Okay, what the FUCK do you do?
25 year old here, my sexual frustration is reaching sky-high levels
I'm legit near suicide
I fuck escorts occasionally, but I can't afford doing that shit all the time
So just HOW
Okay, what the FUCK do you do?
25 year old here, my sexual frustration is reaching sky-high levels
I'm legit near suicide
I fuck escorts occasionally, but I can't afford doing that shit all the time
So just HOW
Other urls found in this thread:
Just win a major, girls will come.
I'm like you but still 22 and considering escorts. Joining a social club seems to be the way to do it. Something you're interested in that will let you meet people, make friends and eventually more if you play your cards right.
it's actually funny
the other day I went to the local bar at this rinky dink suburb I've been living in with my housemate. and I mean this is really boganville. I was the only face there that didn't look like it's been jail broken, some bogan girl just came around and threw her number at me, and we hooked up the next night.
now I've gone from OP was sitting to sitting here wondering what the meaning of it all is, whether I can, what's going on, and thinking whether the girl is even attractive.
it's kinda not fun when there's no chase desu lads
Older guy here
If you can afford it, just fuck tons of hookers, man
Obviously, having a real, loving GF is MUCH better, but if you're not getting laid, don't sit inside alone all day
Men NEED pussy
>it's kinda not fun when there's no chase desu lads
disagree desu
doing girl dominated subject at uni and basically all my friends are girls and their friends are more girls etc, parties are usually 70-80% girls and there's usually like competition going on over me
no masturbation feels as good as ego masturbation
The joy is making them chase you
Chasing pussy is suffering
How is getting a girlfriend so hard? Are you guys all just hideously ugly? I don't think I'm good looking, and I'm a 5'8 manlet, yet I've had plenty of girlfriends over the years, and I'm just 18. I'm confident that I can really fuck any girl I want as long as they're single. I just go talk with them, and eventually ask them out, then in about a month I fuck them.
You eventually just transcend the desire.
I can tell you what to do OP. First grab a friend. He doesn't have to be a close one or a playa, just someone to have with you when you're out clubbing in order not to look like a loser. Then you find a girl you like in the club. You go up to her, start conversation and when thinks get boring ask for her number. This usually takes around 5 minutes. Then you date her. Do you want her to be your GF you continue dating. If not repeat previous steps. That's the most easy effective and manly way to do it. Online dating is stupid and dating someone from your friend cycle could become problem. There, that's how adults do it. End of story, good luck faggot.
Where do you find this friend?
All my friends are shuting NEETS who never go out
>tfw too awkward to talk to girls
Some qt girls have shown me interest but I'm unable to do anything
>why don't you have the same circumstances as me the post
Mate when I was in high school it was easy mode. Now i'm 22 and meet no girls through work and have mostly male friends that invite me to mostly male parties. If I go to a girls birthday party thats the other way around.
Shit changes as you get older, expessilly if you work in male dominated industry.
so practice
You are still young. If you have a college nearby here's what you can do. You could either straight up go for dates or friends. I don't recommend dates there though, clubs are easier. So, you go to a guy or some dudes that are together having fun and shit, and you're like a bro. Like
>wassup bro, how you doin. I'm Jason what are you up to tonight/this week.
Ofcourse you leave pauses inbetween you autist to let them speak. You go for a pack of "Chads", not nerds. You take their numbers and ask to hang out later. You start hanging out, you choose who is the best bro and tell him to go clubbing. That's called being social. Contain spaghetti to a minimum until you are accepted by them as an equal and you can show your power level, but don't be annoying.
I think "Tomorrow I'll do it". Obviously I won't do anything but I hope that this way I can reach the end of my life without having suffered too much
>can't look at a girl without wanting my face between her legs
>tfw no one recognises rtz
You have to win TI to unlock GF
god how can you fuck up so many tier 1 teams?
the best part is, everytime he left, they just won the next valve event
his career is a joke tbqh
Is he some European soccer player?
He got popular too young so his ego skyrocketed
Be a better person.
no it is about E """""sports"""""
Literally never have close friends that are girls and the ones that are are tomboys.
How did you meet them?
top kek
Am introverted as fuck so I don't really meet a lot of new people, tried joining social clubs and the people there were so boring to me I wanted to blow my fucking brains out
i don't really have confidence issues
How do I into finding someone interesting
Sex is part of being human.
Buy a load of poppers and use them in conjuction with porn.
Better than any sex.
You have a confidence issue
Just the other way, you aren't the shit and you're as boring as everyone else you're on Veeky Forums for fucks sake
Where would you think these interesting people would hang out at?
Someone answer this man I need to know this.
Maybe I do have confidence issues, but I've gotten over most of my insecurities so i'm pretty comfy with my decrepit self
I'm not pretending to be any better than the average person I meet, just saying I dont often meet people who you get the 'spark' with
>he wants to stay human
it's a numbers game. If you want to meet an interesting people, you want to meet one person out of thousands. So you gotta actually meet thousands of people to find one interesting one.
Of course you can do some prefiltering, like going only to events where there are more people who have interesets or a background that implies chances are higher that you find them interesting. What these backgrounds/interests are is up to you to find out by experience, maybe you already know that.
In my experience, at evetnts of different sports there are totally different people, maybe that's worth a try.
Patience friend. As you age your hormones will calm down
You missed the FPBP
Replace that void with quality onahole collection. I fugged some escorts too but with the money they tank you can get 20 lbs of ass and pussy.