So tl;dr my ex was a slut who cheated on me so I kicked her out and she killed my cats/lost them and stole money...

So tl;dr my ex was a slut who cheated on me so I kicked her out and she killed my cats/lost them and stole money. There wasn't sufficient proof of this so no charges could be made. I know she got accepted into a master's program at some state college, and want to fuck her over. I'm not usually the petty type, but she is so fucking putrid and evil. Never hated someone this much.

...... fit pls

Do you have enough evidence to say what you just said?

Because that's all you have to do. Make it public.

>my ex was a slut who cheated on me

nope :/ none at all. the cash was straight cash, on a table, and the cat's weren't there anymore or ever came back. She is smart and didn't leave any evidence, even in text or whatever. She gave me a smirk, though. Oh god that fucking smirk.
Can I find a way to have her kicked out of that school before she starts?

Got any nude pics of her?

Give me her nudes and the name of her college and I will destroy this bitch...
Nobody hurts a cat and gets away with it, nobody.

Post her social media

you know what to do brother

Nobody fuvks with cats. Spam this bitch across other boards as well. Let's make this cunt pay

He could be lying then you fuck over a random girl


Practice letting it go. Pursuing vengeance over this petty shit will just prolong having her in your life. Chalk it up to shit happens and lift heavy

If my ex killed my cat I would kill her and just call the cops myself while I hung out with her corpse. You are a small man OP. Gain vengeance for your cat.

Idc if she was his gf or not, nobody hurts a cat and gets away with it, nobody...

I mean lying about cat thing

Might want to be careful. Personal army requests are a ban worthy.

Nobody lies about a cat and gets away with it, nobody...

So is racism nigger


Spread the cats story to some PETA cunts in that college, they will do the rest and make her life hell. But you have to invest, make those bitches cry.

Nigger has been synonymous to Veeky Forums since its conception because moot was subtly racist. Then /pol/ embellished it and subjugated it as the narrative for this shit hole.

Anyway, OP, this doesn't sound realistic. Why exactly didn't you beat her up until she told you what she had done to your cats? Any reasonable person would do so.

I don't fuckin think so pal. Veeky Forums is a child friendly board and racism is prohibited.

She didn't tell him, she smirked at him, like this..
>pic related

Get super fit, nothing is greater revenge than a good bidy and good income. Then when she tries to get back in touch with you, destroy something she loves she loves

She loves she loves to kill cats you moron. We have to get her off the streets before she kills again.

SIts easier just to kill a bitch

>child friendly
3/10 for making me (you)


t. r9k virgin