>Where ya' been bro, haven't seen you in ages!
>Oh have you been hitting the gym? shit man take of the shirt and let's see what's up doc
Where ya' been bro, haven't seen you in ages!
Fuck off cumskins. Your time will come.
>who the fuck are you guys
the fuck are they eating
How did you get in my house?
This. Once all the Anglos are dead, the world will know true peace.
Is that an Asian in the back?
muslim or jew detected
also white people single handedly invented the modern age.
Please... n-no..
fairly sure Japanese people are to thank
wow you don't even know your tech history.
You should really consider educating yourself.
I hope all dirty apes are killed so we may finally have peace
In a way. Now it will be up to the other races to carry the burden with the forced Anglo genocide in the coming generations. RIP.
claiming 9
pic very much related.
That man should have never died.
>Thank you so much for allowing me to do Calvin and Hobs theme for our son, user..
Yes! Chad Mcsports is all mine.
Lmao roll
well, all of Europe is closing it's borders and the white people are getting more and more pissed every day.
also 4chans /pol/ has way more influence than you would think.
I'm not even racist but I am white and I do notice the war against white people and the white man.
2 pls
>well, all of Europe is closing it's borders and the white people are getting more and more pissed every day.
People were saying this last year and the year before then.
>a-anyday now ladz! Honest!
>also 4chans /pol/ has way more influence than you would think.
>I'm not even racist
I'm Back off?!
Subhumans getting salty
Just dont be a man just dont be a man just dont be a man
The european nations just brought turkey into the eu on the condition that turkey prevent any more immigrants from coming into europe. turkey is violent and they can get the job done.
Also the right wing has been gaining enormous support in very little time, that's not going to go away.
Hitlers book just got legalized and sold millions and millions of copies first week, they literally could not keep up with demand
I'm iranian-american, not muslim nor is my family
where do I stand in this race-war?
Cannon fodder you fucking shitskin
in the corner for insecure faggots that seek approval from a slovakian nail painting forum
Rollie pollies
all good bro, iran is pretty much the least shitist of the middle east
you can roll with my team
>getting this fuckin triggered
You mad blacky?
As long as your not muslim it ain't that bad.
Islam is bad for literally everyone, so is Judaism.
Literally the only abrahamic religion that is any good is Christianity because Christ was arguably the first leftist.
Islam preaches war war and more war, the entire religion is based upon waging war.
Judaism preaches elitism and using any means necessary to control others.
The abrahmic religions were sets of memes to give groups of people better survival rates
Christainty was a late bloomer in this regard but in the modern age it dominates because it allows for societies civil enough to get large and powerful and have strong militaries.
gimme a 1 or a 4
>Also the right wing has been gaining enormous support in very little time, that's not going to go away.
With changing social climates it will. Of course it won't be quick.
>Hitlers book just got legalized and sold millions and millions of copies first week, they literally could not keep up with demand
You mean the annotated version of the text which was republished for educational purposes in schools and universities? The one where any glorification of Hitler was cutout? Ok. It's nothing you couldn't read on the internet.
>The european nations just brought turkey into the eu on the condition that turkey prevent any more immigrants from coming into europe. turkey is violent and they can get the job done.
Turkey is as white as Greek and Germany are m8.
>denying the fact that whites literally invented every single thing you see in your house from AC to clocks to television to your computer
rolling for 0
This --->
>tfw no iranian gf
fuck middle east girls are so pretty
Youre an idiot dude, Even Sweden has closed its borders, doesnt even give out permanent asylum anymore and stopped immigration by family reunion.
Nobody's denying it, they're just pointing out it's become a "muh dick" issue for the losers on the chins and other websites.
It must be pretty easy to throw away any insecurities by pretending you're something so much bigger than you are :^)
t. amateur psychologist
If you have white envy why not work on doing something that your people can be proud?
Everyone fucking does that. The point here is these peepol (haha get it) are trying to prove which race is superior and has contributed most to the world.
>I wonder which race that would be...
why is race such a hot-topic?
why can't we just agree that your color and features don't matter, but your environment
lets make our environment better, and maybe we can change the world
It's not what's on the outside that makes you who you are.
It's what is on the inside.
Youre wrong. The debate is over and genes are what matter most in todays world.
Roll for qt wymyn
Unless you're a nigger. The world would be a better place without niggers and brown people 2bh.
To be fair there is a distinction between a nigger and a black man/woman
back off nigger, number 1 is mine
middle class and upper scale black folks are some of the nicest people I've ever met
ghettos and slums are absolutely a problem
my best friend growing up was a black guy.
It was sad though because nigger culture was what was cool at our school and my friend refused to participate in it, so all the niggers called him an "oreo" (black on the outside, white on the inside)
It really bothered my friend that he didn't fit in with his own race. But I told him to get over it because they were a bunch of niggers.
*wave dashes around*
*teleports behind you*
Heh, nothing personell kid
>why can't we just agree that your color and features don't matter, but your environment
You do understand that "color and features" isn't the only difference between the races right?
Please don't tell me you fell for the "we're all the same color on the inside meme". If we evolved to have such different physical features do you think that somehow we all stayed exactly the same on the inside, that we all somehow have the exact same brain chemistry dispite having different bone/cranium/muscular/facial structures? Of course not. And with modern since we now KNOW this.
Also that pic you posted has heavy european features she's not black but clearly mixed.
9 goes unclaimed
you wanted the trips
you were trying
you fail tho
oh sorry did I take your claim?
Oh damn, reroll.
Really gotta fuck that guy, huh?
Rollie pollie ollie
This, even nice blacks are either one of the odd ones with a average white iq(not likely) or just house trained
88 bruv heil hitler
My people wouldn't give a flying fuck. More because it's my accomplishments and not theirs.
Who does this?
You do not stand , because you're spineless insecure faggot that will never be comfortable with himself , honest to god , 100% serious , If I was you I would end my life immediatly.
I can just imagine the butthurt nigger sitting at home making a meme about "muh peepol" actually thinking it will offend white folks
I've been to Iraq twice and...
no they aren't.
>heyy thats our boy hemigway. I havent seen this guy in 16 years!
1, 2, or 8 plz, otherwise no gay plz.
Plz no gay
lol fuck off faggot, go hug a dolphin
Black people think they can tell time
You don't speak for any proud white person
Do you know what a transistor is and does? No? Then shut the fuck up.
I am a 2nd gen. american of mexican decent in the middle class and climbing with a white GF. how mad are you guys?
The dream.
You'd think this dumb slut would know how to spell "Hobbes" if she's so obsessed with that comic strip.
Roll m8
This place is really shit... this thread has been up for more than 4 hours-- this is not /b/ or /pol/ and this contents discussed here has no relevancy to fitness.
Please stop shitposting, and keep your misguided views to yourself and your containment boards.
Feel free to leave anytime faggot.
How about I stay, contribute meaningful content and explore the intended purpose of this board, and you leave to your hivemind paranoia reddened friends on /pol/?
Tom Daley is my bro? Gonna be rolling in worldlies.
How about you go back to plebbit if you can't even cope with the small amount of politically incorrect discussion that is bound to occur in a very loosely moderated community of anonymous posters