Make thread about quitting Veeky Forums like a week ago

>Make thread about quitting Veeky Forums like a week ago
>Bunch of motivating posts
>Get really motivated
>End up spending just as much time as before on it the next few days

"You're here forever" really is true... isn't it

you have no idea

Fuck this...

I feel like I made an emotional bond with the guy who posted "GET OFF Veeky Forums AND WORK ALL DAY" along with his lil story.

I made an emotional bond ... and then I let him down

Why fight it?

You're not here forever.

There's always 1 place on the internet that I hang around on for a few years and then eventually move on.

Before Veeky Forums it was the Misc. I haven't been on the Misc since I started coming on Veeky Forums. I am sure eventually something will replace this. Already kind of getting tired of all the horse-shittery around here with how ignorant people are about natty gains thinking all these fake natties are natty.

At least misc had normal people

Have you been to Numisc? That's pretty cool, but it's not like the good ol thing

You dont leave Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums is for very special people (in the bad way), is like they did a drug which suits perfectly for one concrete type of persons.

Being in Veeky Forums means that you are close to the exit, but by no means you will find a open door to leave

nah, the misc did have normal people up until 2-3 years ago

now its all mostly autists

stop making threads on Veeky Forums about leaving Veeky Forums.

Worry not user. Someday you will move on.

i was gonna quit when tiny left, when zyzz died, when quad stopped posting, when bobby stopped spamming his stupid grin. need i go on...

I'm now 11 years on.
It's hard to leave when you have no real busy life with a wife children or lots of hobbies.

It's not something to quit, you just need to do more real life shit. The more I do irl, the comfier it is to unwind and travel different boards.
If you shitpost, you're a faggot

Since 2010 here

Idk I like Veeky Forums, I've learned a lot from fags on this site.

i left for a month once but i got all pent up about how sanitized and politically correct the world outside Veeky Forums is

>leave Veeky Forums
>end up browsing reddit for info/discussion and cat pics on imgur
no thanks.

the goal is to occupy most of the time with work/ gym/ going out. but at the end of the day I want to listen to some music and browse the chan.

I just change my home board every couple of years.

>and then I let him down
Just like your father.

OP, I have been here since 2004. :( Please send help.

>not maining at least 3 boards

Veeky Forums-Veeky Forums-/ic/ master race

you control your life. not the other way around.

'06fag here. I know the feeling, bud. On the bright side I went from browsing /b/, /g/, and /v/ to just browsing Veeky Forums. I can pretend that's some sort of improvement, right?

you missed Veeky Forums ?
you havent learnt a thing

You're gonna make it brah!!!

Veeky Forums is full of skeletor faggots wearing retarded animu bullshit.

Definitely not true, I'll never go on that shitty website again

The only way is to get banned or to fill up your time with more useful things

this is the first time after a year that i went back to Veeky Forums, and it was really because i started doing tonnes of volunteer service (last year alone i volunteered at four different hospitals and was a free fitness trainer for free gym for about six months) + started master degree classes

just keep busy, user. and i mean really busy.

>trusting Veeky Forums

Not even once.

There are better places on the internet to go if you're looking for fashion advice.

I've been here for 8 years now. Every board I've been to has really fucked my mind up differently. There are times when Veeky Forums has helped me and gave me good life tips, but the bad out weighs the good.

How do I block Veeky Forums permanently on a phone/tablet? Is it possible to do so irreversibly?

theres definitely a software out here but I forget what it's called. Not sure if you can set it for forever though

theres a google chrome app called blocksite.

It's pretty neat. I downloaded it a week ago and this is the first night in 5 days that I've been on and it's been a really productive week. Enrolled into a course and did errands. (Compared to being a useless faglord the last few years).

I used to think the same.

But I realised alot of the shit is pretty propaganda-ish/racist-ish/right-wing.

I compare myself to my friends that went to Uni and they really learnt a lot of REAL shit. Compared to "this is a natty and this is a fake natty" or "Watch this video of ISIS beheading yet another random dude whose probably related to them but they're too stupid to realize". The shit I've learnt here is worthless and just warps your mind and world view.

It's a lie you tell yourself to comfort yourself for wasting so many years here. I've been here since 2010 and I'm struggling to even think of things I've learnt here that are useful. Probably wikileaks/snowden/computer related shit that's about it. I challenge you to name me some shit that you learnt from here that's useful.

Lol, I'm here since 04


You haven't learnt shit.

Don't delude yourself. It's not too late to make something of your life.

Veeky Forums is my procrastination tumor

Is it really such a bad thing though? You make it sound like this is the place where hope, where normality goes to die, when in fact the opposite is true. This place is motivation, with people on the path trying to make themselves better. While society has become the opposite.

The fear of the unknown. The "dont do video games because its new, and probably bad" Does not really apply to this place here. What we have here is just an interactive wikipedia for self improvement.

Not my fault that you require yourself to wait for someone else to make a judgement, change to the status quo, an opinion from "something/someone who matters" on this place. If you were strong enough yourself, mentally at least, you would know what is good.

put a filter? antivirus ?

next /mlp/

Off the top of my head
> bitcoin coming out and getting loadsa monnie.
>every important news piece that gaine traction I found through here
>books that had been obscure or relegated to the dustbin of history had been elucidated to me (not all good, but all worth reading)
>music worth listening to that would never be heard outside of esoteric underground circles
> the magnificence and eloquence of firearms and the importance of their function in civilized society
>the subtle nuances of automobiles and the implicit value and merit of each class
>how not to dress (thanks Veeky Forums)
>how to work out and how to diet adequately (thanks Veeky Forums)
After 9 years here I gotta say I've definitely learned a whole bunch thanks to you guys.

I've been on since 2004. I've seen 4 politics boards come and go and shit you wouldn't believe. You are here forever because nowhere is better for fresh content

>not going with the objectively better combination of
>Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /sp/

I honestly believe that Veeky Forums has some of the best fun posting out of all the boards. But they take themselves way to seriously at times

>racial realism lore (backed by science)
>detailed politics (important figure heads, leading drivers of economic/cultural movements (soros))
>scientific pieces on all kinds of stuff, from gmo's, to air pollution, testosterone etc. (though news websites are more useful than Veeky Forums for this)
>consensus building to what the media doesnt allow to be talked about
>insight into fringe opinions/groups
>funny greentext stories
>dank memes
>Varied medical advice, some legit, some non legit, some fringe (along with lots of higher educated people here chiming in often)
>new idea's

You suck at Veeky Forums.

compare that with real life

>go inna bar
>90% of the bar is filled with average to lower than average intelligence normies
>topics are feetballs, weather, MSM narratives and boring personal events (durp hurp I hit a deer, my wife is fat)

unless you find an extremely specific bar and or hangout, that is what you will find outside.

>*sigh* why isn't anyone as intelligent as I am?
>My life has been tough ever since I swallowed the red pill and started going on /pol/
>Why doesn't anyone at the bar like talking about the latest memes or chinese cartoons?

>be low intelligence normie
>all you browse is a facebook feed, and MSM media, both of which are the same
>get surprised that people outside of your bubble mock you


>all these redditors claiming they've been here since 2004



like? /r/mfa? lol

Out of all the images posted on this site, this one stands resolute above all as the most true

You really are here forever

Bump puts together good looking outfits if you don't even want to think about it and have someone straight up guide you through it. Their blog posts are worth looking at "outfitted & equipped" series of posts are usually pretty decent reference points is useful

>mfw being here since 2005
There really is no escape. I've given up many years ago.

There's an old saying, something along the lines of
"People want two things, to understand and to be understood"
Here you get both, and the anonamous culture means you can be truly understood, I can say
Hi fit
>Be me
>Scared of monsters
>Cross dress sometimes
>Have a wife/kid
>Have lost 21 pounds these last 4-5 months

And no one can hate me for it, someone might ever pipe up and say something nice, and even if they call me a faggit im just another user and in another thread the people who called me faggit might call friend
Because you don't have to wear a mask here this is the only place to truly satisfy the need to understand and be understood




>starting monday

hopeless, kek

Well i'm going to away this weekend with friends so I don't really count it as a real start

I dunno. I come and go from time to time. I haven't been on Veeky Forums in around 6 months before I popped in this week.

I mostly browse Veeky Forums while I'm eating or chatting on facebook or something. I don't hate this place, but 4 hours here feels like a legitimately wasted 4 hours. 4 hours of reading, working out or even gaming feels like at least I did something. 4 hours on here feels like a big waste.

Your just a fag

>4 hours here feels like a legitimately wasted 4 hours. 4 hours of reading, working out or even gaming feels like at least I did something. 4 hours on here feels like a big waste.

True as fuck

You could spend 1000 hours here and you'll accomplish literally nothing.

Whereas 1000 hours reading, learning something, practicing an instrument, learning a language, exercising, etc is quite big progress.

Spelt *you're wrong newfag

Nah brah you already failed when you announced that.
By announcing to people that you are going to do something, you trick your mind that you already did it. That's why news year resolutions never work.
If you really wanna leave Veeky Forums, you have to realise it's a habit. How do you break a habit?
You introduce a new habit. And be aware of homeostatis; the resistance for anything new. You cant change your habits overnight even if the new habit is better for you. Its going to be hard. Hang in there bro.

>not Veeky Forums-/pol/-/k/ master race like me

Pic related, the only reason I'm still here.

Been here since 2009. Honestly its just more of the same, I guess /pol/ is really annoying now since they cant contain themselves, but other than that its the same shit as always

Veeky Forums-Veeky Forums-Veeky Forums masterrace here get on my level

>tfw entrepreneur, investor & consultant with 7 figure yearly income and high 8 figure net worth who also holds a PhD in physics and can deadlift 205 kg for 2 reps

that being said all 3 boards are shit lel

Veeky Forums has really gone down the drain

I was there on day 1 and it was shit then too

Ignoring the idiots, which is to be expected, whats even more odd is that mods there delete tons of on-topic posts

it was never good


None of the boards have ever been good, but it was better then it is now


>not Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /heem/ and /v/ masterace

You can take the user out of Veeky Forums but you can't take Veeky Forums out of the user.


I like going board to board. I'll "main" a board and have it be my most visited for a bit, then switch to others when I get bored with it.

I did /k/-/pol/-Veeky Forums-/biz-Veeky Forums-Veeky Forums and i still browse those boards and others

You pick up a lot of interesting things from the boards if you learn to differentiate from the shitposting

if evens i'll block Veeky Forums and never come back
if odds i'll just cry myself to sleep

good bye lad.

I can't handle the layout of misc. Imageboards killed forums for me.
