What does Veeky Forums think of Jeff Cavaliere?
He believes..
>bulking is a meme
>your workouts should last no longer than 40 mins
What does Veeky Forums think of Jeff Cavaliere?
He believes..
>bulking is a meme
>your workouts should last no longer than 40 mins
He has the body and hundreds of celebrity transformations to back up his claims...
Bulking/Cutting is meant for steroid users because they hardly put on fat/lose muscle
Isn't he the guy who thinks leg extensions and shoulder presses will leave you a cripple?
He has some decent advice. His videos take a while to get to the point. He's clearly trying to sell a program, so you have to filter that all out.
i like his videos on mobility and such stuff
dunno enough to know if bulking is a meme is a meme
but the thing where he says workouts should last no longer than 40 mins is probably just a way of telling noobs that u shouldn't do 10 different exercises the first time u step into a gym
fucking this
I just want to hear gym advice but I have to sift through all his clickbait titles and thumbnails
He gives controversial attention grabbing advice for views but his physiological knowledge is pretty solid
Well m8, that's his job and fitness is not that much of a complex topic to talk for hundreds and hundreds of videos
couple of his vids are aight. ive been watching scotthermanfitness lately actually.
>dat lisp
His accent gets randomly obnoxious in his newer videos. Legitimately makes his otherwise great videos hard for me to watch.
How do you expect to gain mass without bulking?
Eating healthy in a small caloric surplus without becoming a land whale?
That is still bulking
He has the best and worst advice at the same time. If you watch enough of his videos you'll know which ones are just for clickbait and which ones contain actual good information.
a clean bulk most would say actually, you only want the lean mass not fat
I think bulking is a meem.
Why would you overeat to gain fat and then undereat to cut it? sounds retarded. Just eat enough and grow muscle only.
In my opinion you are also better of with short workouts. Just put enough intensitiy in.
2 hours in the gym? Yeah if you have nothing going on for you in life you can stay there that long kek. Working out is still stressful for the body and you want to keep that stress period as short as possible. Stress will age you lik a motherfucker so short workouts will help you stay fresh and younger looking.
>gaining 2-4kg a year is now bulking
it's not
Yes, it is. Bulking means eating at a caloric surplus in order to gain muscle mass, nothing more.
He's good, can be a bit clickbait and lomg winded for the sake of his program, bur hey it's his living.
He has some really good advice and drills
Bulking IS a meme.
I bulked for 3 months at 2900cals, gained 6 kilos, stalled in every exercise and always felt like shit, sweating like a pig.
Now I eat at 2k and I feel great, managed to add weight to my bench, press, squat, diddy and doing more chinups every time I try
>Working out is still stressful for the body and you want to keep that stress period as short as possible. Stress will age you lik a motherfucker so short workouts will help you stay fresh and younger looking.
fuck off mom, ill just do a juice cleanse and be fine
no it doesn't dummy