ADD medication side effects

>ADD medication side effects
>get queasy during my daily walks
>feel like shit at home
>feel like shit while out
>repressed appetite symptom wears off in 7 hours at the most
>eat like a fucking horse when it does uncontrollably

but WEW LAD the improved focus.
Life changed by this magic shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

use modafinil instead
same focus with no sides

What are you taking?


Modafinil isn't for everyone. I got extreme hunger and tiredness from it.

Which medication?


use adrafinil, cheaper nonregulated one

your liver will change it into modafinil

I've been taking Strattera for the past few years and I highly recommend it. There isn't a generic for it yet so it's expensive if you don't have insurance but honestly it's the only ADHD medication that has ever worked for me.

Which prescribed medication doesn't give you drum dick
Every time j take adderal my dick is like I'm cold the whole day and I have a harder time getting it up later

Also I sleep walk like a motherfucker on it


didn't know i shared this board with retards who most likely have ketchup in their hair and fingers in their asses

Stim dick

I went to vyvanse a few months ago and it's the best thing I've ever done. Never tried adderall so I can't directly compare. I came from concerta, so I'm still trying to get the dosage right.

I basically have a 24/7 boner, too, so it doesn't seem to affect it that much. Maybe just talk to your doctor.

I sell my adderal now days because I turn into a huge asshole with a limp dick who sleeps like shut

What does vyvanse feel like when u first take it

yet you feel like shit?

why is this medication a good thing again?

it comes on pretty slow. Takes about 2 hours to fully kick in. Much gentler than methylphenidate. I got nausea from concerta which is why I changed. It's pretty subtle after that.

One weird thing you can try for sleeping is getting a dose of stimulant before bed. I know that sounds stupid and counterproductive but it can help clear up all the rushing thoughts, and let you keep focused enough to actually sleep.

Once you get it right it does actually work pretty well. You pretty much have to keep shooting in the dark until you find the right one.

Agreed. And thanks for the visual. Add is made up bullshit started by single mothers who were too afraid to smack their idiot children when it could have made difference.

>your liver will change it into modafinil

thats a bad thing

Funny for me ritalin makes me more calm and it doesn't affect my blood pressure/heartrate/hunger. If anything I'm more able to remember when it's time to eat.

>daily walks


Everything he says sounds like challenges and issues that everyone faces, and the solutions/techniques are all things that successful normal people implement into their lives as well.

I stand by my view that ADD/ADHD is just a result of lazy and undisciplined kids. Then we pump them up with literal speed and they do their work, no shit. Non-diagnosed college students take these medications all the time to up their work ethic too.

Please, there are studies that show that people with ADHD have a lower level of dopamine on the brain. You're talking without knowing.

There are studies showing kids that went into medication early later had repressed development in their brains, aka smaller mass. ADD/ADHD needs more studying before we hand out amphetamine to the kids.

Sure, I guess they should all go pump themselves full of drugs that make your dick less functional and wreak havoc on your heart and body. What's the point of getting your work done easier if you're going to be tweaking or strung-out 24/7, taking years off your life, and in a lot of cases, incapable of even fucking a girl well.

That guy in the video even acknowledges that there's other methods to treat the fact that you grew up as an undisciplined lazy little shit, even though he downplays it, likely due to ulterior motives and influences. Popping a pill is a lot easier anyway right?

You're not physically incapable of completing your daily tasks and work without drugs, you just don't want to.

And most that DON'T get medication end up with a fucked life, drug/alcohol addiction, school dropout, adrenaline addiction, few relationships, depression, suicide and some other funny things but of course none of that matters.

>That guy in the video even acknowledges that there's other methods to treat
Incorrect, he says that those who have the disorder do need the medication to live well. But even then medication alone is not enough.

>You're not physically incapable of completing your daily tasks and work without drugs, you just don't want to.
Show me your bachelor in Neurobiology so I can believe your opinions.

>Show me your bachelor in Neurobiology so I can believe your opinions.

Not the guy you quoted but thats retarded since you are spouting your opinions over this matter as well
Also since the "inventor" of ADHD specifically said "i might jumped the gun, Needs more research "in later days of his career, Im pretty OK with my stance since it's shared with an actual neuroscientist

>Not the guy you quoted but thats retarded since you are spouting your opinions over this matter as well
Actually no I have studied and talked with people who DID had education on the area for years, what they said and the information they presented sounds a lot more convincing and cohesive than simply "lel you're undisciplined". As it stands if he wants me to believe his assertions he'll either have to prove that he has a formation on the area or show the studies which back him up.

I never said "they are undisciplined", It's the other dude. Find a neurology studie that supports your claim, Every studied that ive seen that supports ADHD is psychology articles.

A resent studie showed that adults (that have been taking meds since youth) actually needs more medication later in life because it fucks with the protein that "flushes" the dopamine from the receivers.

Here's another article claiming that the medication might do more harm then good

But this is not something that just came out of the blue, We have been studying the effects of various drugs since the 60s, And those who fucks up the most are the central stimulants, So handing a child meth and it turns out it might not be so good for the brain is no suprise

tell your doc, m8

For all the studies you find in support of medication, you can find just as many in opposition. Be it, many in support are more often than not tainted by the the people selling the pills, the point still stands.

Just because you read some studies and wiki pages that happened to parrot your opinion on the matter and talked to some people that agreed with you doesn't give you a leg up on the other guy who probably did the same thing essentially.

Ok im not about to read thru the thread to figure out whether this point has been raised

But i have extremely blatant focus issues (lack thereof, can't even watch TV), always need to engage my body in action... was diagnosed adhd as a kid, shrinks put me on adderall and it made me violent so my parents gave up


i don't believe in relying on psych meds to help you live life with this "disorder"

IMO embrace the pros and the cons

Since u all know the cons, the pros:

We have the ability to rapidly shift our attention from one task to another. Amazing neurological flexibility.

We constantly need physical stimulation, so our motivation to stay Veeky Forums never dies.

Adapting to the brain with which i was born has made me a stronger person. I have gained more out of coaching myself than i ever have in traditional therapy.

>We have the ability to rapidly shift our attention from one task to another. Amazing neurological flexibility.

That's some X-man tier stuff there mate, To bad literally everyone also can do that. More rare to have the ability to stay super focused

A lot of the things he says to do are things that all healthy people need to do when they do their work too. I go to a high tier uni and people in the library always bring in a bunch of sugary snacks, have frisbee breaks with their study groups, etc.

Very few people just sit down and study for 6 hours straight. You get a lot of false diagnoses when retarded parents let their kid put off assignments till the night before and tell them "no TV/games till it's done." Then they go to the doctor the next day and tell him their kid won't do his work, and the doctor writes a script on the spot.

ADHD may be real for some people, but for the high majority of people that are diagnosed it's complete bullshit.

Nah if you learn to control your ability to rapidly jump from idea to idea (basically turn an inability into an ability), it makes a difference. Not everybody can.. dunno where you're getting that from.

I suppose it depends on your profession, though. As a lyricist, the layers of images and ideas i can express in a single piece make for an awesome verbal mural.

Also, we do tend to have the ability to engage hyper-focus mode, which in my case gets me temporarily obsessed enough with something to excel in it.

Thats just being unfocused, Which is a shitty superpower, If you mean you can just jump from one type of work to the next then that's just how everyone functions.

You didn't really read my post


>friend from highschool is now too cool to hang out with me in college
>has become all but reliant on adderall
>I overprice it like crazy for this dickwad, I got a bottle of 60 20mgs for 37 dollars and gave it to him for $350

I did, Also "hyper focused" is called "being interested" since you appear to have a shitty attention span (whenever it's from ADD/ADHD/ADJAJD or something else)

>taking medication for a meme "illness"
good goy

Was a bit hard to find but here it is, full study with multiple links to other studies.

What everyone seems to forget is that those symptoms also appear in many different areas, it's not JUST on mentally exhausting tasks. We're talking about literally every single situation of life, from suddenly realizing you weren't paying attention to the person you were talking to (and it happens on every conversation) to not paying attention to movies or even a video game that you don't find extremely fun.
Read the fucking article, I was a skeptical for over 5 years but I've seen enough evidence to change my mind.

>sugary snacks
Don't work that way it needs to be in liquid form for quick absorption. Unless you're talking about hambeasts that shove a chocolate bar every 5 mins.

>Very few people just sit down and study for 6 hours straight.
People with ADHD can do that even without medication, actually.

>Also "hyper focused" is called "being interested"
False hyper focus when it happens allows a person to stay focused on a subject for a lot of time, I personally know people who have done so for over 15 hours, during that time that person will absorb more on the same time span than someone normally would. Interest is part of what's needed but it's not everything.

You do realize Hitler was a fan of methamphetamine don't you?

>daily walks

OP is a golden retriever

Aerobic exercise is good for people with ADHD, it's like meditation.

Nice, reading it now but i can't find the age of the participants, This is crucial since the brain stops development around 24-25, It just says "adult".

Still skeptical of the medication, A human brain during the pubertal age (Especially male brains, which might correlate why they're more male diagnoses then female) are under "reconstruction" hence their behavior (Which in some cases might land them a diagnose of ADHD) over diagnosing is surely a thing today, Which is why im skeptical of research done on young men and women.

true Im ADHD and old 80s aerobic videos really help me fet focused in the morings
this ones my favorite I modify it with restiance bands

try meth lad

Look buddy a reduced amount or efficacy of dopamine influences more than simply attention, it also influences pleasure. One of the symptoms that a person with ADHD might feel is a reduction of pleasure for known activities, so imagine that every time you did something for leisure you got a weaker kick out of it. You'll either move to another activity or try to increase the intensity it's what leads to substance abuse and risky behavior. The medication helps with that.

Another problem is that most kids who have the disorder and don't take the medication will end up in psychiatrists anyway, because they'll show symptoms of anxiety disorder and depression. The medication for both of those disorders have far worse and longer lasting side effects.

All that being said what does seems to be happening is that there's a misdiagnosis. Many people who don't have the disorder get diagnosed and many people who have it never get the treatment.

In a funny way the easiest ans surest way to tell if someone has or not the disorder is getting them to take a low dose of ritalin. The effect of it on those with ADHD is the opposite of the effect on normal individuals.