How do you become confident?
How do you become confident?
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why are you asking this here
Do a few things only confident people would do and keep doing more of them
When you stop caring about what anyone else thinks about you
accomplish things, there's really no other valid way to confidence, if you're "confident" but haven't really done much with your life, you're just an arrogant mental failure.
>Fake it till you make it
I went from eating lunch all by myself in HS to a failry popular person in campus. Started hanging out with lots of people, containing my spaghetti, not mentioning animu or videogames, it wasn't long until the party invites started coming. Yes, I would get anxious as fuck at times and still do from time to time but I keep it cool.
stop giving a fuck
not giving a fuck
cause he wants advice from Veeky Forums people of non-Veeky Forums related stuff
this isn't possible. we are social animals who care about what other people think of us
>if you're "confident" but haven't really done much with your life, you're just an arrogant mental failure.
I disagree. A man can be humble, unproud of his accomplishments or acknowledging that his accomplishments don't mean much, and still be confident at the same time. It's important to remember every now and then that nothing ultimately matters. All we build will crumble to dust given enough time, and we will all go out of this world just as we came into it - naked and alone.
Now I'm not saying that works aren't important. They certainly are, you just shouldn't place all your faith in them. I'd say a better path to confidence is something like .
Most people don't give a shit about you because they're too busy caring about themselves. But you will come across people in the course of your life who mock you, laugh at you, or judge you harshly and unfairly. What you have to understand is that they're only doing this because they, too, are insecure, fearful, and stupid. If you show that you don't give a fuck what others think about you, then those people who caused you stress will either leave you alone, because they can no longer get the validation they need by stressing you out, or they'll start to respect you and alter their behavior, because they admire your confidence.
Nobody really knows what they're doing, so don't worry about the opinions of others. It's impossible to think with another person's mind or work with another man's body. You only have yourself, your own mind, your own body.
Learn to love yourself and others will come to love you.
confidence is really just outcome-independence. you need to get our of your comfort zone on a daily basis, cold showers are a great way to start
this might also help you
you born with a handsome face and a big dick, that's how
>cold showers are a great way to start
that's one of the often overlooked psychological advantages yeah. feel free to memetext me all you want
pretend you don't give a fuck
Its difficult, not impossible. If you want to take it easy why the fuck are you here?
just b urself
Thanks for this user
This is the best advice here. Fake it till you make it sounds like trite bull shit but it's not. If you behave as if you were confident you will become confident.
Be attractive (at least 85th percentile in face)
>If you behave as if you were confident
h-how do you behave confident?
Strong eye contact, smiling a lot, forcing yourself into conversations? I've tried all this but it seems to put people off.
That would be the mandible m8
Wrong, the maxilla impacts every feature of your face , most importantly the eyes and cheekbones, and attaches to almost every bone of the face.
The mandible attaches only to one bone at the temporomandibular joint. And doesn't affect the eye area or cheekbones.
I stopped lifting for women.
Don't overthink it and fake being confident, and soon you will actually be confident user
>using the fedora meme wrong
*summer tips*
It would be more appropriate to call it "practicing" rather than "faking", because that's what you're really doing. You're doing confident acts to become better at it. Calling it "faking" almost implies that you're not geniuine with your actions, which you should be. You don't say "fake it till you make it" to a piano player, you tell him to practice more. It's the same principle really. Whatever you do in life, you become better at it. The brain is very simple in this regard. It doesn't know if what you're doing is bad or good. It just becomes better at what you're inputting to it. If you're having a lot of negative thoughts, you will become better at having negative thoughts. If you're practicing bad form on deadlift, you will become better at that bad form. Apply these simple insights to everything in life and you wouldn't even ask this question. It's all practice, practice, and more practice.
Also realize that you are only living in the moment, in the now. There's no future or no past, only this moment. All you can do is to decide how you'll act right NOW. Labeling yourself as unconfident doesn't really achieve anything, because the thing you're labeling doesn't really exist. If you remove any emotional and biased view of yourself and only try to act the best way in every moment, you'll be confident in no time.
-strive to become aware of what other people are feeling / see "alpha" qualities in others and you will adapt yourself to the situation through practice
-take risks in the pursuit of things you want
-smoke weed
Imagine your life in third person. Be the observer who just watches without judgement. Once you detach yourself from your ego you can decide to always act optimally in every situation, because there would be no fear or conflicting thoughts. You ask yourself what the best version of yourself would do in every single moment, and you just do it. That's all you can do. Whatever happens afterwards happens, you have no control over it. Worry and anxiety just evaporates because you make the best choice every time with the information that's available to you.
Fake it till you make it
Don't forget to B.E. yourself
Being yourself is really the same thing as being confident. You can't truly be yourself around people if you're not confident in yourself. There's some small exceptions, but in the purest sense they are equal.
considering this is being posted on Veeky Forums I am sure you are talking about girls and nothing else. You are confident in your shitposting on Veeky Forums. Why you ask? Because you practiced, and honed your skills. When I started shitposting on Veeky Forums my threads would hit the bottom page with few replies now I can make a thread and get 100 (You)'s
Point is, practice on ugly girls and work your way up.
you start by not doing this
>-smoke weed
what does b.e. stand for?
Start smoking cigarettes fag
being a successful daytrader and working at a low tier job.
sounds gay
You realize that you don't care about what others think of you and you just live for yourself.
Simply be like powerpuffsama
At least he has good taste in sinks
Stop giving a fuck, don't pretend just stop caring about other people and do what you feel like.
Absolutely terrible, teenage/redpill/pua/sluthate tier advice.
Same as first
Opie, mentally think of selling yourself.
Nobody wants a neet fat dirty failure, ok? So "not giving a fuck" doesn't apply here at all. Fix everything that can be fixed and stop worrying about everything that can't. Find a college/job/whatever, get Veeky Forums, stay groomed, keep your house and car neat and tidy, be nice but not submissive or condescending. Have your life in order. Be someone who others would like to be with.
If you're a manlet or bald, then don't give a fuck. There's nothing you can do about that, and there are girls into short guys, while baldness doesn't matter too much.
Watch the entire training sequence with Luke and Yoda from Empire Strikes Back.
Good luck.
Find something that gives you self worth and do it
start ascribing weak attributes to those that don't or can't do it
Don't care about what other people think about you. Literally only component of confidence that is somehow mystical to you faggots.
Your problem is that you so desperately want to fit in that you fixate on what other people think about you, literally doing the opposite of what you want.
Everybody is your enemy, you have to be better than them all, and those who are better at something? They clearly have faults and aren't worth your time.
There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.
by having a good childhood and not being bullied.