I run a modified SL5x5. Same lifts, except it's 3x5, then if I hit those lifts, then the fourth set is 2.5kg more for AMRAP, then the fifth set is 65% x12. Am I retarded or will this lead to strength gains?
Sebastian Cruz
My current routine: PUSH: 4x10 Dumbbell Press 4x10 Incline Dumbbell Press 4x10 Close Grip Dumbbell Press 4x10 Two-Handed Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
After every workout I do 30 mins of HIIT Jump Rope
In 5 days it will be one month since I started it, but since it's summer and as a basement dweller I don't do anything else I'm thinking of changing it up a bit. I've thought of 2 ways. First is to do PPLxPPLx. Second way is to transfer the squats in either PULL or PUSH day and go AxBxAxBx, but since my workout is already hella tiring I'm not sure if I can make it. Also I'm not really a fan of PPLxPPLx.
I'm also thinking about adding Shoulder Press on my leg day, but if I go with plan two should I maybe add the shoulder press to my PUSH day and the squats to my PULL day? Or should I just continue with PxPxLx?
Anthony Williams
Posting routine again with an actual question this time: There is no where for me to effectively do chin-ups in my gym. All pull-up bars have separated grips that are very wide and it gets real busy so I don't want to take up a squat rack doing chins. Are underhand barbell rows a fine alternative (for a deadlift accessory that stimulates bicep growth)?
Liam Wilson
So in the last thread I was asking, what is in the SS book, that isn't in the numerous videos and the wiki? I stopped reading the book because on the first few pages of the squat, Rip was repeating himself about hurr durrr squat's so great, posterior chain is so importunt, every one but me is stupid. I don't have time for this shit.
Easton Perry
Hi Trappy, I'm coming out of SS and would like to know if it's possible to follow a powerlifting program and bodybuild at the same time, in order to gain a mix of size and strength.
I was thinking along the lines of an Upper Lower 4 day split in which I start with my 5x5s, then do volume training.
Thoughts? Should I just pick one?
Landon Davis
The point I think most refer to is it tells you how to program in accessory work such as chin ups and dips which balance out your physique and stop the t-rex from taking over. People who run the basic beginner's template until they stop progressing (most eejits): 1. look like shit 2. stop progressing far earlier
Eli Clark
I made this plan in order to bring up my lagging muscles. Could you give me your opinion on whether I have missed a muscle group, if I'm doing something wrong, and what you think about it.
Day 1: Legs, Abs Day 2: Shoulder, Traps Day 3: Back, Bicep, Forearm Day 4: Chest. Triceps Day 5: Legs and Abs Day 6: Shoulder, Traps, Forearm Day 7 : Rest day
Sebastian Myers
just do SS and stop making stupid modifications. what you're doing only works because you're currently lifting babby weights. I know it seems logical that more work = more gains.
Liam Edwards
Trappy, please come to Rio and squat with me Been stuck at 3.5 plates for 4 reps for two months now Should I aim for less reps? (Doing candito's 6 weeks program) Also trying to cut...
Ian Lewis
Anyone can help me divide these exercises into two workouts?
Main: Squat, Dead-lift, Overhead, Bench, Chin-up, Row, Dips, possibly one more that could round it out. Accessory: Lateral raise or Dumbbell upright row, Calf Raise.
Zachary Harris
When you say to do SS, do you mean SS 3x5 with power cleans? Because fuck learning power cleans brah
Jack Peterson
What I would do:
A: >Squat >Bench >Overhead >Dips >Lateral Raise
B: >Diddles >Chin up >Row >Upright row >Calf Raise
A 4x10 DB Press 4x10 Incline DB Press 4x10 Close Grip DB Press 4x10 DB Tricep Extensions
B 4x10 Incline DB Rows 4x10 Flat DB Rows 4x10 DB Goblet Squat 4x10 DB Bicep Curls
AxBxAxBx or AxBxAxx BxAxBxx
not sure yet.
More frequent workouts is not something I do since do HIIT cardio for fat loss after every workout. I can't do Chinups yet since I'm weak and I find negatives stupid, I feel like they give me no gains. I also didn't add Shoulder Press since I don't think it's necessary, as I have already have 3 DB Press exercises that work shoulders as a secondary muscle. Up until now my workout had a different day with only squats, but I thought that just adding it to one of my other days would save me a lot of time to make more gains. Should I change the numbers of sets and/or reps? Should I change the sequence maybe?
Carson Phillips
Does your gym not have a lat pulldown?
Cameron Foster
I've asked this in multiple threads but I want more opinions
Pretty much I've injured my back and whatever muscle covers the lower ribs due to messing up my deadlift execution (I pulled it up, rather than pushed and hip pushed it up).
I did this yesterday, and it's still uncomfortable. Would it be wise to skip tommorows workout (on SS), or should I confuse the muscles by risking injury?
If I do skip, should I progress as normal on saturday?
David Anderson
>Follow a PPL made by trappy >too much volume, make no progress or gains >switch a kinobody meme routine, because i thought i was cutting too hard for routines to matter >hit 3 PRs the first week ..whut in tarnation? Why am i getting amazing results from a fake natty who doesnt know programming?
Is RPT the secret?
Angel Wright
Is this a joke? First off your program is absolute shit, but if you're a beginner you should be doing something like SS or Reg Park's beginner routine.
Dont train strength. Train flawless execution of form. This requires resistance, just not an overwhelming amount.
Say you hit 2pl8 for 5 Maybe do 1.5pl8 for 8
Since the intensity is lower, and you arent going anywhere near failure (or shouldnt be) you can do more sets, which will help embedd the movement pattern.
Parker Anderson
Trappy has several times advised against PPL unless you're on roids.
Ryder Adams
No shit, but i asked for a cutting routine, jackass.
Samuel Gomez
which one are you doing? the cutting routines trappy suggests are very light on volume.
Eli Evans
Uh.. Look at her fucking link, bro Under intermediate programs.
We arent all summerfags who need to be on that there starting strength
Isaiah Campbell
They are all too high on volume, man. Thats my point.
Of course they seem like they would work, that is why i did it in the first place..
Gavin Torres
PPLPPLx maybe, but PPLxULx or PPLxFxx is okay.
Jaxson Cooper
The gains you made were likely from the PPL, it just took a while to recover from the fatigue. So when you switched to a lighter program your body dissipated the fatigue and got the strength gains from the previous high volume program.
It's the same logic with periodized programming, switching between volume blocks to peaking blocks which are light. So when you start the light block, your body starts to dissipate the fatigue and you see the strength from the volume block.
Jack Edwards
Dear god, look at that fucking awful form. No wonder his face is getting all purple.
Mason Bell
this one isn't high volume at all.
Chase James
Find the six day PPL routine. Oh wait, you can't. Learn to read, you dyslectic faggot
Angel Collins
This is pretty much what happens to me when I do sheiko. I'm much stronger at the end of the peaking cycle than in the middle of the prep cycles. A few weeks of light work after heavy volume makes a big difference.
Nolan James
>3x5 and 5x5 Yes. It. Is.
this shit is almost exactly what mine looked like and it fucked me. But then i do 1 set of 4-6 ohp, 1 set of 8-10 and 1 set 4-6, 1 set 6-8 and 1 set 8-10 bench, and i progress like mad, while running an 850kcal deficit I never said 6 day, because i never was on 6 day. It was 4x week. Fagtard. Tm style ppl split
Jaxon Davis
Just starting, I've been doing this for 3 weeks, is it okay?
Making good progression with the weights and seeing some gains but I don't know if I'm missing something. It's not very thought out but I figured it's best to start somewhere and then refine it. Also homegym so no machines.
Squats 3 x 10 Bench Presses 3 x 8 Bent-Over Rows 3 x 10 Overhead Presses 3 x 8 Barbell Curls 3 x 8 Concentration curls 3 x 8 or heavier w/ 2 x 10
3 times a week, and on the 3 different days I add either: Monday) chin ups 3xF Wednesday) Deadlifts 3x10 or heavier w/ 2 x 5 Friday) Calf Raises 3 x 10
Isaac Sullivan
That's the only day with moderate volume. Not even high, it's just 8 sets of compounds and a couple of isolations. Only 3 heavy sets.
On lowerbody days you're doing six sets total. Only 1-3 are heavy.
But in any case, the gains you saw on the first week were from the TM program you were doing. You were just fatigued before, so the light week allowed you to recover and the gains from the TM program showed up.
Josiah Myers
>4day split So, an Upper/Lower split or an Push/Pull+Legs split? There's a big difference between U/L, PP and PPL.
Kevin Ramirez
if you're doing this AxBxAxx then its bad because the frequency of pressing exercises and back exercises is low.
if you're doing this ABxABxx then its bad because the deadlift is gonna be compromised by the squat from the session before.
the latter option is ok if you do ABxABxx, except >upright row
Luke Moore
Say and believe whatever you want man.
I think i am trusting the fake natty over the brazilian tranny, just based on my results.
RPT allows for much less volume, while still providing a sufficient amount of stimulus for strength progressiom
Jeremiah Lewis
It was customized, so PPL, just not on a weekly schedule, but still only training 4x per week
Luis Ortiz
The results from one week of training with the lower volume program are not from that lower volume program. They are from the high volume you were doing before.
This is literally how periodized programs work. You do high volume to build up stimulus and fatigue. Then you do a cycle of light volume so you dissipate the fatigue and see the results from the high volume training.
Basic programming 101
If you wanna see the best results, alternate between the high volume program and the lower volume program. Do 3 or so weeks of each and you'll see great results.
Nathaniel Russell
Fitsticky nutrition page when
Easton Carter
Thanks but I'm not here for advice I'm just shilling kinobody.
Levi Lee
Could someone give me a form check?
heels are actually not leaving the ground, by the way, i think it's just me leaning more on the inside of the shoe.
Isaac Thomas
doesn't look bad, but I think you should sit back more and shove your knees out, especially at the bottom
Christian Morgan
Nicholas Perry
Trappy are you in love with Isley?
Jackson Anderson
das it mane
Blake Carter
Haven't you seen their rule 34 yet?
Grayson Clark
No, but now I want to
Cooper Foster
8 weeks of
Behind the neck press 3x12 Squats 1x20 Pullovers1x20 Bench 3x12 Rows 3x12 Stiff leg deadlift 1x15
Going to start with an introductory period of 2 days a week for 2 weeks then do 6 weeks with 3 days a week
Is it realistic to hit my 5 rep max for 10-15 reps by the end of this? has anyone done this routine or anther 20 rep squat routine? If so any tips?
Jeremiah Cruz
Seconded. Leaning too far forward. Don't be afraid to get a little more "seated" at the bottom of the rep; as if hovering just above a very low stool.
is it okay to shit weight from mid-foot a bit more into the heels when doing this? i feel like i'm going to fall on my ass if i don't.
Evan King
Trappy I've been cutting on C6W, lost what I would consider an unacceptable amount of strength despite solid dieting, and have come to the realization I will never be aesthetic due to mucked insertions. How to enter Justin Lascek husbando mode(planning on being a tad leaner though)
Evan Gomez
Would doing a 5x5 routine like SL be more effective compared to Greyskull when it comes to losing weight, or do they basically have the same effect?
Also cardio after lifting or during rest days? Does it help with weight loss at all?
Gavin Russell
I have, but I need to know the feelings behind it.
Elijah Gonzalez
Don't fo SL. Period. If your set on doing one of those do GSLP. Cardio after lifting or on off days is ok and of course it'll help with weightloss provided youre not wating more to compensate for it. Go harder on off days and be sure your diet is in order.
Parker Baker
Will do GSLP then with cardio on off days then. Thanks friend.
Jeremiah Harris
Do cardio on off days, it leads to better fat loss and strength gains. And it helps with fat loss, but don't think that because you spent 30 minutes on the treadmill you can stuff your face with burgers and fries.
do you have that routine for females? gf wants to get dat booty poppin
Sebastian Kelly
yeah definitely, see what works as you increase weight
Landon Lee
If she wants to get her booty poopin she needs to eat more fiber and drink more water. Maybe fix her posture.
Joseph Collins
fucking kek
Ethan Price
Doing SL5x5 for about 2 months. Been wanting to add OHP for both days due to issues doing OHP the first month and add power cleans for fun and for cardio at the end pushing a heavy ass sled. Is this going to ruin my gains due to too high volume?
Cameron Diaz
Anthony Nguyen
But why?
Carson Bailey
I've lifted for several years, but due to a shoulder injury and shit I haven't been in a gym in close to a year. I still have a good foundation, but I'm sure I lost a lot of form, and I want to take it easy on my shoulder. Thinking of starting back up with a modified SL with accessories tossed in...
Just started madcow What assistance lift should I add if I want a little extra work on my arms? I was feeling like doing bicep curls + Tricep extension on Monday and dips + Chin ups on Friday Would it be fine? Is there a better way? Should I respect the original "only abs" as assistance? Thanks
Zachary Peterson
madcow is a memer those accessories are fine
William Perry
Can sum one give me swim routine to get ready for Coast Gaurd. I can do everything else I just haven't started swimming
Justin Richardson
Start swimming
David Perry
Is this a good novice routine to follow? Also how long should i stick at this?
Noah Phillips
Will doing a strength training routine such as SS whilst eating at maintenance calories slowly cut down my fat proportions overtime, or do i need to eat at a deficit to loose fat? Not concerned with time it takes
Christopher Kelly
Yes, it's called body recomp.
Dylan Cook
Thinking about doing Canditos SH/UL, but can't figure out optional exercises or whether to even do them- seems like decent volume (except shoulders) even without them, any help? Could I do abs in lower optional slots?
A - Heavy Lower >3X5 Squat >2X5 Deadlift >3X8-12 Opt 1 >3X8-12 Opt 2
The point of accessories is not really to plan them (you could obviously) but to do them whether or not you have the energy and/or want to improve something specific.
They can be used for aesthetics or to fix weak spots to increase your main lifts. It's up to you.
Parker Scott
are there any similar 4 day routines to 5/3/1 (separate bench/ohp/squat/dead days) that don't work with percentages on main lifts, or is this not really effective as opposed to a 4 day U/L routine?
Robert Powell
What's the issue with using percentages?
Elijah Phillips
>What's the issue with using percentages?
they dont work if you're natty and been lifting longer than 6 months
Jose Hill
I don't have an issue with it, just wondering if doing 3x5 (maybe less on deads) on main lifts would still give me decent progression as opposed to % based.
Jason Baker
If you're still able to progress session to session or week to week, there's really no need to bother with percentages (except maybe to give you an idea of what weight to start at).
They just start to get useful as a guide when you're at the point of requiring longer training cycles.
Benjamin Russell
Doing this for the past two months, thoughts? Its's 3x8 not 2x8 btw too lazy to edit it
Caleb Ortiz
Training Texas Method.
Going to be out of town Thursday-Sunday, with no access to a gym.
This means I'm going to miss intensity day.
Should I just start back with volume day on Monday? Or should I start with intensity, setting my whole lifting cycle off.
If I did that my cycle would be shifted to Monday intensity, Wednesday volume, Friday, recovery, which doesn't seem to make much sense.
Owen Cruz
So I was failing my (what should have been) easy warmup sets and just generally felt like shit and tired and in pain etc. so I decided to go home.
I ate a bit, took some ibuprofen and some fish oil.
Now my question is; should I sleep for a while, then attempt today's workout again later today or just take the time off then go again tomorrow?
On a upper/lower PL split, today is lower body volume
David Clark
with begginer routines you generally follow them until the squat and deadlift have stalled 3 times
Jordan Nguyen
why does isley turn into a frog when he's straining?
Cameron Torres
pls respond
Jeremiah Scott
Trappy, what routine and amount of lifting would you recommend for a guy considering doing something about gender dysphoria? For reference I'm around 5'6, weigh about 125lbs and am between skinny and ottermode.
Ryder Scott
50 mg Psylocibin
Grayson Brown
tfw you vote leave then head to the gym and rack pull 190x5
Aaron Bennett
>a guy considering doing something about gender dysphoria
what did u mean by this.
Andrew Cox
Basically I'm a transgirl who hasn't done anything about my feelings of gender yet.
Tyler Torres
I see, and what kind of physique are you aiming for? A skinny female or a hightest girl?
Daniel Nelson
Juan Rivera
Just take the day off, what are you retarded? It was a bum workout, it happens just rest up and get ready for the next one.