Energy drinks

How many you guys drink them? Are they really that bad for you?.......Get me off them cause as of now i can't go a day without two of them.

i only drink pick related because they're refreshing, and arguably the least unhealthy energy drink along with their rockstar recovery counterparts. very low sugar and non-carbonated.

pre-workout powders however i go balls to the wall with.

Coffee, black, no sugar CMON

bro just read the nutrition facts they've got tons of vitamins and stuff

finally kicked monster, my joints were aching too much from monster + squats/deadlifts although I miss the level of psyched I'd be

i've been trying redbull lately. helps cut down on my rest time. i can jump from set to set now instead of breathing for 3 minutes.

is my body going to start relying on it? is it going to be harder to get amped up naturally without it? it helps a lot but i don't want to be reliant on it.

If i'm going straight to the gym from work (i finish around 1am) I'll smash a sugarfree redbull about 10 mins before i get there. Stops me wanting to go to bed instead.

Fug i havent had one in years but im craving one right now. Will it fuck up my cut?

Drink the no carb... or go low carb. They're miles better than no carb and its only 10g of sugars or something.

Just drink bang. It's no calories, has creatine, bcaas, and co q10. It's the best energy drink on the market

The goat of energy drinks

FUCK YES!!! The melon is soooo good! I love you for posting this!

i only drink them in a lifting and cardio day, and to collect the cans...

Mango is my jam

Rockstar pure zero the fruit punch flavor, I have had at least 1 a day for the last 4 months :/ its just so fucking delicious

Did the UFC cut them? I never seen their logo on the floor mats. I only see Monster.

This. Occasionally a white coffee or a Pepsi Max

Pic related.

I used this as my treat on keto. I know it kicked me out of it, but it still worked

caffeine pills, then i just drink those fruit punch packs in a gallon of water.

I remember I had a Monster once and my pupils got fucking huge.

I usually just have a teaspoon of theanine and snort some caffeine anhydrous mixed with jojoba oil.

>tfw addicted to cherry lime
>tfw you don't even know why you started drinking in the first place

Drink water like a normal person

man, i swear i've never felt the "rush" everyone talks about, neither with coffee or energy drinks, coffee makes me feel sleepy even if it's just straight black and energy drinks just feel like i'm drinking expensive coke

Am i like caffeine resistant or some shit like that

>coffee makes me feel sleepy

damn i thought it was just me. wonder why it always happens. i still drink it though.

I had it with sugar and cream for the longest time and people told me it was because of that, but even black fucks me up

yeah i've literally always had it black and strong and i can literally take a deep nap after a few cups of strong coffee. i dont even know senpai.

Feel the same way. An energy drink will perk me up if I'm at the point of nodding off to sleep in a lecture, but it doesn't "energize" me. Takes two scoops of C4 to feel /hype/, don't even bother with coffee since it takes three cups for a rush and it's just inconvenient at that point. I imagine some people are affected differently by caffeine.

Those helped my squats, but only when there was a hard dick under me

I've been trying Mio Energy drops to wean myself off the sugar free Rockstars and Monsters. I still drink plenty of water, and enjoy black coffee as well, but I've come to enjoy the "sweet chemical" or whatever it is taste of the energy drinks. I think the Mio will be a good bridge, because I can use less drops over time, and will also be having slightly less chemicals than the full soda version drinks. A bit cheaper too.

Stop OP, I used to be you, my teeth used to hurt when I drank them. I got massive headaches.
I switched to coffee for 2 years, a red bull here and there, then tea and now almost 2 months no caffiene drinking herbal teas.

I havent looked forward to drinking anything since I quit but I know I go butt shit addict over caffiene if I have just a cup