Which burns more calories?
I've found numerous websites that indicate one or the other.
Thought I'd ask you fine Veeky Forums gents for your input. I'd trust you more than skinnifat/dyel bloggers.
Which burns more calories?
I've found numerous websites that indicate one or the other.
Thought I'd ask you fine Veeky Forums gents for your input. I'd trust you more than skinnifat/dyel bloggers.
Like all cardio, it depends on intensity and time. If I had to choose I would go with swimming because running sucks ass.
Swimming. You need full body motion in addition to steady breath control, plus being submerged in cold water requires a metabolic output to maintain your body temperature.
Also, swimming is much less damaging to your joints. Literally the only reason people run more than swim is because of a lack of availability.
Mike_KingOf/fit/_Patton used to do both - hence the incredible physique haha xD - he would tie weights to himself and swim as long as he could, then he would run back to shore underwater.
>I'd trust you more than skinnifat/dyel bloggers
Don't be ridiculous. Most people here are dyel and know fuck all about cardio.
I'd take swimming 2-3 times a week and sprinting once a week.
I mainly do 1 hour everyday of swimming breast stroke or freestyle.
Just hit a fat loss plateau recently and I'm thinking of switching to jogging (4-4.5 mph) just to switch things up a bit.
Maybe I should just do a mix of both every week. Get the best of both worlds. But knowing myself I'm probably just going to stick with swimming.
Swimming is by far the best form of cardio. Nothing else even comes remotely close.
I still prefer to run though because I'm a little kid at heart and just really enjoy going fast.
Swimming is terrible cardio. Your body doesn't have to work as hard because you're floating. It might feel as if it's harder, but running is way better.
t. a retard
>You don't have to work hard to move forward because you aren't working hard to stay up.
Take your (You) and fuck off.
You'll burn plenty of calories doing either so pick whichever one you enjoy more or just do both.
Cardio is for your heart fatass, that's why its called cardio.
Fat loss happens when you stop shoveling quarter pounders into your disgusting maw.
Spoiler: Cardio helps with fat loss.
Spoiler: if you don't have the discipline to lose fat by eating less cardio won't help you.
Spoiler: Yes it will.
The fact that you think you can only lose fat by eating less, shows that you're fucking clueless.
Protip: Losing weight and losing fat are not the same thing.
>cardio targets fat cells
you're a fucking moron
>You need full body motion in addition to steady breath control, plus being submerged in cold water requires a metabolic output to maintain your body temperature.
If you're swimming at a decent pace your body is already generating enough heat to stay warm, so no, you don't burn more calories cause you don't need to produce extra heat.
I think running burns more calories, and it comes from a swimmer. I couldn't tell exactly why, but running feels more intense.
Maybe it's because swimming is mostly about technique.
But the good thing about swimming is you can swim a lot without hurting yourself, no knee pain or shin splints. It's easy on the joints unlike running.
>The effect of regular aerobic exercise on body fat is negligible; however, other forms of exercise may have a greater impact on body composition. For example, emerging research examining high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) indicates that it may be more effective at reducing subcutaneous and abdominal body fat than other types of exercise.
>Results showed that women in the HIIE group lost significantly more subcutaneous fat (2.5kg) than those in the steady state aerobic exercise program
>Research examining the effects of HIIE has produced preliminary evidence to suggest that HIIE can result in modest reductions in subcutaneous and abdominal body fat in young normal weight and slightly overweight males and females
It's physics, mang.
Water is an infinitely better conductor of heat then air is. That's why we sweat.
If you're in a cold pool for an hour you're going to burn at least 700 calories. The colder the pool the more energy is leeched from your body. The more energy leeched from your body, the more fat you burn to raise body temperature.
This is the secret to Felp's 12,000 calorie training diet - the dude spent 4+ hours in an ice cold pool.
conclusively argued dude well done
Conclusively well argued indeed.
I get it though. You're parroting Veeky Forums. You've been lurking long enough to see Veeky Forums repeatedly tell fat cunts to eat less food if they want to lose weight, you were just stupid enough to think that was synonymous with "lose fat". I guess you lurk in more progress threads or CBT where you can read about everyone maintaining weight while losing fat. Maybe then you'll have something actually useful to parrot.
Yes but since you're swimming you're already generating more heat than needed, your body isn'it cold, you don't need to produce extra heat.
If you're not moving at all then yes otherwise it's bs
You're actually an idiot. You copy pasted a single study that doesn't even argue conclusively in your favor.
It keeps saying MAY.
Do you know the difference between MAY and WILL?
Of course you don't, r/fitness.
>ur presenting evidence but I don't like it!
>I won't present any evidence of my own because ummm UR STUPID!
You're embarrassing yourself.
The only thing embarrassing here is the strange narrative you're painting in your head that is being revealed in your awful greentexting
Still waiting on that evidence of yours.
I'm afraid the burden of proof lies on the party making the claim. You claim that cardio targets fat cells, you then provided no proof. Please feel free to provide conclusive evidence at your leisure.
>You claim that cardio targets fat cells
I like how you did a little "conclusive" there, in order to frame any evidence presented to you as something that can be entirely dismissed. You claimed that the only way to lose fat is to eat less. Prove it.
go take a look at long-distance swimmers
now go look at marathoners
which one do you want to be like?
>You claimed that the only way to lose fat is to eat less. Prove it
You lack reading comprehension my young retarded friend.
>Spoiler: if you don't have the discipline to lose fat by eating less cardio won't help you
Not h8lim but cardio allows fat fucks to eat more calories due to having a higher tdee. If you think cardio is bullshit for gains then do nothing but lay in bed and eat 500 below maint which could be 1000kcal depending on your height/weight. I'd rather do cardio on off days so I can eat a little more and not feel like shit.
And that statement is factually incorrect because you can lose fat while maintaining or even gaining weight. Now post evidence for your claim that only eating less can make you lose weight or fuck off.
> that only eating less can make you lose weight
*lose fat
I'm so baffled by your retardation that I even try to fix it in my own counter-arguments for fuck sake.
>Now post evidence for your claim that only eating less can make you lose weight or fuck off
Show me where I made this claim you fucking moron lmao
>Spoiler: if you don't have the discipline to lose fat by eating less cardio won't help you
Right there, you stupid cunt. That's you saying that if you don't eat less food, then not even cardio will make you lose fat.
That is factually incorrect. Provide evidence or fuck off, you utter embarrassment.
>That's you saying that if you don't eat less food, then not even cardio will make you lose fat.
No, you again lack reading comprehension.
Alright, you're just disabled. Gotcha. See, this is why I left this board in the first place. It's like it was invaded by /b/ or some shit.
>act like a retard
>make unsubstantiated claims
>fail to even properly comprehend your opponents claims
take a step back young man
>doesn't have discipline to eat less
>adds cardio to daily life
>tdee now above daily caloric intake
>Won't lose weight
According to your science
>ur a kid lmao!
If people could die of second-hand embarrassment, your existence would have claimed more lives than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
You're assuming the heat is being generated by the work you're doing. It's not - it's created by your body oxidizing fat cells in order to maintain homeostasis.
The thing is, once your body heats up, that heat is being dumped into the heat sink that is the water. Due to thermodynamics the water is trying to make your body the same temperature as itself - we're talking about hundreds of thousands of gallons. You can't make a dent in that temperature.
So you're constantly losing heat the entire time. Constantly oxidizing fat to create more body heat. Which is then dumped into the heat sink. Requiring your internal oven to burn more to maintain homeostasis.
It's physics, mang. We're warm-blooded beasts.
Ah, read it again m8. He actually says "Lose fat". He genuinely believes that the only way to lose FAT is to eat less food. In his world, you cannot maintain your weight while losing body fat. What a world to live in, eh?
You guys are both fucking idiots for arguing about a pointless topic on a French oral sex website
Hope you die of a heart attack.
>French oral sex website
This might be the worst example of this meme I've ever seen.
Wait, if French oral sex is anything like French kissing, does that mean she's sticking her tongue down your urethra?
Surely sticking your tongue down her vagina makes more sense?
what you say is true, but I feel it doesn't go along with leisure swimmer reality all that much
sure Phellps might have spent his training in cold ass water, but your average fitizen will go to commercial gym where water is like what 5-8 degrees below bodytemp. it's effect on you burning energy to warm up gets smaller for sure.
There is like 18 swimming pools in 20km from me and as far as i know in only 2 of them water is not warm.
Cold water is CONSTANTLY making you lose heat.