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Health #376
Quints and everyone on Veeky Forums gets a gf
Walk into home gym
What's the best time to hit the gym and can you work out on an empty stomach?
We look for a gymbro
Why do people do this? It's ugly as fuck
What's fit's take on vegetarian/fake meats?
Drawn into the backdrop here
Going to gym every day?
What days should I do OHP?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on carbs?
How can I actually lose weight with protein shakes? Any good brand? Do I really need to have 2 a day to have it work...
Our time down here
Successful skelly to fit stories
Uuum is this thing a meme?
Dat face vagina
Is 6'1 too tall to become a trap?
/owg/ /wlg/
Who /no feels/ here?
So tl;dr my ex was a slut who cheated on me so I kicked her out and she killed my cats/lost them and stole money...
See dis guy standing, heavely breathing for minutes, in front of the weights u wanna use. What do?
Shit normies like to hear
If i fap before i workout will the workout be worse?
Leg Day
Is she high test Veeky Forums?
Just popping by to show you this roided dwarf
Veeky Forums, why do you breed with womanlets when there are 6'2 goddesses available?
Okay, I want to gain bodyweight. I'm 183 cm and I weigh 66kg. I have to force myself to eat to gain weight...
There are people who can get lean without counting calories
You guys do train your neck right?
Tfw fell for the squat meme
Why is it so hard for my chest to grow senpai?
How do I get this bodytype?
The 1/2/3/4 is a meme made so fatties can feel good about them self's, the real is ohp for 0.75xbw,bench for 1...
Okay, what the FUCK do you do?
So who here has Fallout 4? It's on sale right now you should get it + season pass
Hello i'm asking here because afaik there's no drug board on Veeky Forums
How I know Veeky Forums is cancer:
Post your Veeky Forums triggers
Why is fit so fucking comfy?
Chad Thundercock vs (you)
He low bar squats
Seriously, what the fuck is with lanklets and height?
Is The Wall real?
Lifting Music
Shoulder keeps hurting
Hello Veeky Forums, I just need some advice
Never been more inspired
Fat People Hate
How long did you lift before you got a gf?
Tfw a girl likes you
ITT: Your waifu for whom you lift for
Hightest thread + miring
Talking to coworker
Worked my ass off for 4 years to acquire an impressive physique
Has anyone here gotten fit while having a gf/spouse? How did they take it? Is the gains goblin meme true?
Why do people do deadlifts and squats when one wrong move could fuck up your spine for life?
What do you guys do when you are hungry and have already passed your calorie limit for the day while cutting?
My gut has gotten large enough to where I am distracted while working
Jusr noticed gym shark filmed a video beer my house, does Veeky Forums want me to there?
Tfw no friends
How the fuck health food compete with this?
Starting a new diet
Who here /losing gains for pussy/ tonight?
How do i get the v, Veeky Forums?
Deadlift form check
Is SS+GOMAD a meme or does it actually work?
Prove Veeky Forums isnt a bunch of morons, lads
Will joining the Marines make me great?
Routine Critique - haven't seen one of these threads in forever
Does anyone on Veeky Forums live in an apartment? Are you self sufficient? Do you take care of yourself...
MeDiUm TeSt ThReAd
Tfw no matter how much you lift you will forever be beaten in a fight by a 130 pound fighter
What causes Tren jaw?
What do you call this?
According to, 1/2/3/4pl8 x 5 is very disportionate especially The Press...
Veeky Forums what exercise can i do to work out the top of my glute muscles
Daily reminder looks aren't everything, social skills matter just as much, if not more
Alright, so I haven't actually given hobby biking a thought until this week, but here I am
Connor Murphy is on roids guise
Do people notice if yout teeth are yellow or crooked?
What mode is this?
Would you Vegan Mom ?
Pour oats
How long do you do cardio for? (running on a treadmill) Is 30 minutes too much?
Is it true that genes determine your body shape or can it be sculpted by working out? I want to avoid fridge mode
>He brings a journal to the gym to track his progress
EVERY man should learn how to fight
start lifting 18 months ago
Do you ever get anxiety from cheat days?
Why is there so much negative press around using these as a pre workout?
Tfw trying to lift during a severe depression episode
TFW one of the gym employees looks like Lily Thai
Do you care about flexibility? Why not?
Progress thread
Lifting to be bigger than this is retarded
Military Press
What mode have I reached friends?
How do I stop guys from staring & catcalling @ me in the gym?
Been taking hour long walks everyday
Trans Exercising
Why do people do this?
ITT: 10 pushups for every (You) you get
I just masturbated to myself in the mirror
How do you become confident?
In the street
Selfmade pre workout
Would it be safe to take 600mg of this three times a week...
Is there any cold drink that i can prepare/buy and is enjoyable as much as diet coke...
Be 165lb, 5'8 exfat permacutting on 1500kcal
Barely has enough money to eat, uses shitty homemade weights. Looks better than 99.9% of Veeky Forums
24 Iranian named Sajab Gharibi is known as the Persian Hercules
You, I like you
Are there any drugs/medication that will make me enjoy social interactions/events?
What motivates you Veeky Forums?
Foreskin Restoration Thread
Tfw you will never explore the world, go on heroic and dangerous quests...
What id Veeky Forums's life philosophy?
Controlled nutrition
Does Big Lenny make anyone else uncomfortable...
What was the last time you saw Chestbrah posting? :'(
attempt to go vegan and bodybuild at the same time
Would you?
Trying to bulk
Abs thread
Am I depressed
Tfw too intellectual to lift
Have any of you overcome your autism through lifting? how do i get rid of my social anxiety?
Does lifting make up for being Pakistani?
I let guys at the gym work in with me if they ask...
Is there a way to reprogram yours so you can feel happy?
Post your go to cologne to get the girls
ITT: Aesthetic muh-dick females
Post your 1 rep max face
People on Veeky Forums do one of the most dangerous exercises for shoulder health their is
Tfw I just fucked my cut because I cracked and ate a bunch of chips and reesies peanut butter cups
Last night
So I'm on week 5 of a 1000kcal/day cutting diet. thanks to myfitnesspal...
/fraud/ general
Vegan bulking foods
Can i start a lifting routine while I have pretty severe shoulder impingement...
"Burn more calories than you consume"
Is this a joke?
/plg/ - power of the lifting of the general
Be poor fag just out of Highschool
Dear brehs, today I finally lost my virginity (18 y/o), partially due to recent gains. Dubs decide how I celebrate
Trying to get out of skeleton mode
Scooby memes
Lifting shoes
How do I improve my memory? I'll do whatever it takes really
Low Test Thread
Rib Cage
That perfect bubble butt chick at the gym
Your heroess is a whore, Veeky Forums
Mirin' Thread, Making It Edition
Sup fit Bros
Cardio kills gains
Good job Britain, you singlehandedly ruined it for everybody because of the fear of extremist Muslims...
Leg Lenght Surgery
Pec shape
What is the perfect gf according to fit?
Reminder to ALWAYS wear a condom/use birth control
Is this a healthy stool Veeky Forums?
What do you do when your motivation is gone and your reason to lift has been soiled?
TFW I bulked without lifting
Is 27 too late to start lifting?
Facial Aesthetics General /FAG/
Are Wide grip pull ups, Barbell rows, dead lifts , Chin ups and Shrugs Good enough to get a big back?
Even if I get fit, i'll still be 5'5 and it's a shitty feeling
I wish i was dead
Could lifting have saved him?
SSfag here, my trainer doesn't let me do any bicep curls, though I still do push-ups, rows and chin-ups
Veeky Forums job thread
So what are your plans for the weekend and how Veeky Forums are they?
Be honest, Veeky Forums. How often do you brush and floss your teeth?
What kind of body could such workouts give?
What's your day job, Veeky Forums?
Hi Veeky Forums
Analyze this ass
ADD medication side effects
Your all along in the gym. A magic fit genie appears. You can now pick your own
Pretty sure I'm genetically cursed, Veeky Forums
Dl stat
My sister can eat shit, zero fitness workout and still look like this
Have you guys ever seen the faces in of the men in the game "Dishonored"?
Knowing what you know now would you have started working out at a younger age?
Gym Bully Thread
Who do you lift for, Veeky Forums?
C'mon user! a few drinks aren't going to ruin your "gains"!
/fraud/ general
/plg/ powerlifting general
Want girlfriend
Japanese Readers Choose Sexiest Shonen Jump Villains
I woke up this morning, browsed then chan for a bit, then went to the gym...
Beginner Advice Thread
/sds/ - Shit DYELs Say
What kind of exercises can I do to strengthen my lower back/relieve the pain?
/Hair Gainz General/ HGE
Food thread
Symmetric Strength thread. Post yours. Post your favorite Pokemon too so we make it a little more interesting
Lifting is not making me less socially anxious
How did he got so big Veeky Forums? idk much about Sudan, but what is he eating? also...
Hey guys, so this is my weight loss transformation so far. I went from 5'6 220lbs to 5'6 136lbs now
Tfw failing uni
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm a guy and I'm thicc as hell. I've always felt really bag about it. Do ladies like a thicc guy...
Who else /narrowshoulders/ here? Is there anything worse?
ITT: Reasonably fit cheat meals
Mega hungry/emotional on cut
Pushup thread
You're doing your daily cardio while your bf is lifting weights and this girl graps his ass, what do you do?
Keto Thread: /keto/
Hey fit I just turned 18, do I have potential?
What is the most alpha profression?
Functional Strength Thread
What kept you from going to the gym today Veeky Forums?
Are there any downsides to just becoming a Chest/Curl/Shoulder/Glute/Ab - Bro?
What would be an ideal routine if you solely want big legs?
/plg/ powerlifting general
If your schedule does not allow time for proper warmup, it does not allow time for training at all
Cringe lifting related thread
Tfw 29 years old
ITT: your favorite active trips
Tfw no pair of jeans will fit me from squatting too much
Have any of you tried microdosing shrooms / lsd...
Be a minority
Fit grills thread
What should be the focus? Perfect execution of movement or weight load?
Does lifting actually make up for being Indian or is that just wishful thinking?
Productive Hobbies?
Tfw all the gymrats were happy about brexit
Can't get big. How do I get big
Riddle me this Veeky Forums, will my boobs become none existent like pic related if I exercise...
Can Indian lifting help get a white girlfriend? I want 100% white blonde
The difference that five years can make
Stacey eats CHAD while Chad eats pizza while PIZZA eats you while you eat STACEY
What's your excuse brahs?
Cut or bulk? Wut do?
My (retarded) friend thinks Steve Cook is natty
Can do a chin-up
Anyone here ever phucked an FBB?
Fat people stories/Fat hate thread
Alright, Veeky Forums
Does alchool indeed kill gains. and if so then how...
I only got a homegym with adjustable dumbbells, a bench and a pull up bar...
Starting Strength
When you lift 5 times a week on a 1700-1800 calorie cut
Make thread about quitting Veeky Forums like a week ago
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Does anyone else have an irrational fear of their living conditions changing for some reason and them being unable to...
Pretending to hate Jeff Seid is the dumbest Veeky Forums meme. He's literally Zyzz with a better physique...
Is David Laid natty?
I am going to try losing weight again. I am currently 107-108 kilos...
Getting a haircut soon
/fraud/ general
Do you bench without a spotter Veeky Forums?
Rob McElhenney
Veeky Forums
Violently gassy and get diarrhea after I drink milk lately
This is my left foot
What does Veeky Forums think about the uk overhead pressing eu?
/CTT/ current tricep thread
It's official Arnold Schwarzenegger is a cuck
Feels Thread
Why do I do this to myself, Veeky Forums?
Ramadan month
How fucked am I?
Who /bacne/ here? How do you prevent it? I bulked up from 160lb to 185 and broke out all over my back...
Daily reminder that you make more gains in a 12 week cycle than you can with 4 years of natty lifting
What is Veeky Forums's favorite, as well as least favorite lift, and why?
Does anyone else love lifting but hate "lifting culture" and Veeky Forums?
Dude in my gym
Is deadlift a meme?
High test brehs thread?
You guys, not sure if this is the right place...
/plg/ general powerlifting general
Kicking the habit
Is mexican food good macros?
I have some terrible news Veeky Forums. You have been sent the bomb
What is Veeky Forums's workout music?
Energy drinks
You're on a cut
What's his name again?
Just returned from the clinic with a diagnosis of major depression, anxiety and body dismorphia...
I binge eat a lot and thought
Okay so I have an android and while I was at the gym my friend, who has an iPhone...
/fraud/ general
Guys who go to the gym:
Well Veeky Forums I'm doing it. Having mini-abdominoplasty to surgically remove lose skin after losing weight...
I've gone through 4 pairs of fucking headphones during this year...
Cut Vs Bulk thread
The conundrum of the cheating girlfriend: to whom go the spoils?
So I haven't looked at porn or edged for a month and I feel exactly the fucking same
Alright Veeky Forums I'm miltiboarding from /b/ temporarily because I'm feeling like shit since I'm fat as fuck
Why do you lift ?
Which type of guy are you /mascgen/?
Tfw got a girls number today
CBT, last one almost dies
Goal Body Bread
No supplements for me, black coffee is all I need preworkout
Frank Yang appreciation thread
What unconventional music do you listen to when working out ?
Should i use roids for a short time?
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Is there such a thing as work strength versus gym strength?
Assuming I cut 1500 calories a day and lift, how long would it take for a 5'9" 215 lb man to get to this mode...
What is the general consensus of SS on Veeky Forums?
1st set: all 5 reps
Is it okay to work out during doms?
New gymbrah
/good vibes/
Ok so what's the actual manlet cutoff Veeky Forums? I know you guys think 6 feet is...
High Test Thread
Fat Hate/Fat Stories/Fat Motivation
How much do I have to lift to have my gains visible through my clothing? What stats did you start seeing this?
Transformation Thread
Haven't been on Veeky Forums in 2 years. Did this guy ever get shredded?
Tfw you realize 99% of natty lifters look like shit
Veeky Forums eats
Anyone else on here just a normal, non-autismo dude who's just into fitness?
Is your mother Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums, what books should I read to get the mental gains?
Tfw its deadlift day for me tomorrow
I posted this on Veeky Forums yesterday and those lardasses laughed at me...
Natty lifting is a joke
God-tier youtubers
Tfw started dressing properly
Who /no cardio/ here?
How do you cook your oatmeal, fit?
Is eating alot of meat and eggs all the time bad for your health?
Is Starting Strength overrated?
What calorie counter/tracker do you guys use?
Wow, user, you're ripped! What sport do you play? do play sports right?
Tfw 4 years of lifting
We need new "strength standards", as the current 1234 is way too easy to achieve...
Post your pics
And this is user's room.. He's a "fitness enthusiast"
Fit Humour Thread
Try to cook healthy
average about 2-3 poos daily
Tfw day 2 of nofap
Fictional goal body thread
Guys I smoked too much weed and I'm having a panic attack. Should I take half a clonazepam to calm myself down...
Choose one
Is it true that fat chicks are better in bed?
"bro I am all about that functional strength that's why I do all these compound lifts"
Calling all manlets
I lost like 20 pounds pretty damn fast this month (DNP...)...
Fistpill me on Human Growth Hormone
I thought I made it bruhs
Realistically how many carbs should you eat per day while cutting on a 2000 calorie diet?
Pull the middle part of my left trap at gym ~4 weeks ago
Hey guise, I chose one of your topics from the thread yesterday. I chose, "how to make friends in the gym and out"...
Fit approved snacks?
/fraud/ general
Finally getting dem mires boys
This Dude claims natty, is this achievable without drugs??
Where can I buy Ephedrine online safely?
Anyone else love Arnold but come to realise that he has no idea what he's talking about despite being mr Olympia?
Tfw finally get a qt3.14 gf
This what literal nigger vegans think is "a lot of protein"
Any skaters on Veeky Forums?
Is it socially acceptable for a guy to go to yoga classes?
How do I stop rewarding myself after working out?
ITT post your protein shake recipe and have others tell you how you're doing it wrong
How do people treat you after you become ripped? Ive been scrawny all my life and i need some motivation
Veeky Forums please help me out
Really makes you think, huh
Greyskull LP
Shoulder flexion
High Test
Veeky Forums how long did it take you guys to come to terms with becoming weaker on your cut?
Sup Veeky Forums, serious question:
Cut Or Bulk? 5'7 138 pounds
Be having lower back issues for months
/plg/ powerlifting general
Good feels thread
Staying Fit While Detained in a Mental Institution
Guys. I fucked up. I have a question
I look like a centaur after doing SS for four months
Daily reminder pull ups are the best exercise in the world
/feels general/
Goal Body thread
What bf% is required to look maximally joocy without looking fat?
Are deadlifts overrated?
Is there such thing as being too tall as long as you still get swole?
How bad is smoking looking at the loss of possible gains? is it really that bad if you want to get Veeky Forums?
24 hour gyms? Who the heck wants to work out for 24 hours?!
Daily reminder that noporn helps a lot and combined with lifting has huge benefits
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
FA people are truly the biggest degenerates on this whole site
This is a thread about lifting shit over your head
Fat Hate/Fat Stories/Fat Motivation
VIP Manlets
/CHAD/ - Chad general
Is lifting/bodybuilding ok for health long term?
Redpill me on vegan diets
Thoughts on PUA in combination with lifting
/owg/ /wlg/
This is considered fit in America
Muh cardio kills gainz
How many of you are unsuccessful at dating just because your social circle sucks
/ag/ - Aesthetics General
My bitch of a health nut gf is telling me to switch from white rice to brown rice
5'10" King of Manlets
Ex is getting more fit
be 184lb
Walk into gym
/Fraud/ General
How do you like your eggs, Veeky Forums?
Motivational Thread [Epic Testosterone Edition]
My squats are not improving
/routine general/
How does one train rejection handling?
In my sport (wrestling) we would call bad wrestlers "fish" because fish flop on their back...
Need some podcasts to listen to whilst walking
Will she be one day fit?
My grandpa just passed away, should I go and lift?
Last cheat meal
Daily reminder that it doesn't matter if you lift if you have shitty facial genetics
Harsh truth thread
I am going on a diet, but I just found out that alcohol has a lot of calories
Attention former fatties!
Rogaine/Minoxidil for Beard gains
ITT we post our height and bodyweight
Does being a manlet matter as much as they say?
Bang gf for first time
Why is everything bad for you so goddamn tasty!
Ideals Thread
I think I'm beginning to suffer the early stages of schizophrenia or at least some other mental disorder...
Walk into the Gym
Home gym thread
Which one is more aesthetic, the manlet or the normal guy?
I'm going to eat 30 eggs today, cooked in copious amounts of butter
Hey Veeky Forums, first time posting here. I have a question just out of curiosity...
Symmetric Strength Thread
Today I achieved 100 days of nofap
Will people make fun of me at the gym even if I wear a t-shirt...
ITT social gains
Lifting shoes
Apple Cider Vinegar
Taking pre workout before an interview a good idea?
Jump Rope General
'''Help me poop better, Veeky Forums'''
Does my chest pass off for bearmode pecs? Or does it just look like gyno?
What'd you guys think of PUA masters? Have any of you seen any of the greats in-field...
Wake up at 6:30
When will manlets learn?
Where this "squats makes your ass bigger" meme come from? If chicks have shitty genetics squats won't help
Is this the peak of human physique's proportions?
Ex is getting better looking
Asians work on their MIND and pull qt girls while you work on your MUSCLES and pull fat white girls
Is it possible to permanently fuck your dopamine receptors...
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
What foods do you miss most on a cut?
Who else here going to work out soon?
How would you estimate my current bf%
Welp, you gotta start somewhere
CBT old one is nearing death
Why was Yukio Mishima so based?
I can safely bench 80kg for 8 reps would it be unsafe to try 100kg today? I will be alone
Is there anything wrong with broad shoulders?
Have you guys noticed the growing discrepancy between men and women in the fitness world recently...
Kill Me Now Pls
Why did lifting literally kill my gaming "addiction" over-night?
Is there hope of me being aesthetic?
Post your wins!
How do you stop yourself from ogling over teenage girls at the gym? They go in packs of usually 3...
I hate cumming
Best Preworkout
Just one question for Veeky Forums
ITT: Yfw only four hours into the arm workout
Asked a girl out today. she told me she used to have a crush on me in high school...
This exists
How do i talk to women
Any workouts and shit to fill up my chest, get abs, and get bigger arms?
I'm 12% bf
Whats the best way to beat taller people in a fight
Enlighten me on eggs Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums I ran three miles today and now my shoulder hurts like I pulled it something fierce...
Yfw last rep
So what do you guys think about guys who've fucked you gf before you... But! They're taller...
How do I get a thicc juicy bacc?
How does Veeky Forums express themselves? I like to carry my Ronnie Coleman Signature Series shaker cup around
These are lifts I've removed from my routine and saw ZERO loss of gains
"Sup bud, how many scoops you got there?"
Garey Busey's daughter here. Hey guys. What should the topic of my next video be about? Can range from
Holy shit I have my physical fitness test for the navy in 5 days and I need to be able to do 15 push ups and 20 sit ups...
Never really worked out hamstrings before besides squats and deads
Is there a less gay alternative to fitbit?
How does it feel to have shit genetics?
Is everybody trying to get to the lowest body fat percentage possible?
What is your average meal?
Skinny fat trying to get more muscular. Should I bulk or cut?
What do you guys think about the bulk and cut diet?
/Fraud/ General
What do you guys do other than lift? I have literally no other hobbies besides browsing the web and going to the gym...
What do you add to your coffee, or do you drink it straight?
How get Nate Diaz mode?
So I've been going to the gym for two months and I don't think my routine is working...
You guys have just got to try this new diet
What do you think about wheelchair bodybuilding?
Gyms in SF?
Tfw I need 3200 calories a day to slow bulk
Is my cok small no homo
Manlet here-is there even a point in hitting the gym?
Seems like fitness industry is chock full of memes, myths and outright shitty and harmful advice...
Can i get the real talk on nofap?
Things dyels say
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on personal trainers...
Why are so many buff dudes bald? I know steroids make your hair fall but i see a bunch of natties in the gym...
Do you trust anything you read in a magazine?
My roommate's friend is studying exercise sciences and he designed a workout routine for the both of us
Supplements that aren't memes
Veeky Forums
Martial Arts
Your girlfriend starts lifting
What goes thru your mind during cardio?
Rip is voting for Trump
/owg/ /wlg/
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Be me, few years ago in highschool
Redpill me on diet sodas Veeky Forums
Non-Elitist workout music thread
Anyone for CBT?
Calories in Vs Calories out MYTH is BUSTED
Has getting Veeky Forums affected how many fights you get into now?
Tfw want to go to the gym but don't want to walk 5 miles to get there and back
Amalgam fillings
Am I fat?
Any lanklets here?
Guys, I had a gf for years and the sex was amazing, I could cum tree or six times Everytime...
So Veeky Forums, is it better to eat food after you lift or drink a shake...
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
How do i train a 3 year old?
ITT strength gaining methods
Tfw cutting
I'm a fat boy. I won't make any excuses. What's a reliable program that can get me 100 pounds lighter?
/High Test Thread HTT
This 10/10 goddess is outside your gym handing out pizzas, do you give in?
Autistic reasons you started lifting
Is getting Veeky Forums worth it, if you're a chestlet?
Spinal health thread
Anyone wear gloves letting weights? I'm planning to use them because I'm getting tired of getting blisters...
Trying To Give Up Bread
Intelligence fitness
Films/books/comics/shows/images that inspire you to be fit
MIRIN Thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I know I'm going to look like a fucking weeb because of pic related, but I don't really give a shit...
Jogging shirtless
Veeky Forums Hygiene General
ITT: Your weakness
/FAG/ - Facial aesthetics general
What's your forearm routine?
Best Supplements
Do you have what it takes to be a marine?
Does lifting help fill the void in your life?
Getting Veeky Forums with IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, and Gluten Intolerance etc
The Hero's Journey Thread
/dpt/ Daily Push up Thread
Swimming vs Running for fat loss. What is the best?
Does lifting really make up for being Indian or is there no point?
Stupid Veeky Forums things
Who would you rather look like if you could either be:
Eat pizza everyday
How many dips can you do?
What does Veeky Forums think of Buff Dudes?
Fasting Thread
CBT: Progress Edition
What if books required to not be scum are on a book shelf exactly 6 feet from the ground and that's why manlets will...
Post PR songs or songs you listen to while working out to get hyped that are actually good
What's the easiest way to get (You)s on Veeky Forums?
So what's in your gym bag Veeky Forums? Include pics if you've got 'em
What do you lift for?
This is my arm after 2 weeks lifting. Is there a point of living anymore?
Let's have a old habits thread anons
How much weight could I aggressively lose in say six weeks Veeky Forums...
Tfw didn't start lifting at age 15 and wasted your childhood with videogames
Current fatty that's decided to turn my life around. Can someone rate my weekly routine? I do it mon/wed/fri...
Tfw you finally made it
If girls are such terrible people, why do we work out of them?
How do you (a natty bodybuilder) come to terms that you could be making such easier and faster gains on steroids...
What would Veeky Forums say to a 30 year old male who weighs over 370lbs and struggles to lose weight because he...
So I'm a skinnyfat who started lifting 3 months ago to get Veeky Forums and to lose my man boobs...
The listed ingredients for this peanut butter are:
OMG user, you're so small, is that why you work out
Can someone tell me it's going to be okay & all that my hard work will pay off, please?
Any Concept 2 owners/rower that did the Summer Solstice 21 K challenge today. I just finished it
The AspireAssist allows patients to remove about 30% of the food from the stomach before the calories are absorbed into...
Plan to go to gym
Have you ever compared your own body to that of a fictional character?
I'm so fucking lonely
It's my birthday brehs
Fat People Hate
Where ya' been bro, haven't seen you in ages!
talk with boss about lateral raise
Veeky Forums, what do you think of the fleshlight?
Should I cut or bulk to make my abs more visible?
Why lift when it's about the intellect?
Why do fat people try so hard to justify being fat?
List in order of priority:
Push Pull Legs Advice
Is my mom fit or potentially fit?
This guy slaps your girlfriend's ass at the gym, what do you do?
Mom signed up the gym
Dark motivation
TFW mom bought no-name brand Chicken burgers
If i do a back bis/chest tris split, where do the following exercises fit in?
Can Asians be alpha?
Alright Veeky Forums let's settle this:
Is it true that past the age of 25 women start to age horribly?
Tfw a girl likes you
My fat friend just posted this on facebook. Should I unfriend?
You know the rules
Tfw can't deadlift the bar
HOW the fuck is being fat/thin NOT genetic bros? fuck
How do I unlock Operator mode? Also let us mourn the loss of one who made it, probably slayed tons of pussy...
While CHAD spends his days in PRISON getting BUTTRAPED by TYRONE...
Does anyone else not like this app...
Redpill me on Ephedrine, Veeky Forums. Are the benefits worth it? Will I fuck my shit up
How long are your workouts?
Would he still be here if he lifted?
Tell me the perfect work out so my boyfriend will stop cheating on me
How do I achieve Ramsay Bolton mode?
Hi, I have never posted here, so please try to be kind as I know the internet can be very cruel...
High cable flys
What is the ideal weight to start using belts?
How much sleep is actually necessary for physically active individuals?
Anybody here lift for Papa?
That bisexual/gay/fem boys give their male friends blowjobs, especial straight friends...
Is fasted cardio just a meme?
How do I into "cut my burrito bitch " mode
Bulk foods
Bachelorette General Thread : Chad edition
Why are Eastern Europeans so strong compared to their Western counterparts?
Does this trigger you, Veeky Forums?
Be me
Whats the most annoying injury that keeps you from making gains...
I hate how this faggot thinks it's cute and funny to be this fat and disgusting. The sad part is...
Is 1-2 beers a night okay?
See beautiful girl at the gym
Is it possible to be an expert on women whilst being a virgin?
When did you stop believing the "military is fit" meme?
Who do you lift for
Progress Thread
Besides lifting, what goals do you have in life Veeky Forums?
Bulking diet: is this enough?
Last time benching
Why don't you vape while working out?
Is David Laid natty?
Morning lifting
Can Veeky Forumsizens hold their own in a fight?
Whats your instagram fitfu?
So you lift, but can you defend yourself against Baba Koksal running at you with a knife
What is the best forearm exercise and why is it pic related?
Sumo V Conventional for Aesthetics: Final Edition
What's the perception of guys in the gym with long hair?
Weighted Clubs
What's the weird drink foor combination you enjoy the most ?
How do you cope without chocolate on a cut?
How much water do you drink a day Veeky Forums? I'm on my second litre right now
Be you
Daily reminder that gains aren't the only thing that women care about
Pls convince me not to kill myself Veeky Forums
What do you guys think a the guys on the left and right height/weight/bf% are...
Give me one reason not to roid and get an aesthetic body to get hit on by hot sluts
Serious question. Is it possible for an Asian to achieve bear mode? Pic related is the closest I've seen
Making a Veeky Forums workout playlist, songs with 2+ replies saying approved get added
"Come on now user, show those chiselled abs!!!"
/deliuge/ deliuge appreciation deliuge (owg 2.0)
How does Veeky Forums prefer their egg?
This time we settle this
Goal bodies
You know what's funny?
How long do you guys spend in the gym? 30 minutes? An hour?
I'm skinny af
Why are people obsessed with how much you weigh? It's all about proportions not a measurement on the scale...
What does Veeky Forums think of Jeff Cavaliere?
I have to go to the gym in the next hour, but i am tired and unmotivated as fuck...
Motivation Thread
PLG - Powerlifting General
What's one exercise you guys hate?
Fuck me, Veeky Forums. Im terrified of going bald...
Who are some high test porn stars for me to chuck a wank to? Young and old
Okay Veeky Forums Are 21s the GOAT Bicep Workout?
Made it thread
Anyone else on Veeky Forums go to hookers? Do you get mired?
Tfw gf thinks i'm bad at sex
How come dudes in prison ALWAYS look goddamn jacked and bufff while on 2500kcals a day and NO weight training equipment...
Want to try low doses of SARMs
How long to unlock David mode natty?
Who candida here?
I'm losing weight but they won't go away? Do I just have to keep losing or is it permanent??
CBT because last one is dying
How do you do your chicken?
What is the worst thing you've eaten for your life
How do I enter Australian Aboriginal mode?
Hi fit im about to go on a shipping cruise for 6 months...
Rate me, fit. Just take a pic, no pump
Patriotism is the cringiest shit ever
Which works the chest more/harder?
I fucked up Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums how would you change your early life if you had the chance to reset?
My wounds aren't healing, any help?
Make a fake Chad tinder account
Why didn't/don't you wrestle Veeky Forums ?
Confess your sins
Does Back pain ever go away?
So Veeky Forums I and looking for your opinion on a debate me and my gym bro had...
Facial gains thread
Are basketball players the most athletic sports players in the world?
/Sterons/ Cheating General
Post your supplement stack
How much do you bench? Only that? I used to bench double that....I also used to be a lot leaner than you
Marijuana thread
Hey fit is this a good routine? why or why not
Chicken tendies cheat meal
Quitting Porn
I don't get how salads are healthy besides being low-calorie. No protein, mostly just water...
New lifting music
ITT Post Workout Rewards
Sexual health general
CARDIO destroyed my life
Maximum test thread
So you're working out, when suddenly you get an Emergency Alert across the nation
How the fuck is it possible to eat 3000 calories a day
Not sure If anyone remembers me but I'm the Saudi Arabian girl who wants to get fit but unable to because of...
Do you bring your gf to family gathering? are you embarrassed of her looks...
What do I do?
Warrior Mode (new improved cocoon mode)
At the gym drunk or buzzed
What's your gym look like folks?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games