QTDDTOT - ask away
so the past year ive lived on my own, struggling to find time to lift as hard as i once was between school and work, and ive also struggled with affording proper diet. so ive lost some definition and mass, but not much.
moving back in with parents until i am finished with uni, wondering if it is easier to "remake" gains once a proper diet and strict routine have been reintroduced, i would like to be where i was a year ago by the end of summer. i have lost no strength, actually made gains in that department.
I don't understand your question user, can you be more specific?
As a general rule, is it wise to exercise a muscle group once every other day? To give time for the group to repair itself.
So, for example, chest day would be Monday and Wednesday - with Tuesday being a different routine
Follow a novice program like ss or greyskull or reg parks
About 5 to 6 years ago I was a brick shit house and then I stopped lifting because of reasons. I want to get back in to it but I have no gyms around. I have room for only hand weights. My question is this: is OP a huge faggot or a skinny fat faggot?
Creatine. Is it okay to take before a light morning workout.
I have a home bench and usually lift before work, my work involves a lot of heavy lifting as well, so would it be okay to take some in the morning or should I only do it before intense gym routines.
Don't take creatine. It's fucking bullshit. Take protein.
I already take protein
It makes basically no difference when you take creatine. It takes more than a day to absorb/deplete it. That's why some suggest a "loading phase" for the first few days (although the benefit of even doing that is dubious.)
Should I lift 2x a day? Current job at gym and there's nothing to do other than workout or relax from 7 to 4
If I do workout, should I hit the same muscles twice with a different lift or should I focus on doing something else also how long should I wait between the sessions
I lift to lose weight went from 230 to 160 it's been about a year and yes I do it safely and I definitely won't overtrain with heavy weights (I do lower weights high reps)
If I drink a cup of tea with 1 little spoon of honey,would it break my fast?
>will you count the carbs in this for me.
I guess what i am asking if i have a long and difficult road ahead of me to get where i once was a year ago, or if it will be relatively easier to reach considering my body has already made those gainz once? i know what i am doing and i havent regressed THAT much, and i will have a proper diet and routine
You are overthinking stuff - considering you were there before... yes, it will be easier (mentally speaking)
I currently have pretty skinnyfat aesthetics after cutting and losing a ton of weight. While I would like to cut more (so I can finally see my abs), I have noticed how thin and meek I look. I've been maintaining my weight for several months now, and understand right now that I should start lifting heavier things before cutting more, just for the sake of better aesthetics. I feel like my current bf% is about 19-20.
Would bulking at this point be easier, or should I reach a lower bf% before trying?
why do people say protein powder is a supplement and you should get your protein from real food?
this seems like a logical fallacy to me. either protein powder is protein and works as such or not. why are people allowed to make such vague statements about it? what's wrong with getting 90% of your daily protein from powder?
I lifted for first time on sunday
Now I am basically disabled from DOMS and today I am supposed to life upper body again. What the fuck do I do since there is no way I can lift anything when I can barely move my arms?
I've lost 5-7 more lbs but I can't see a difference.... Please help....
Once you get your muscles warmed up the pain subsides
It's not the pain it feels like I cant extend my arms all the way
what exactly is a recomp? I still look shit after 1 year I bulked winter and cutting now. I like more but still look like shit. My cut is either failing or cut/bulk is a meme hence what exactly is a recomp?
Yeah they'll loosen up. The best cure for DOMS is to lift like a mother fucker
recomp just means maintaining weight, whilst losing fat and gaining muscle.
keep going lad.
you can go in and do some lighter work to aid recovery and get back into it. take off 10-20% and work up slowly.
or take a rest day and don't do so much next session to the point where you have debilitating doms.
it's because of the amino acid profiles and other nutritional values offered from 'real food' as opposed to protein powder.
an all liquid diet is also bad for your digestive system.
it depends on whether your worried about looking stronger quicker or skinnier quicker. my advice would be to follow a standard novice strength routine whilst losing weight, because it's not all that hard, especially for beginners.
when things start stalling is when you can consider whether you want to focus more energy on one or the other
if you're going to do 2 sessions, you're better off doing 2 different 'focuses'. i.e. upper in the morning lower at night
>it's because of the amino acid profiles and other nutritional values offered from 'real food' as opposed to protein powder.
this is a very silly statement since whey protein has an excellent amino acid profile, better than most "real food"
psmf-ag here, lost 50lbs since march and i'm now stalling at 275 lbs, i tried iifym for 2 weeks and only lost around 2lbs. i was curious to either do psmf again or just eat like a normal person now
Let's assume two 400 lb hamplanets go on a diet, they both consume 1200 cals day, one does psmf (pretty much 100% lean proteins) and the other one eats a balanced diet of complex carbs, lean proteins, and good fats.
Will the first hamplanet actually lose more weight than the second hamplanet?
thanks user, gave me a confidence boost
Cycle your protein sparring modified fasts.
6-12 weeks on, 2 weeks off.
I've been doing this since January and I've dropped from 345 to 226 with reasonable losses in strength.
>Will the first hamplanet actually lose more weight than the second hamplanet?
Theoretically, if they have the same physiology, the same exercise routine, and the same meal-timing they'll both lose the same amount of weight.
However, the first ham planet will lose considerably more fat, while the second ham planet will lose some ratio of both lean muscle mass and body fat.
How do increase my run time?
What's the best way to incorporate SS/Grey skull with volume intensive calisthenics?
Thanks for the assurance fitizen
I'm this user btw
true, I should have said its not enough to get a complete amino acid profile by only ingesting one source of protein (i.e. whey), as well as the fact of the lack of any other nutritional value you would otherwise get from basically any other protein source (essential micro/macro nutrients)
>haven't felt remotely horny in months
>semen is watery and barely sticky
>feel tinges of discomfort on the back of my ballsack after nutting
How do I find out what's causing this?
Literal signs of testicular cancer.
Get checked bro
is the .5 lb muscle a week mostly leg/thigh gains? I feel squats are the only thing that has linear progression for me.
that's a nice weight loss, what's your experience with loose skin? that's one of my fears about losing weight that fast
what's your routine? lift and cardio 5x a week?
what are your daily cals?
do you eat veggies with your proteins?
and last, how do you handle the shits? man the shits, they're so painful, truly the worst part about psmf
hope you can help a fellow psmfag bro
>it's because of the amino acid profiles and other nutritional values offered from 'real food' as opposed to protein powder
protein powder is a complete protein in fact whey protein powder is as good as it gets and i'm not seeing anybody suggesting an all liquid diet anywhere but rather getting vast majority of the protein part of the diet from powder. what' wrong with it?
maybe go to the doctor if your dick is broken
see a fucking doctor
How low should the bar go when I OHP?
touch chest/collar bones
I was cutting now on ppl for 3 months my lifts are
70x5 kg bench
100x5 squat
130x5 deadlift
My question is since my lifts are garbage if I should continue with ppl or lower my weights and start ss while maintaining or 200 surplus. If so should I lower the weights by 20? %
Thx desu senpai
5.11 78kg pic related
By the clavicle, touching the neck and chest
Yea definitely do a novice program to get as much size and strength in as little time possible
Once you milk the rest of your noob gains, consider an intermediate 3 day/week fullbody routine (essentially just uppin the volume, amd progressing weekly, rather than each session).
I got more out of that than i did a Tm style ppl split
Dont listen to him, he is DYEL he says to add a rest day instead of train through DOMS.
Confirmed fuckhead idiot
Dont fuck wih the novice program.
Do calisthenics once you are intermediate with base strength
Is there a chart for weight, body fat, height, and shit? I'd like some pics to compare myself against to supplement caliper readings.
Also it'd be cool to get a rough idea what I'll look like after my cut.
It's summer and hot as fuck, so I want a nice, cold smoothie to drink. Problem is, every smoothie place loads them with a shit ton of sugar.
Anyone have any good smoothie recipes? Preferably banana-flavored?
I've been cutting for a few weeks and I'm losing weight but I see 0 change in bodyfat.
I'm 5'10 163 and no visible abs even when flexed... Should I keep going to 155 or just maintain/lean bulk?
Make something with Stevia and 0-cal banana flavoring
How long does protein stay in the body to be used for muscle making later on?
Is ICF actually a good program or not? I fucking hate being in the gym for 2 hours. I'm thinking of cutting the 5x5 sets to 3x5.
What targets should I reach before switching from SS? Due to broken bones and other injuries I've never progressed from SS.
waste of time you've been memed
Care to explain why?
>literally spending 2 hours in the gym as a novice
>so many piled on accessories with no real thought or reason behind them
>5x5 3x/week
its basically someone who's only ever done body building routines attempt at a novice strength programme, and it's shit.
What would you suggest then? I did PPL for about a year since that's what a friend had me start on, and I didn't know any better. I've never done a dedicated strength routine until a couple weeks ago.
How do I know if back pain is more than a simple muscle strain?
I strained it a little over a week ago and although it's not too bad now after moving around for the day I usually get soreness when I wake up in the middle of the night
I lost 15 before I noticed user.
I took three pictures through my year and a half journey because I just wasnt seeing it. So I stopped paying atteniton and just focused on weight goals.
One at 275 pounds
One at 210 pounds
And finally my last one at 170.
Soon you'll notice it and so will everyone else.
How many push ups and crunches do you need to do before they become effective? My desired effect is to maintain a bit of muscle and stay slim.
Long story short
I'm in a hotel for three more months for work
Work is low intensity.
Cant run the streets, cant bring exercise equipment into hotel.
Have lost 120 pound its the last year and half, really dont want to lose all that ground.
do SS with some accessories like chin ups or any fluff work you wanna do. hating on rip and SS is a meme.
gyms have memberships for 3 months
what kinda work do you do? just curious
Mom gave me this to help my hair grow faster. It's collagen. Will it improve my lifts/recovery time?
The nearest one is an hour away not accounting traffic and 120 a month. I'm trying to avoid breaking down and paying this nonsense.
I manage a few casual dining restaurants (one chain) in the southern states.
We're opening a new location. I'm here to get the place ready and hire plus train a new crew.
Just got called in for a shift, just finished squatting, ain't no time for anything else
I figure it's cool to just do it after, but just to be sure, are there any drawbacks to splitting up ones workouts?
I'm doing GSLP while cutting and I am not progressing on any of my lifts. Is this normal?
What are good gyms in NYC?
>Can't run in the streets
so this my story, I'm 6'8 and 470 lbs. after reading the sticky I concluded that
>make a 4000 calorie diet
>400 g of protein from chicken/turkey breast, ground beef/pork or so
>lot of veggies
>obviously cutting sodas, fast food and shit
>do lifting, for this i'm planning to doing it at my local gym
so the question here is, amidoinitrite?
What is the best way to train calves? Can anyone give me a good calf routine?
At the moment, I'm just doing 4x7 of standing calf raises on the machine. Any other exercises?
If the pain is in the middle of your back or your legs are tingling. If the pain is on either side of your spine you could do some stretches to help with the pain. Otherwise see a doctor or a qualified sports trainer.
>we're all gonna make it
My arms are sore from gym 2 days ago, should I gym today?
get a better hotel with a gym.
Are you working out your arms?
No shoulder on streets, no sidewalks, Horrible area is being generous.
Work is generally 12 hours. 6-6.
Dog is with me, have to pick him up from daycare by 7 otherwise i'd stop on the way home from work.
Work pays for this. They have a contract with this particular chain of hotels.
try watching prison movies with ripped prisoners who are in solitary and watch what they do.
I'm doing Greyskull and my core also feels sore despite not working it out.
What gives?
What are some stretches that'll help me grow taller? No meme answers please.
Can you still move your arms and shit? Like, if the pain doesn't stop you from doing your basic movements, then you're good.
A "growing" trend.
There ya go, sport.
warm up slowly. If, after you're warmed up, you still feel deep soreness, don't lift. If it's mild then go for it.
Yeah, it's really mild.
Okay so what I need you to do is the following:
Alright here we go my manlet. I need you to go to the store and purchase your height in rope. This is really important for later.
So I need you to stand in the middle of a dark room and sit on your floor like you did when you barely graduated grade 2. Now I need you to pour cold water on your head and rub Vaseline between your ears. I need you to whisper, after getting to your calm place and after doing all of this:
But every time you chant this, get gradually louder and louder until you, well, grow.
After your done all of this, grab the rope and tie it to a balcony. Tie the rope around your neck and jump off the balcony. This is my favourite stretch, made me grow to 6'9.
>We're all gonna make it bruh
Oh I forgot to add, the Vaseline is to act as drag to counter the acceleration of your insane growing. The water is for friction against the atmosphere.
Shopped? Her right bicep looks too peaked and she has no tricep.
I had a minor surgery last weekend, now l can't do exercise for 10 days and l can only eat soup and soft meals, is there a way l don't lose my gains and starve to dyel mode?
My current job is making me do overtime because of the Summer. I know this won't be permanent but it's really getting in the way of my cut. I'm close to passing out sometimes at work and I need to eat heavy meals, much worse, the only place close enough is a Burger King. Should I just give up on my cut or maybe tough it out?
Posts about lanklets not being able to put on muscle mass are evrywhere, and manlets easily so. I don't see the logical relation ? Larger muscle means higher load to overload it the same
So this girl just started going to my gym, i didn't had my contacts and i look at her for too long to don't look like a creep, but she seemed nice a 7-8/10 with an 8/10 ass, she is shorter than me, i have been told by girls that i am a 6-7/10, but that was when i was fat, i just got slim but i am still far from making it, i was thinking about talking to this girl, but i've heard girls hate getting hit on the gym, and there are guys that look way better than me in tanktops and shit all arround the gym, she is always with another girl wich makes it harder to hit on her.
I just want to know if it is a good idea to try something with her?
Have you picked up chicks at the gym? If yes how did you did it?
Why cant you bring your own food?
>i have been told by girls that i am a 6-7/10, but that was when i was fat
lol so you are ugly. That's like the lowest rating possible because girls dont want to be mean to you.
I've recently been trying to into Veeky Forums and I've been using a bowflex machine up until today where I managed to buy a bench, a barbell, a curl bar, two adjustable dumbbells, and 350lbs of weight for $150. I read the sticky and I intend on following SS but I was wondering if I could add some curls or something to make use of all my new gear? Also, how do I into squats w/o a squat rack :(
Does carb cycling work?
So I'm bulking and taking in as 1 gram of protein equal to my bodyweight.
I've met my calorie requirements but I'm 50 grams away for today. Should I eat more or is it okay to let it slide for one day?
my left wrist hurts when i apply pressure to it, like a tried to do a pushup on my couch and literally fell over from the pain. But it's painless otherwise, life I'm typing with my left hand right now just fine. My knuckles are also cracking a lto easier on the left side than the right if that helps at all. I had full range of motion all day but now that i test it it won't go as far foreward or back as the right, and doesn't want to flatten out as well. I had a ganglion cyst on that wrist for years with no pain or problem. I just want to know what to do since I start lifting tomorrow and don't want to fuck my shit up
this: t-nation.com
Fat as fatass (5'11" 235), trying to get back to my previous dad-bod self. MFP has me eating 1800 cal a day, start the day off with 1c fage with 1 scoop, then EC stack until I get home for dinner, usually try to eat the rest of my cal for dinner but don't always hit it. If I only intake like 1000 cal a day (plus I walk at least 10k steps, S Health says I burn between 1000-1500 cal a day) will that make my metabolism bottom out or will I be ok. 99% I hit my protein goal.
Steinborn squat or get creative with furniture. And yes add curls. 3x10