Fat People Hate

I saw this picture and it made me fucking rage. I need to let it out.

>tfw she gets to raid the beaches of Normandy while you shitpost on a Japanese Image Posting Forum

That's a cool vehicle though

OC??? No way.

>when you're so fat they give you tank tracks to ride around on

Guys, it's getting old. For all you know that woman has terminal cancer and can barely walk, this is her last visit to the beach.

She's old, fuck off.


I'm all for talking shit about fat acceptance SJWs...

But some stuff you gotta take a step back on and not jump to conclusions. I see no evidence of her being happy with her lifestyle or promoting it. She may hate what she's become because she's sick and dying.

>last visit to the beach

Yeah because she belongs in the ocean.

Agreed. This has nothing to do with fat hate.

Reddit front page

clever girl...

>armored battle scooter with treads
Holy shit it's happening

>hey user how do fatties wipe themselves?
>well user I'm glad you asked...

Hunting them for sport should be legal (if not very challenging).


She needs to do some deadlifts

Those aren't the kind of chairs they hand out to fat people.

My friend's wife has an all terrain electric chair because she's got a cocktail of conditions that make her life hell to walk around for any longer than a few minutes.

Fatass here (5'9" 350lbs) whenever I read these stories about how fat people struggle to wipe it makes me glad I've not had that problem and that eventually all of that will be behind me.

The place were I live is filled with fat people even bigger than me, boggles my fucking mind how they even fuction in the slightest.

Check your "smaller fat" privilege user.
Also, good luck on the weight loss.

You fucking Autistic redditer the woman has fucking Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, I'm all for making fun of fatties but when the fuck did Veeky Forums turn into /Disabled/Sick People hate/?

>muh condishuns



>Facebook posts on fat acceptance and what not like pic related
>entire comments by landwhales are predictable and always the same
>"you go gurl show that curvy wymn can be beautiful too"
>"this is promoting self confidence not obesity you fat shamers"
>"well skinny people are unhealthy too"
>"real women"
>"some people can't lose weight"
>"life is too short love yourself"
>"healthy people can be diabetic too"
Kill me

Healthy people can have Type-1 diabetes, it's Type-2 diabetes that are the fatfucks who eat like shit.

>5'9 350lb

kill yourself

that's all you needed

Why? She's not even that fat, she probably has a legitimate disability.
