How fucked am I?
How fucked am I?
I have no sympathy for idiots who do deadlifts.
Even with perfect form it's a horrible exercise that puts extreme pressure on your lumbar vertebrae and hastens various issues
I dont know man, I'm not a cardiologist.
What the fuck did you even do?
fubared a bench rerack
i see nothing wrong, good vertebral heights, no obvious fractures,....
whyd you get this xray?
I'd say pretty fucked. How long have you had a spooky skeleton inside you?
herniated l5 s1
How did you do it? What are your stats?
6'5 270
Tell us how squats destroy your knees next.
do you have symptoms down your legs or just back pain? Most herniations heal with time. get an inversion table, do some pressups and wait it out user. Become upper body bro mode
Snap city
Population: (you)
i walk like tommy pickles if that says anything
so, can you not control the muscles in your feet or something?
your pretty much fucked for life if you lost muscle strength in your feet
no strength loss oddly enough
Hey man I herniated l5s1 2 years ago. I was able to squat 375 lbs for reps after injury/Being able to do standing ab wheel rollouts (I couldn't before injury) However it´s never the same. You will have flares and sometimes it will just feel "off"
>getting xrays for this
I was in the same situation as you OP, but i didn't to diddylifts.
It was exactly 2 years ago, now i feel as before. I'm only a bit sore in the morning, but it goes away after 2 minutes of stretching.
Here is what you should do:
>no lifting
>inversion table for 10 minutes 3x/day at 60-75 degrees
>chiropractor 2 times per month
This is dumb. With perfect form you have nothing to worry about. You know nothing about exercise science.
enjoy being little and weak you whiny ass faggot
>tfw SLAP tear