What's Veeky Forums's opinion on carbs?

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on carbs?

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Eat them in moderation
And read the fucking sticky

good for filling last bits of calories once minimum protein and fat requirements are taken care of

Source? Carbs are fine iifym

You need them or you will die

I'd also like to stomp on that roach right in her face if you know what I mean

they are cool and your body needs them to function properly. Even ketofags have things like cyclical keto diets that strategically use carbs to get gainz.

if you are too low on carbs, your test will also fuck up.

Can we all stop posting this disgusting turkroach?

Is this the beginning of a porn bit?

Don't bully Anzu

80% of my diet is carbs



This is not true, you can live without carbs

Sedentary individuals should be getting at least 60% of their calories from carbs, about 6 g/kg. Physically active individuals should be getting 70-80% of their calories from carbs, about 7-12 g/kg depending on activity level (10+ for endurance athletes)

Not if you want to have testosterone and muscle mass.

holy fuck i want to see her get DESTROYED by a dick

>Cuck: The Post featuring...


i meant like in a porno because the webm looked like a porno. im no cuck.

im no cuck trust

>Eat them in moderation
>And read the fucking sticky

>There's a girl I like/find attractive
>I want to watch her have sex with another man
>Not a cuck

It makes your cheeks as wide as anzus jowls.

Never eat more than 100-150g carbs if you want to look chiseled.

Carbs are great, just don't eat them in the form of processed foods

Hungry Skeleton/10, would not fap

More anabolic compared to fats. Lots of healthy foods are full of carbs. Cheap and tasty.
If you're active (which you should be) and don't eat any added sugars, refined grains or otherwise processed carbs (you shouldn't ever) you'd do well having about half your diet consisting of carbohydrates

Cute boy

some skinnyfat retard wrote this

Kill yourself

>implying he's ever going to meet her in real life

Half isn't nearly enough for active individuals. 50% calories from carbs is basically the standard American diet, which is trash. 65% is reasonable for people with low calorie output, people with high calorie output can easily go for 70-80%. The average Japanese diet in the 50s was 80% carbs, Ceylon 75%, Chile and Italy 70%, Portugal and Israel 65%, USA 45%. And we're not talking about endurance athletes here, these were just average people of all ages.