Is this what the average female body looks like?
Is this what the average female body looks like?
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In america?
Everywhere else?
>In America
About that but 20kg heavier
Kind of. Maybe with 1 or 2 extra kilos.
Basically small tits, flabby ass and skinnyfat
for her age yeah.
The average woman 38 year old woman? You wish
The average not ugly woman perhaps, but most people are uglier and have flabbier bodies with worse genetics.
Is America really that fat or is it only in certain states?
There are fat people and thin people with very little in between.
above average desu
not even bad if you were implying that.
One in four American women are obese now. Not fat, but obese.
>tfw anytime I'm on the beach, I feel this tension that everyone is about to break-out in an orgy
why bro?
>1 in 4, you mean 4 out of 10 are obese
more like this
This though has never crossed my mind, but now I can't get it out.
You've changed my outlook on beaches user
Generally, the warmer the climate and the closer you are to water, the better looking the people.
Pic related is a pretty accurate sample of American college girls.
There are different body types don't just generalize it
rollin for 2
Not anymore.
3 get
haha enjoy your fucking ugly chink
let's see what I get
Average americal female is like 5'4 and 160 lbs. That's definitely bigger than that's pic. When I was 5'7 and in the 160's I was barely a plus sized 12-14, and that's with good proportion (no gut). So yeah girl in your pic + 30lbs or so
you got the chink retard
Mirin that quad/hamstring separation on 3
we rollin
I live in la and that is so not the average college chick. Girls are much fatter than you guys assume, you really have been brainwashed by online media. At least half of college chicks I see have guts hang over if not more.
Whoops, you're right. That's even worse.
At age 20 maybe, at age 30 they are a lot fatter on average.
girl with average body, but cute face
girl with average face, but nice body?
>implying Veeky Forums likes women
Pretty much, really disgusting isn't it
Body always wins, make up can make an average girl an 8/10
If you count middle aged women, negroes, and mexicans/central Americans, yes. Young white and Asian women tend to look more like the woman in OP.
That doesn't hold with my experience. Young white women are terrified of being fat.
Shut the fuck up, roastie.
The chink isn't that bad desu
>you got the chink retard
well fuck
depends on your shitty standards 2bh
She'd look great if she loses 5kg
that's like my ex
these body shapes..
I live in south Florida and agree with The warmer and wetter the thinner the people are. Here I would say that OP's pic is pretty average, worse than average if she's under 30. There's a ton of really hot cougars here too.
Go to Iowa and it's just fatties drinking light beer down by the river.
What stupid eurocucks forget is that one of the medium or large states in America is probably the same size as their entire shitty country. America is a big place, not all of it nice.
if a girl hasnt a bf lower than 10% and some muscle my radar doesnt identfy them as female
the retards that starve themselves thinking being a skellington is the apex of beauty and the lazy skinnyfats that think their curves are everything are just as bad as landwhales to me
no one cares dyel
Statistics does not support your statement
I only fucc with hightesst bruh
the booty on 0 tho
Average body, cute face. Maybe you can convince her to exercise, then you have a 9/10 on your hands that looks good without makeup.
must be that "beach body" motivation. The people in rio were the fittest I've ever seen.
Perfect body fat for female
pls be decent
yeah she's really fkin hot irl
can you read? we're talking about the USA
first girl has bist legs
It's what every woman should look llike as a worst case scenario.
This is a 10/10 body in my state because 95ŕ of women are porkers
>women are all becoming obese
>men are all getting fit and practicing pickup to fight for the decreasing pool of mates
ww3 when?
>not subsaharan-tier black
not well memed, friend
I guess ill roll
Depends on the region. The South and most of the Midwest fuck up the percentages for everybody else, the West Coast, Northwest, and states with "outdoorsy" cultures(Colorado, Minnesota, Wyoming, etc.) have fitter girls.
I'm a gambling man
The funny thing is that the whales are still getting attention from the fit men
the funny thing is women are starting to be shamed for being fit
if only one could be cured of their fat fetischism. Its so fucking disgusting
that photo was taken in malta at st. georges bay. 100% positive due to ef sign. you got any more of the girl?
no it's not
You are correct
I'm Maltese senpai
Midgets? No thanks.
noice. I used to teach English there for a couple of years. Maltese women aren't that nice but that one looks fine af. would appreciate nudes
Sorry I don't have any bro
Maltese girls really are a hit or miss in terms of attractiveness.
too bad, thanks for sharin
i disagree. In canada and Scandinavia there are tons of QTs. Not to mention Russia
first girl and portugal are the only ones who are even close to acceptable. Its not even that they're good its just that everyone else looks like shit.
USA's calves though
spain is acceptable
why are womens' looks getting shittier by the day brehs
Most look way worse, just got back from the beach/boardwalk in nj and wow.
Minnesota native who has lived in Colorado, Hawaii, and California reporting in...
Some of the fattest people I have ever seen were on Maui and the Big Island (Hawaii) .
Fittest I have seen were in Colorado.
Water and weather ain't got shit to do with it.
Can anyone post the pic with like a dozen girls naked turned backwards looking pretty ugly ?
Blame her
I'll take 3