke? I'm just curious
Comorbid mental illnesses, if you don't mind sharing? When were you diagnosed, and what medications are you on if any?
How long did it last with BPD girl?
Yes. I'm no doctor but there's something fucking wrong with the last girl who broke my heart.
Now she says she's sorry, that's what they all say, but she wasn't sorry when she sucked him off in the hallway
Me too. Shit sucks. Hang in there.
i smoke cigarettes kinda, but not really. like a pack every few months. i've never been able to become addicted because if i smoke too much, i feel sick.
weed, i haven't smoked since i had a traumatic brain injury last summer. but i used to smoke, yeah, and it did intensify my psychotic symptoms, but allowed me to be rational about them at the same time. very weird.
i do know at this point when i'm being unreasonable. i've learned to recognize when my paranoia/delusions are present. what i sometimes do is use the "message" that i see and apply it to my normal daily life, if it is useful, but discard the accompanying anxiety.
i was at a point where i felt like i was going crazy because i could not function without the fear of being watched permeating my every. single. move. then i had that brain injury (got hit by a van) and was kinda distracted with recovery for a while... during which time i came to the realization that i hav to adopt a sort of "agnostic" approach to my delusions. i've never been happier than i am now.
not OP
Was diagnosed when I was 26. 28 now. I take 60mg Fluoxetine and 100mg quetiapine. Comorbidities include Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Well, OP, I don't know if this is something usual, but actually I did. I started two months ago.
>-delusions of grandeur/hallucinations
>-crying jags over nothing and bipolar indiv. is also confused by them
>-insomnia. SERIOUS insomnia. Four days or more of a few hours of sleep or less a night...during a manic state, individual will insist they feel "fine"
>-moods are confusing but have variation.
>-DOES NOT SELF HARM although will drink to excess/use drugs even if out of character when manic/hypomanic
>-moods are not subtle. either happy or sad, good or bad
>-deep fear of abandonment.
>-everything is always someone else's fault
>-co-morbid with narcissism or at least one other Cluster B disorder
Jesus fucking christ, it's like a portrait of the girl I've been with since five months ago. She even suggested she might be bipolar. Now I think she may actually have been diagnosed but didn't want me to know
A lot of people with BPD are generally abusive af in all interpersonal relationships as well.
2 years
OP here, diagnosed when I was 25. I've been on lamotrigine since then, and was recently given modafinil to help with depression. Medications have been a huge help - not a cure though, since I still swing between two extremes of mood/emotion constantly. My meds have basically put a floor on how depressed I can get, which is great because it's pretty incredible how low you can go with depression. I don't have any comorbid illnesses.
you too brah
Please explain it
That isn't even a word.
user's saying that he likes animals with two legs - i.e. humans.
Was with a girl for 8 years, not too many problems for the first 5 years. Just typical female bullshit that was taken care using reward/punishment. After getting married and being together 24/7 then things started to get crazy. I've been the breadwinner the entire time. She didn't want to start college, got a part time job while we worked on shit.
>lots of lying
>constant beratement
>constant disrespect
>everything is my fault
>I'm not contributing enough
>The "love" part of the relationship went away
>would make up lies to my friends
I guess there came a point where she wanted to be "independent and slutty". Seems she fell in love with another guy but there was some really fucked up shit going on.
She was super into BDSM, her father died at a young age, lots of drinking & smoking. I mean I dont blame her for wanting to experience life but holy shit.
Watch out lads and don't marry young.
So that's why they dont have a drug that accuratly treats it and almost no psych wants to deal with them.
No I started lifting just before I met her but after the relationship I got 'serious' with her.
I actually am grateful that I was in a relationship with one I grew alot as a person afterwards. I felt like absolute shit after it ended, I was a broken little boy, thought I wasn't worthy of anything, felt suicidal etc.
I started reading up on personality disorders (at start just to see how I could handle her/get her back, that's how pathetic I was).
Then I came across narcism and realized I was a class A narcissist. Constantly manipulating, lying, delusions of grandeur, the need for instant gratification etc. She actually didn't make me feel worse than I was feeling before, she ust systematically stripped all my self-defense mechanism that I constructed thorughout an abusive childhood.
After realising that I went in therapy and started working hard on my own disorder. Thankfully, unlike BDP, narcism is "curable".
I was nothing before her, she made me feel even less when I was with her. But I'm grateful to her that her pain made me into the person I am today.
>tfw bpd grill
>get psychiatrist and do dbt
>no longer meet criteria for bpd diagnosis
feels pretty good tbqh familia
I was with a BPD girl before, it lasted about a year. It's hard as hell to leave them. They're so good at what they do that they'll have you believing they're the victim in every scenario. It was only after she lost her car, her job, all of her friends, failed most of her classes, and got kicked out of two houses that I finally realized SHE was the problem all along.
Nice, keep it up.
But please never quit therapy, my ex was in therapy for 13 months and all was going well. But one day she stopped out of nowhere, 2 months later her symptoms came back with a vengeance.
>They're so good at what they do
Damn is that the truth. BPD people have almost reality-warping powers like some creature out of Veeky Forums. Weird to see from the outside, terrifying to be sucked into it.
thread starter here
this is an amazing post
could you please help me out how you changed it. I'm sure I have NPD.
I'm at a point of being a little boy for the past 8 months and can't get over wanting to get back with her.
>google dystromorph
>only result leads to this thread
holy fuck that's neat. allow me to add my post to the results
No, but I dated one for ~8 months. Legit worst relationship I've ever been in, and the shit is you only see how terrible it is once you're out of it. While you're in it rapid-fire flips between incredibly awesome to just awful, but in that sense it's like a drug- these high highs and low lows. I'd be willing to bet a good number of men have had their hearts torn out by BPD women, and likely the same the other way around too. Thing is I never hear it talked about with men- usually someone with those qualities is just described as a bad person.
Been over a year since we broke up. On the plus side, since the relationship was so terrible in many ways, it's made me a more confident lover. I know what to look out for, and since she was so picky in bed, my confidence in bed has skyrocketed.
Well realising you have NPD, accepting it and wanted to change it is the first and hardest step. Because they have delusional grandeur and often can't accept that something is wrong with them. Most times NPD's realize that there is something wrong with them is after a BDP relationship.
Seems like you already surpassed the first step. Now you should do two things, first get a good therapist that can guide you through the change and help you understand yourself better. Secondly get over her.
But ofcourse there are quite a few problems that come with these steps and NDP.
Like I said most NDP's dont think there is anything wrong with them so they dont get a therapist and if they do they will try to make the therapist think that the NDP is the victim and will lie and manipulate the truth so that the therapist validates them instead of helping them. Because afterall narcissist crave validation above all because they can't love themselves, have a deep feeling of shame and unworthyness.
If you get a therapist DONT FUCKING TELL ONE LIE, only tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Didn't realise I was lieing and manipulating the image my therapist had of me till my fifth session and had to start all over with him again. He didn't even realise I was doing this that's how good NDP's are at this.
To get over her understand that people choose the love they think they deserve. But nobody deserves to get their head fucked with.
NDP's are attracted to BPD's and vice versa because their disorders g hand in hand. Narcissists want validation above all else and borderlines crave attention. You will try and try to get her validation but you will NEVER receive it from her. All the while she gets her fix for attention.
You just got to learn to love yourself even if you dont like yourself, you got to stop living in a fantasy world and start working on yourself in the real world.
I know it's hard to get over her because you only think about all the good things, the attention you got, the ridiculously good sex, feeling needed etc.
But you're just compartementalising mate, she isn't all good, actually she's a witch and for every good attribute she has, she has 5 bad ones but you're just blocking those things out.
Narcissist also want to 'fix' things. So you're drawn to the idea that you can 'save' her. Bad news for you mate you can't and NEVER will be able to save her. Get that into your head as hard as it seems. She isn't the right one for you and you not for her, there are alot of other fish in the sea.
I didn't start lifting because of one, but while dating one lifting definitely helped deal with her swinging from high to low in the blink of an eye.
Would go from totally in love, sneaking off from work to fuck in an empty office to later in the day accusing me of the most asanine shit, saying really hurtful things and apologizing several hours afterward. When she went into those negative spaces where nothing I could say/do would help I would rely on the gym as a sanctuary to keep me distracted until she was back up again, knowing I was doing something to better myself while she sorted her shit out.
It was both the best and worst relationship of my life. The more someone knows you love them, the more power they have to hurt you. That's not a bad thing, just the truth.
This is actually a very good post based on actual psychological profiles. I really, really, really wanted to "help" the girl in . She was self-described as someone who didn't think she would ever get married, knew she sabotaged the good things in her life, and admitted she didn't think she could ever break that cycle.
The savior-complex in me was drawn to that and I thought perhaps she just hadn't met someone who could show her what true care and support meant. Did everything I possibly could to show her how much she was worth, call her out the times when she was self-saboting a good thing or exaggerating the negatives, etc. She was appreciative of my efforts and would say "you're right, I'm doing it again, i'm sorry" most of the time, but towards the end she basically just gave up the fight. Would turn trivial misunderstandings into huge fights, use them as an excuse as to why "this is why i'll always be single", blah blah.
Still miss her to this day and genuinely hope she gets the help she needs. She deserves to be happy just like everyone else, be it with me or any other man that can do so. But until she actually makes a conscious decision to believe in a better life it's an ugly cycle that will repeat itself forever (which is why she's still a single mom in her 30's). I wanted to be the one, but hey gotta move on.
Thank you
Np bro glad I could help
>tripfag has terrible taste in women and talks/types/thinks like a faggot
whoda thunk, Man up peewee nuts
bread chick must have a brain the size of a peanut
i guarantee she'll marry some dude with money
Holy shit this thread is validating. I'm dating one right now and yes absolutely it contributed to my lifting.
>meet her long distance and everything is great, after a while I move in with her across country
>as soon as I get here things fall to shit, she's insanely controlling and an enormous tighwad and refuses to help me do anything but wants me to do everything for her
>I've never experienced this thus far in my life so I assume the problem lies with me and that I'm actually not contributing enough, I start busting my ass to appease her demands but it's never enough
>skeletal fuccboi at this point, she's kind of into domme stuff but I can tell it doesn't fulfill her so I decide to make my body better for her, also genuinely curious to see what I'd look like with muscle mass since I'd been an underweight lanklet my whole life
>been a Veeky Forums sperg since the desu days so my first instinct is to hit Veeky Forums, I read the sticky and pirate rippetoe's book and jump right on the squats and oats train
>start making gains, fixing my diet, sleeping better, it's all amazing
>realize for the first time since I started dating this girl that I feel proud of myself for something and that self fulfillment has been something I've lacked for years at this point
>start setting my own goals and ignoring what she wants from me, feels incredible
>she changes the game up and makes 100% of our relationship problems about money
>she tells me that it's not fair that I serve myself larger portions than her, since when she buys the groceries she feels like she's not getting her fair share unless we go 50/50, even though I'm 6'2" and lift and she's 5'1" and sits on her ass all day
>I split our finances completely and buy all my own food from that point on, poor as fuck since I moved cross country and left my life behind for her, I go on food stamps to eat while she's making $70k/y
At this point we're still together because I'm too poor to leave. This is abuse, isn't it? I need to escape...
Fid you mean to rhyme or is this a song
lmao drugs don't treat borderline
Entire thread of anons discussing the exact same problem, a problem you intentionally opened the thread about implying you're interested as well, yet you think there's a connection between tripping and the topic at hand. Strong logic, peewee nuts.
This is the correct answer.
Only beta men can be lured by them because an alpha has enough experience to recognize a BPD chick
Sounds an awful lot like it...
Do you have a job? Or a car?
Job yes, car no. Can't afford one but I'm looking into buying a beater once I get a better job. We live in an expensive city so I'm barely able to make rent and buy my own food, sometimes I need to shoplift from supermarkets to make ends meet. It's a dark time brehs.
yet you're the only one who typed like a faggot about his feelings when nobody asked with Class A narcissism about his feelings.
Goodjob bro maybe if you wernt such a faggot she'd be still with you
>why I opened the thread
>implying it takes a long time to scroll through a thread to see if its worth wile
Hahahaha I know the feel bro, yday shoplifted 9 dozens of eggs just to get my protein intake for the next 2 weeks.
I started lifting because I felt like a loser being a NEET after college but I am dating a girl with BPD. It isn't as severe as some of the girls described in this thread, however it has its trying moments.
Wish you the best of luck man.
met a borderline guy while I was lifting at the gym. nice waste of 1.5 years of my life, regret it daily.
moments or days
gay or female?
I stopped lifting after dating one, I'm lifting again though.
Well some cases are alot more severe than others.
How long have you been dating? Because it gets alot worse over time
Reading this whole thread is like someone pulling words right out of my mouth. Never realized this
kind of a personality was so archetypal. It really is like one of the most harmful and addicting drugs to date a girl like this.
Mine went on for 10 months. On top of all the shit mirrored in the comments above, she "almost" dumped me for another guy halfway through and subtly held this threat over my head as another form of control, while at the same time going berzerk on me for shaming her for her "mistake" anytime I brought it up. Some people are just born master manipulators.
I now recognize that 10 month period as one of the most pathetic and shameful periods of my whole life, I'm just glad I got out, learned my lessons, and hopefully will be a stronger person for myself in the future.
Take care of yourself first, always.
Big Phat Dick
The deeper it gets, the worse it gets until it explodes or you submit completely to her control. If she's good (and BPD really is all just one big game of manipulation) it won't get too bad until you're deep enough to think "hmm well I've already invested so much, can't pull out now, maybe if I'm patient she'll get better."
Classic trick mine did was to make big plans with me a month in advance (i.e. expensive trips, meeting parents) and then use that time period as leverage to go apeshit, cause you don't wanna break up right before something big.
Usually, if we have a disagreement she gets mad at me for the night until noon next day. In the past, she would give me the silent treatment for a few days.
True, we've been dating for almost 6 years. I only noticed a few issues such as neediness and having an extremely likable personality which I thought stemmed from low self-esteem.
It wasn't until we've been together for awhile did I notice the extreme emotions or manipulative behavior.
It's been better the past few years since she started reading therapeutic books and plans to see a therapist after we move later this year.
I understand what you're saying. I'm glad you didn't let her ruin your life and if she gets in the way of my career and hobbies she knows I'll leave her even though I care deeply about her.
Let's make dystromorphy a thing, someone edit a wikipedia page for that
5 years
I even married her
>at least I'm free now tho lmao
>also mfw watching her new relationship from the outside
I almost wanted to warn the guy but he never would've listened to me anyway. He's one of those degenerate "bad boy" types though so I don't feel bad
Get a better job or just start selling on ebay for some side money.
There are girls like op pic related and then there are "qt" girls who I'm supposed to be attracted to irl lest I be labeled homo... And if I tell them they are subhuman I am labeled misanthropic/misogynistic. Just lol. Why can't people accept their inferiority? Why do they have to project everything on me? Leave me the fuck alone..
This thread. Dammit
May be with someone with BPD after reading all these posts.. They said it was bi polar though.. Is there anyway I can tell besides stealing medical records?
>I'm fucked
BPD mood swings can happen daily. Bipolar it takes weeks or months.
At the end of the day, all of these labels are memes. If you are being treated like shit and there is no progress made in remedying this, it is time to end it. It is good to know the signs and symptoms and to know that you are not alone in dealing with this, and that it is probably not your fault, but beyond that who cares what you call it.
i started to lift because i was sick of being a joke ass beta
now i'm still a beta despite getting big, it's so ingrained in my consciousness i feel like an arrogant faggot if i try to act confident
at least you figured it out early. some people go their whole lives trying to make it work with the wrong person
>all these labels are memes
...I don't think you understand how the field of psychology works. Groups of "signs and symptoms" as you describe them are by necessity lumped into named behavioral disorders, or memes according to you, so they can be recognized and treated when they occur within the same pattern among different people. The psychologist listens and observes and connects the behavioral examples provided, like everyone in this thread is doing, and makes the prognosis that it's likely a "combination of signs and symptoms that are commonly referred to as ."
Agreed on the simplicity of "if you are being treated like shit, no progress being made, it is time to end it" part though. If the person is unwilling to believe you when you say this is what you are seeing, or admits it but is unwilling to remedy it somehow, definitely time to amicably split and hope they find the light somehow/someday.
the trip that keeps on giving
You're welcome. This shit is fun to me.
I dated a girl with this shit for TWO MONTHS.
one minute she was trying to fuck my brains out the next she was saying "lets take things slow okay?"
I never ever pushed for sex, I was sick of fucking tinder whores and was looking for something a little more serious with someone i could really appreciate.
unfortunately she was completely mental and tried to dump me like 4 times within 2 weeks but always called back crying and saying she was sorry and isn't in control of her thoughts and needs to trust me.
I really liked her and she always made it sound like it was something i said or did that upset her, so i tried to apologize and get her to come back
by the fourth time i wasn't even counting it as a loss, I was just like "you know what, I really don't want you to call me back this time, you're right, we will never work out"
because i realised i wasn't fucked up in the head ruining the relationship time and time again, it was her just looking for any excuse to flip the fuck out.
Why are you still here based Balconybro
You're living the dream
Can confirm. Dated a BPD girl for half a year. What an emotional rollercoaster ride, holy shit.
I hope you pounded his tin crown face in
Muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. In muscular dystrophy, abnormal genes (mutations) interfere with the production of proteins needed to form healthy muscle.
There are many different kinds of muscular dystrophy. Symptoms of the most common variety begin in childhood, primarily in boys. Other types don't surface until adulthood.
People who have muscular dystrophy will eventually lose the ability to walk. Some may have trouble breathing or swallowing. There is no cure for muscular dystrophy.
Bipedal dystrophy refers to muscular dystrophy in humans. The "morph" describes the transition as they slowly turn into a vegetable. It really is quite sad actually, but for some like me, and OP, the thought of a woman losing her muscles is quite a turn on.
It's similiar to the more popular amputee fetish but less sexual. People with an amputee fetish usually get aroused by the though of having a woman without legs or arms because if prevents them from pushing/running away. Essentially a sex potato thst you have full control of.
While people with the bipedal dystromorph fetish it's usually less sexual more of an emotional thing. Caring for somebody who can't care for themselves. Putting on muscle for the person you love because they cant. It really is quite poetic...
It's a real thing...
In a way, I still am, and always will be.
And in another way, fuck that bitch.
female but I don't think the amount of penises present really matters when you get trapped into dealing with a borderline person.
in a decade girls that look like this will bear brown-skinned children
I have never understood why anyone cares about shit like this so much. Why does the propagation of one's genes matter? Humanity existence is simply a pointless cycle, one without finality, without a solid, clear goal. There is ultimately no purpose. The continuation of the human race, be it through your own genes or someone else's only serves to ensure the continuation of the cycle, ad infinitum. Purpose cannot exist in the absence of finality. What value do you see in the continuation of your bloodline or of those of a similar "race" as your own?
>oh wow what a great thread of anonymous discussion, let's load up my trip to reply, surely the world needs to know my identity
Fucking cuck
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