Productive Hobbies?

What are some hobbies to fill the void of lifting and work and family/friends?

/adv/ is slow as shit

Other urls found in this thread:

Reading is big one. Fuck anyone who says its "not a hobby." Find a genre you like, and sink your teeth into it.

Martial arts is another good one, there's no reason not to; the benefits both mentally and physically are amazing.

Personally? I collect boardgames and go to monthly meet ups and build Mordheim terrain. The former is to socialise with likeminded people, the latter is really relaxing and fun. Plus it means I'm never short of interesting terrain to change up for when I have mates over for Mordheim weekends. I also sell of the excess I make for a little bit over cost price, so it's self-sustainable.

Biggest one though OP is to find something you love, and stick with it.


programming. writing. running. reading both fiction and non-fiction.

painting, drawing, sculpting.. etc

having an art hobby is rewarding and satisfying, plus it keeps you busy so you have less time to think about how pathetic life is

feels pruudy guud

tfw not really big boss but a medic
fuck Kojima
>pic related

Physical: Lifting, cardio, stretching
Intellectual: Meditation, reading non-fiction (history, economics, philosophy etc), working through textbooks or problem books, learning a language
Artistic: Learning music, drawing, woodworking
Pick two new ones and set Google Calendar alarms for them everyday. After three weeks you can layer in something new.

Sports, reading, learning languages, art/instruments, volunteering

I personally read, study languages and practice BJJ

why are you asking Veeky Forums? Most of these morons don't do anything besides "lift" and shitpost

Restore an old motorcycle

Learn a language
Read nonfiction (If you're going to read history then make sure you're not getting a jewed version of history)
Acquire a new skill on your own. You don't need to take a class to learn something new.


the holy trinity


back to /pol/

ok, steinberg

Enjoying that monthly check from the German government? :)

Bumping for interest. I know how you feel OP.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a jew :)

I copy novels into illuminated manuscripts. I'm working on Moby Dick right now

>I trust people with a piece of paper from a leftist indoctrination center instead of people who have actually done their own research and are called anti-semites by a certain race that holds the most power in the US :)

Reading isn't REALLY a hobby, but it's still good advice. Reading is a great timesink, it's enjoyable and makes you more articulate and a better writer. People around me wonder how I write well without even spending that much time on it, it's because I read 3 times as much as anyone i know.

You don't even have to read classics or high-minded literature, I read mostly fantasy (which honestly only has a few legitimately good authors) but it still helps a lot.

>everyone who disagrees with me should go to /pol/

physical hobbies: Roller hockey and disc golf ( I use roller hockey as my cardio and disc golf can be a very relaxing way to enjoy nature for cheap)

other hobbies: guitar and banjo, board games with my friends, and reading things (mainly philosophy)

funnily enough leftist media actually shills against Israel and for Paleswine all the time

What hobbies can you have if you suck at everything?

>can't even draw a straight line due to shaky, clumsy hands
>really poor sense of rhythm + those hands so no instruments as well
>terrible coordination, reflex and agility (since I can remember even girls were better than me at team sports, catching balls, jumping etc. even though I always maintained a healthy bodyweight)
>I even suck at video games despite spending so much time for them

Lifting is also only a I-have-to-do-something hobby, because I will never impress anyone neither with my strength nor body (shitty insertions, huge chest gap, wide hips).
Well, I do read books, but I don't really consider this a hobby. It's like saying watching TV is hobby.
I guess I would be able to collect stamps, but let's be honest, it's boring af.

Could you list your favourite fantasy authors? I'm keen in the genre but probably read shit tier fantasy.
Plus I'm looking for something new to read

what does this mean

15 year old detected

Learn to draw.

Your hands will become good at it.

Dont listen to him I'm 21 and I love skateboarding.

I started building models. I'm trying to get better at weathering and shading as well as my fear of mixing paint colors

snowboarding (if area allows)
building models

You're just making shitty excuses for why you're so scared to succeed in life. Quit being a homo and practice something for once. Don't try it once and give up you keep trying. I use be like you and "clumsy" and "uncoordinated" but that's all bullshit you're just lazy. Get your shit together man.


I find running more enjoyable than lifting, fite me IRL. I wonder whether running events are good places to pick up girls.

Also, I think reparing stuff would be a good hobby, although my dad never bothered to teach me anything, so that's just an idea

Have you considered diving? SCUBA and freediving are both very fun. and you get that feel of, umm, "challenging the elements". The peace and quiet underwater is really nice too.

I also like bow shooting. Get a cheap bow, watch some Youtube videos on correct technique, buy like 50 arrows on the cheap from China, and go out and put some arrows in a target. If there's an archery club in your area, be sure to hit them up first.
I shoot a cheap compound bow with cheap Chink arrows, and have a lot of fun with target shooting.
Brotip: Get your arrows from Elong Outdoor on Aliexpress, and a box crammed full of old clothes or an old foam mattress folded double works wonders as a target.
Of course, if it's possible (and economically viable), you might want to get a gun instead.

Picking up a language to learn on Duolingo is entirely free, and very simple to do. Can definitely recommend spending 15 minutes a day on.

Take a day or two to study something you're curious about if you're a homebody. I've learned more than I'll ever need about cigars (even though I only smoke them on special occasions) and beer brewing and moonshining (again, only on few occasions).

I told this other user a few threads back, but I'll say it again because I don't think it's bad advice:
Take no more than one day to thoroughly study something you want to do, and find out what options there are for that in your area. Write down the phone numbers and opening hours to the places where you can do these things, and call them the next day as soon as you can. You're then throwing yourself at something new and exciting, and get to feel that sweet feel of learning how to master something again, just like when you were going through your noob gains.
If you procrastinate about it, you'll find excuses of the type "nah, I don't really-really want to do do it" or "everyone's gonna be better than me at it when I show up", and you'll deprive yourself of what could very well be something you greatly enjoy doing.

I have three types of hobbies I guess OP. I'm a single 24 y/o post-grad living in a new city so I have plenty of free time after work and gym.

Athletic hobbies
>beer league hockey

Thinking hobbies
>Reading books (history, sci-fi, etc)
>study sheet music and musical theory.
>Shit posting on political forums with dank meymeys

Playing hobbies

Hockey is my true passion in life but it's nearly killed me a few times
>pic related

Drawing, making Lego armies that comes as close as possible to napoleonic Era troops, getting into non plebeian film(meaning arthouse, the more obscure the better)

That is what I do on off


Grow your own delicious greens for smoothies and salads
Vegetables for adding to dishes and snacks
If you're area is hot enough, grow some fruit too
Free fresh nutritious healthy food for maintaining Veeky Forums

Pic related, my setup

photography. Get /out/ on hikes and take pretty pictures, it's very rewarding

i read pornography and was like nigga i already jack off lmao

The obvious

Reading - exercise makes your mind sharper. Find a area of fiction & non-fiction you like, and enjoy. This will give you volume to grow into.

Cooking - You're going to be doing a lot of it, so grow beyond the obvious. Learn your oils, spices, and how to make a sauce from scratch. Girls (and guys, if you're a chick) dig it when you cook for them.

Building stuff - whether it's sewing or making a deck for the house, acquiring skills like this make you look more successful even if you're a cheap bastard.

The not so obvious
Anything that involves a fandom - The deeper you get in these, the more echo chamber shit piles on. When it's toxic on top of that, you end up with tumblr drama.

holy shit nigga

Get a motorcycle. Riding is endless fun. Explore your city like never before. Learn to work on it. Learn how motors work.

Thank me later

Nice stuff senpai. I'm renting atm so all my garden is in portable pots. There are fejoa , lemon and apple trees too. I have lots of herbs for cooking with. Brocolli, carrots, onions, garlic's etc. Based hobby.

>Intellectual: reading non-fiction

>implying reading fiction doesn't have just as many benefits as reading non-fiction

I dj at a local radio station

mixing is an expensive hobby to get into but loads of fun once you get the basics down

I got into reading about Greek empire era military and then ancient Europe overall.

New lifting goal is Hercules/eurymedon

He faps to whales.

Practical woodworking(making furniture and other appliances)

Guitarist for 7 years, learning Piano real soon while I get a degree in music or something
Other than that vidya

The peace and quiet is absolutely terrifying imho, it really is pretty scary down there even if you dive at daylight, it's scarier than air diving

Ice Hockey does look way too faggy to be that dangerous, many people get distracted by the shitty armor and the gay ice skates and doesn't realize it has a shitton of deaths/lesions annually, also it keeps a badass fighting record integrated within the game system so it actually INCITES fights between the players, it's brutal as fuck


Yes I'm sure castles and dragons is going to expand your mind.

yeah totally rock on bro \m/

I-I like inline skates

I do that in between sets (home gym).
The way they can spot worms and get them out of the ground is fascinating.
Fucking birds man.

I don't know, it seems he's got it pretty rough.
It'ss probably not gonna get any better for him, so he might as well kill himself.

Learn Chinese. They're expanding, they're buying successful foreign companies, they're building record-speed computers without even borrowing other countries' microprocessors... You're gonna want to get on their good side so you can move there when they get sick of the West's liberal bullshit and conquer the world.

Everyone starts off a shitter, you don't walk into the gym and start benching 3 plates on your first day and you're not gonna draw a masterpiece the first time you draw. Anyone who's on the top of any profession got there by working hard, sure they might've had luck and talent, but plenty of talented people have sat on their ass their whole lives.

This, I always thought I sucked at sports as a kid. Turns out I was just a perfectionist who thought not being instantly great meant I'd suck forever.

Adding on, I've been uncoordinated my whole life. I'm an American and I never even threw a football until I was 13. When I started playing soccer every time I tried to trap the ball it would fly 15 feet away from me. I'm still not that great, but fuck I practiced everyday until I was able to play at a level that didn't resemble a Special Olympics B team.

>Bad rhythm

Stop making excuses you cuck. Everyone has bad rhythm until they start practicing.

>i want that shirt

my hobbies


learning jap and chink (have a chinese wife that can speak jap and we watch anime together all the time)

tinkering with machines



Chinese cartoons

kickboxing,boxing,sanda, and judo

learning the basics of most languages

M-mama Luigi?



Mountain/rock climbing

Browse /fit

This looks pretty good, keep it up familia


>he has no imagination/creativity

Not gonna make it senpai

>mountain climbing and hiking took this long to get posted in the thread

Climbing stuff gets my blood pumping, especially man made structures.

collecting vintage suitcases

Personally, I collect Bluerays and Vinyls.
Music is huge stress reliever for me, being a Chef and all who quit smoking.

Start with the guitar or the Harmonica, and branch off from there. The Banjo is really funking fun, if youre into that.

Martial arts is the only true answer. Confidence and relaxation spikes after a good workout/spar

As someone who is considering a martial art is brain damage something I should be worried about?

Hardly unless you plan on going pro. You might get knocked dizzy a couple of times but sparring in the gym/school you train at is pretty safe. Most guys won't go 100%

>the entirety of fiction is the fantasy genre


>Greek empire
wtf is this?

It means he fancies them up with drawings and borders and stuff, so it's not just text on a page.

It's like a Medieval-style thing.

Not OP but I like Robert Jordan.and the Wheel of Time series. Brandon Sanderson did a good job finishing the last couple books.

Richard K. Morgan got famous for the Altered Carbon series which is not fantasy (but kicks all kinds of ass so you need to read it) but his fantasy trilogy is also very entertaining as well, the first book is The Steel Remains.

i've begun making music. Also looking to maybe learn some computer code and learn linux

I am big into guns. Going to the range to shoot off some rounds. I'm also contemplating getting a reloader. Expensive hobby though

Using psychedelic drugs such as LSD while studying buddhism/Alan Watts.

Martial arts.



Thanks man, appreciated

>Ultimate Frisbee
>Reading on Occasion
>Cooking amazing food like this since I'm ex skelly trying to bulk

Different user, I also recommend Richard K Morgan, both Altered Carbon and A Land Fit For Heroes, which is kinda-fantasy but not really. Both are great reads that are sometimes interrupted by some of his faggotry, but they're not that bad and usually end quick. He also wrote the story for Crysis 2, so make of that what you will.