Form check

Is the squat okay? On week 7 of SL, still pretty much a novice. Gym bro says I'm hitting depth but I need a second opinion

BW 145lbs
Squatting 200lbs in webm

Also general form check thread

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You need a new camera man.

90kg after 7 weeks?

Shouldn't you be at 80kg?

Had to downgrade the webm a lot to fit the under 3MB rule

I started SL 40kg squat cause I've squatted before and my 5RM was 80kg

This is the end of week 7

yeah youre not hitting depth at all, you need to work on your ankle mobility and core strength
watch some Alan Thrall's videos on how to squat. Youre doing a weird high bar/low bar hybrid squat. I guess you won't hurt yourself, as your back is not rounded, but the form itself is shitty.

I'm doing highbar; the bar is on my traps

Sorry, I meant cameraman, not camera, man.

nice quarter reps

This, you need to squat way deeper

I don't see any traps kek.
You are attempting to do a high bar squat, but not doing it.
Your bar position is high bar but your body moves more like a low bar squat. Your torso should be more vertical during the whole lift and elbows should be more to the front (under the bar). You clearly lack the shoulder mobility for that. You also lack ankle mobility, that is why you can't squat deep and you need to lean forward to keep yourself balanced.
Get some oly shoes, deload and work on your mobility before you fuck yourself up. Also, research proper form.

lower faggot

Nothing wrong with hybrid squats

sure, it's also an exercise
but he asked about high bar squat form

My ankles are very stiff and I've noticed this before too

What would you recommend for ankle mobility?

squat down place loaded bar on knees and wait

Just do this for lower body:
and this for upper body:
prefferably every day.

Additionally, just squat deep next to a chair (for stability) and push it lower and lower while your heels are up, trying to touch the ground.

From Monday I'm also going to try to be in the squat position 30 minutes every day (while watching tv etc.).

I guess you can't really overdo it.

I really don't get how people squat like that
maybe I just need to lose weight because I always feel off balance and fall backwards

If you fall backwards, and can stop it by standing on your toes, then It's really all about your ankle mobility.

30 minutes what, the "practice" I get is that I wipe my ass while squatting over the toilet to spread my asscheeks with my hairy ass. I think that's how I started at 170 at a dyel 140

The depth is fine you fucking retards. Hip crease below knee is all that matters.

lower faggot

Your torso is coming forward a bit, everything else is fine... don't listen to the ATG fagots on this board

Ignorance, it's everywhere even on this board. Did nobody here play any kind of sports in their life? Look up to the sky and don't lean forward too much. Other than that you're good. Everyone else can gfto.

Low/high bar doesn't fucking matter until you get into serious bodybuilding and if you get that far you'll be fairly knowledgeable.

>Look up to the sky
Yeah good shit, bro. Keep giving advice.

I'm joking by the way.

>Look up to the sky

That would fuck up my neck


faggot thats only 180


It's 90kg

15+15+5 on one side

except even by that metric it's still high lol

Don't bend your neck ALL the way back dipshit. Top vertebrea should be in line with the middle vertebrea.

bar doesn't weigh 30kg fag

The bar is 20kg + 15 kg + 15kg + 5kg (on one side wtf? use two 2.5kg plates) equals 55 kg. How the fuck are you making the sum?

The way he's doing it will fuck his lower back up. This is how I did it for 4 years. nothin wrong with my neck and got up to 405 squat.

Point your elbows down, they're way too far behind for high bar.
Need more depth, you're barely hitting parallel.

I don't know about the forward lean. Too many spastics on Veeky Forums have watched chinks with manlet proportions and high heeled oly shoes do upright squats and think that's the way it should look for everyone. It's really largely determined by your proportions.
As long as the bar path is straight and over the midfoot it's fine, but unfortunately your cameraman has ADD which makes it hard to tell from the .webm

confirmed manlet lying about his shit tier squat

He means he has 35kg on each side. 35+35+20=90

If that's depth then I'm squatting to fucking abyss. Ass to grass fgt