Let's get one of these going.
Functional Strength Thread
I dont need my sides
Fucking Christ my sides
Oh, I'm all out BTW. I know there are more, or someone should make some OC.
I'm terrible at drawing with a mouse, otherwise I'd make a few
Kek best one yet
meta functional strength: work on your obliques to prevent strain from laughing at Internet méemées
I know there's a law of physic or something but why wouldn't you be able to deadlift yourself? If you step on the bar and lift it, why can't the bar move upwards?
try it and report back.
>there are people that ACTUALLY think these are funny
You can, physicists are just pussies who believe in math.
Functional strengthcuck spotted
>office sign
kek's hard
I mean the equal and opposite force is the same, right. That's how it works in physics. That's why the gun has rebound when you fire it. But since an 80kg guy can deadlift over three times his own bodyweight, shouldn't that mean that the force being exerted is greater than the force exerting it? It doesn't make sense.
you need to push on something different to make the bar move upwards, the floor in this case
>gun has rebound when you fire it
this one doesn't make sense
In all seriousness it doesn't work because the harder you pull on the bar, the heavier your body is on the bar.
Since he's on the bar not the ground the force he's exerting upward is equal to the force his feet are pressing to the bar.
Thanks guys. I know it doesn't work. It's why we don't literally see flying powerfats all over the place, but I really didn't know how to explain it. Like if someone asked me why, I wouldn't be able to provide an answer. Damn I think I'm losing my mind.
it's because when you lift 200kg, your feet are exerting 200kg (or more during liftoff) of force into the ground. so if you stood on the barbell, the forces pulling up and pushing down would even out. this is all due to newton's 3rd
So why can't I just tie a balloon on the bar so it's like 200kg vs 199.999kg and then SLOWLY start to fly?
I have to fucking try this mane
So if i was just to row the bar it would work
Dat fucking bird
>i cant explain why this wouldnt work
education has failed me
the balloon is also helping you lift the bar. you're exerting 199.999 into the floor and the bar is being pulled with 199.999
I haven't seen a new one of these in a while, and I've been here all summer
so this is the famous amerilard education itt ive heard so much about
Each action has an equal and opposite reaction, you would press the bar to the ground with your feet just as hard as you would pull it upwards
Because your feet aren't pushing you away from the ground, they are pushing away from the bar they are standing on.
What about TWO balloons instead??
You added your own weight to the bar.
You are still pushing down with your legs as much as you are pulling up on it.
Now you are gonna need a giant balloon or hundreds of regular balloons to pull your weight + the bar combined for you to lift off.
You would need enough balloons to carry your weight plus bb+weights. No matter what your pushing down and pulling up is gonna cancel out
Okay, what about this?
What if you are deadlifting yourself with a balloon, BUT someone is also deadlifting you as well. That way you get a little boost so when you finally go into the air then the weight difference won't matter anymore and you start to fly, but only slightly.
Theoretically yeah. As long as their is a net force upward.
I think it depends on what kind of exercise you do.
What if you benched the bar instead, but you held your feet off the ground and instead of pushing you are actually pulling the bar towards you?
If the balloon can support all of it then yes user you could fly slightly
>planks for the skanks
You don't do anything diddling yourself on the bar. Might as well just stand on it.
The guy dLing you has to pull your bw + bar - balloon upward force. You still are exerting force downwards thanks to gravity. And the guy dl you has his acceleration stop when he reaches lockout. So no.
This thread.
>And the guy dl you has his acceleration stop when he reaches lockout. So no.
Okay, what about this?
What if the guy doesn't dead lift but instead does a clean and press and at the apex of the exercise he lets go so there is a little more momentum with the guy who is deadlifting with the balloon?
In space this would work with some caveats. Try it user and post vid
>in space
Well yeah, but we're talking about Earth. Come on, at least be a little bit realistic.
Imagine a strap wrapped snug around a box. Tighten the strap and you crush the box, correct? The box will not move.
Same concept - you cannot lift the ground because you're standing on it, regardless of how heavy it is. In this case, the bar is part of the ground because you're standing on it. All you will do is compress yourself, not lift the bar.
To lift something, you add it's mass to your own, for example picking up a 20kg box will make you exert 20kg more force to the ground. By trying to pick yourself up, force on the ground is unchanged, as your mass has not changed and gravity is a constant. In fewer words, you'd be standing on your own shoulders, not the ground. The more you pull, the more force you exert on yourself.
Newton's third law pham, you learn that shit in high school
don't stop user, I want to hear more of your ideas
this is how innovation happens
Also if he imagines he's floating in space not moving with a barbell and tries to do the same thing. He won't move anywhere. Now apply this to down on earth with the added gravitational force, he definitely will not move anywhere
>implying Veeky Forums graduated high school
Newton was a DYEL, apple eating faggot.
What about this?
Okay, so imagine you're benching like 135lb right? So when you get back to the resting phase of the exercise, you throw your back up and pull yourself towards the bar?
THEN, before you start to fall, you push the bar away from your chest while you're still in the air. Then the bar goes higher in the air. Then you pull your chest up to the bar, and then push the bar out again. If you do this over and over again, you'd constantly keep going higher and higher until you're finally in the clouds. The only tricky part would be that you have to do this very quickly.
Pic related. It's science.
this is a nice pepe mind if i keep it?
Oh, I failed to mention that you'd also have to weigh slightly less than how much you're lifting, so it will be able to pull you upward. So maybe not 135 lb
Newton literally invented gravity faggot, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't get gains from lifting heavy things off the floor, so shut up
You are wat is holding the bar up in the bench position. so no.
But you mention if you did the process really fast.
If some how you froze time,
Gravity = 9.8m/s^2
You can pull yourself up to the bar assuming you are not frozen in time.
You still cannot push up the bar because you have nothing to push against. And you can't displace air because your not a helium-filled balloon, your density is too high
>You are wat is holding the bar up in the bench position. so no.
So what if I had someone deadlift me for a boost? I'm fairly certain that'd work.
Same thing with the a guy diddling you while you stand on bar.
You made think of something intresting.
What if you are in space with a loaded bar equivalent to your bw to your chest. And neither have motion in any direction. What would happen if you press it?
This thread pretty much explains why everyone in my physics course is a fat dyel.
Depends if somebody is deadlifting you for a boost.
To distance yourself from the ground you have to push the ground away from you. Pulling the bar can only move the bar closer to you and you closer to the bar. You have to understand that earth is just like any other object with a mass. Consider that in the given situation it's just as true to say the ground is lying on the barbell. If you stand on the ground and pull on the ground, could you lift yourself and the earth off the barbell?
When you ask that question it becomes more obvious why the barbell is not part of the equation. How would you lift the earth off the barbell, and what would you do differently to lift it off your mom instead? The barbell and your mom won't move in relation to the earth because you pull on it, they're attached by gravity. Likewise the earth won't move in relation to the barbell because you pull on it. The earth is attached to the barbell and you've done nothing to change that. You can move it of the ground by standing inbetween the barbell and the ground and pushing them in opposite directions, which is exactly what you do in a conventional lift. If you stand on the barbell you'd be pushing and pulling the same thing and nothing would move.
Alright anons, what if we just got extremely muscular arms and shoulders, with wide lats, and hear me out on this, flapped our arms with 45lb plates, and glided on air currents with our lats?
Holy fuck I'm dying
You aren't aerodynamic. Gogle bernoulli's principle
Personally I like spreading my arms out and spinning around really quickly for take off. Makes it easier and you don't need lats
What about this?
What if you took a barbell and held it over your head. THEN you started to spin very, very quickly. Would you take off? What if you had killer abs? Could you keep yourself flying by constantly flexing your abs and twisting your torso?
>this is the board you trust to give you fitness advice
Ok, but what if you grab yourself by your quads/pants and shrug yourself into the air?
Kek, most of my fellow physics undergrads lift heavy regularly.
Bros, I think I understand why Rich Pianoman is getting so big to leave humanity behind. It's to contort gravity with his here mass. Think about it, every object has an influence of gravity, so maybe, he's getting big enough to break the laws of physics and truly leave humanity behind. We're going about this all wrong bros, he's getting swole so he can bend gravity and fly. We won't need to fly like a bird or helicopter, or lift ourselves to fly, we can simply will it and we'll fly from being that swole. We will essentially cuck gravity. We will truly become gods and leave humanity behind.
i dont get this one, why does granny have a barebell on her back?
What if, and just hear me out, what if you did weighted dips a lot. So much so in fact that you're so strong that you can dip the weight of Earth.
What if you went to a cliff and you did your weighted dips? Would you push the world down, or would you be pushing yourself up?
yu are my hero
Huh, that's pretty solid. But how about, and I'm just spitballin' here, you stand on your hands and OHP the earth away from you
t. mercenary Tao
There is a planet that has such a thick atmosphere that one of those old style flying machines where you just flap your arms would actually function.
Okay, get this. Listen. Are you listening? Okay, check this out.
What if you got like, 100 2.5lb dumbbells and taped them together to be like a wing and you made 2 of them.
Then, THEN, you became really good at lateral dumbbell raises.
Would it be possible, if you did the raises fast enough, with enough reps and sets, to be able to start flying?
>"This is Houston speaking, come in."
>"Your sides have just left orbit and are now on course heading toward Jupiter."
someone screencap this shit
You could just get huge lats and jump from a mountain and if your lats are big enough you'd glide
Literally just made this.
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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>lifting girls
Gonna make it
Ahh, thanks mate! Didn't even notice!
ur the person that turns a Veeky Forums meme into a reddit meme
>right pec noticeably larger than left
Something I can relate to