>using same same image as last thread because its the only one I have edition
/Sterons/ Cheating General
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm eating 500-600 above maintenance on tren and gaining 0 weight, actually losing a little. Strength is going up fast though and I am getting a bit leaner. I don't give a shit about strength though, only lean mass.
Should I keep the cals the same or up them?
What are you stacking with the tren?
how long have you been running it for?
tren ace or tren e?
what dosage?
only 250 test e and 500 tren e
been on for about 5 weeks but only been bulking for the past 2 because i wanted to give it at least some time to kick in.
I'm so sore from 15 sets of squats yesterday.
225x8 for 15. It's like 4000 lbs more work than my usual 225x10 x10. I'm getting a full back massage tonight. Plus, I'm fighting a cold.
If you're stronger you're gaining lean mass.
Both enanthate esters, so they'll take at least 4 weeks to build up in the blood. You've only been on for 5 weeks, which means at absolute best you've had a few days at max dosage. Give it time. Up your cals and up your test if you can.
What vocals tho.
We went to a pub with 600 kinds of beers first, then a winebar. Then a club. So.. Around 1L of strong beer and there was a wine thing where we had 6 different malbecs. But just a small sip each.
Threw back 300mg mdma and 50mg 4fa there. She took 200 mdma. Because, yknow, 6'0-6'1 VS 5'4.
Redosed 200/50 for me. 100/50 for her. And we ended with 25mg and 17mg 2cb.
If you'd go by alcohol in blood, I can usually drive within an hour. I hover near the legal limit. So +- 7-8 drinks over 10 hours. My safe limit is 2.5 drinks. 3 is sketchy. Tested once.
It was a good night. Srs.
Popular song, but Chill af.
>>If you're stronger you're gaining lean mass.
Does it actually work like this, because how are natties able to get relatively strong but still look like shit then?
I'll up the cals tomorrow then I guess
OP you're a cunt
>Sterons general
How about you use the words "roid" or "fraud" so we can find the fucking thread
Alright faggots long time no see;
Moved and I've been under heavy load at work lately so haven't had time for this shit but some interesting shit has happened lately. Here's the rundown.
>Car was hit in second hit and run within two weeks of the first one by three niggers, chased them back in to their rat hole in the ghetto, beat the shit out of fat muslim nigger driver, cop sided with me and court sentenced him on hit and run, assault (he swung first), stolen vehicle, driving on a suspended license.
>Girlfriend and I finally got dyke roommates to get the fuck out but continue to pay rent, we now live for free in our house for two more months and I can finally walk around naked again.
>girlfriend pissed me the fuck off, added some other women in to the equation to compensate
>First meeting with side chick #1 was me "breaking in" to her apartment (she left a note on the door and door unlocked) at a random time on a random night of my choosing to play out her rape fantasy with her; hit her so hard I knocked a lip piercing backwards into her mouth; and she liked it.
>Side chick #2 decided she was poly, so added side chick #3 in to the equation and literally always have a threesome with these two now. Is p nice.
>Side chick #4 and I shared some beers & saw red hot chili peppers. Was fun.
>Got promotion at work
>cutting blast down early to drop to a short cruise, switching to tren over deca upon blasting again
new protocol will likely be
500mg tren E, 200mg test e, per week for weeks 1-12. Not sure yet if I'll be adding in deca for joint health because I'm also considering adding in 600mg EQ/week, just haven't run EQ before and don't want to deal with the blood pressure issues.
Anyway, what's been going on for the last month-ish? Any news from butthole boy?
it came up for me when i searched for fraud, since it's in the name of the image
get 4chanx i guess if that doens't work?
What are some signs you should chill with the orals? Darker piss obviously
Jaundice too, but that's cutting it way too close
incredible lethargy, frequent urination, increased (unnatural) water retention
or just fucking pay to have your bloodwork done and other health markers can help determine this fairly easily
a cheap bloodtest?
what kind of orals are you running that you're so concerned, sdrol or some shit?
Nah just 200 drol
I plan on running it for a long time though
Last time I got bloods he refused to do liver
Ikr? What a dick
>Red Hot Chili Peppers
mah niggah
You didn't link the old thread or put the word fraud in the title but good effort. Cheers m8.
the other thread died you fucking mongoloid
Didn't come up for me
CNS adaptations
>I'm so sore from 15 sets of squats yesterday.
>225x8 for 15. It's like 4000 lbs more work than my usual 225x10 x10. I'm getting a full back massage tonight. Plus, I'm fighting a cold.
That's pretty fucking intense. You are 900 test right now? You ever try 20 rep squats?
Keep the calories the same I say. Tren is not quite the magic that some make it out to be but there is SOME magic. It's great for what you are doing in my opinion. Kinda eating near your new maintenance calories and gaining muscle and losing fat in great quantity at the same time.
>What vocals tho.
I heard male vocals on the song you linked?
Sounds like a bad ass night. I haven't done mdma in probably eight years now. Maybe I will give it another spin if I can find a qt to party with.
So how can you be sure that's not whats happening to user
>the other thread died you fucking mongoloid
Learn 2 computers FAGGOT. Come at me BreH!
Sorry, im not very smart. Nice jerrbears though
>badass NIGHT
Man. That was nearly 24 hours
inb4 moar like taco bell
You asked this the other day. Up your carbs.
Lethargy is the most reliable indicator for me.
I'm already at 40% carbs and 40% protein or so. and I asked again because I didn't really get an answer (or I missed it if i did)
I'm already fairly lethargic on drol
Is there any way to differentiate between general oral lethargy and liver stress lethargy?
>I'm already
Kek no copy I sware
Add 50g carbs every time your weight stalls.
Look for other indicators of liver stress then. Reduced appetite usually coinsides with liver induced lethargy for me.
I'd recommend picking up some UDCA regardless. It's very effective. I run between 20-50mg of superdrol alongside 40mg accutane for months on end with no issues apart from occasional lethargy whenever I would forget to dose UDCA.
While you're at it pick up some NAC too. It's very affordable.
Thought UDCA was prescription only, with TUDCA being the OTC/supp equivalent?
The others are wrong. That's fine for calories, but do more time under tension (more reps, more volume, whatever).
>need a minimum amount for bank transfer
>just wanted some fucking winny and letro
now i gotta buy an extra item. i dont want to buy 2x winnie cause if i get hairloss side effects thats straight up money wasted.
i have tons of test and tren for the next 3-4 months already.
could get clen but the sides really sucked so I quit it.
i guess i could get some extra t3 even tho i got like 2-3 more months worth ugh.
You got a script for UDCA? Mirin
3-4 months of test/tren ain't that much. I'd grab some test if I had to.
Also bol is always great to have on hand in case you crash estro.
Get some drol or var
Does using DNP while eating my natty maintenance cals make me a bitch? I might go harder in a deficit when I get ephedrine.
GI tract issues
I just injected 100mg test E into my arm with a 5/16" 31g insulin needle
Is this totally retarded? It seemed to work okay
>Search: mossad
Killed by mafioso confirmed?
>Does using DNP while eating my natty maintenance cals make me a bitch?
>Killed by mafioso confirmed?
probably fucking the brains out of his thicc russian jewess
If you mean into the vein yes you are absolutely fucking retarded
You realize you have oil being pumped into your heart right now?
RIP you goddamn moron
No, into my shoulder. I aspirated first, and didn't see blood.
kinda torn what to eat for my last 500 cal of my 1500-cut.
already ate 400 cals of cauliflower cheese and 600cals of pork loin steaks.
can either get 500ml of yogurt and 2 scoops
another serving of cauliflower cheese(best taste worst macros)
or eat some sausages, pork chops or whatever nice cheap meat I find on the reduced section, however it feels unfulfilling without a side dish which i cant afford to have.
To follow up on this, I'm worried because it was only a 5/16" needle.
It couldn't have gotten too deep into the muscle, but I only injected a small amount, a third of a CC
Closer to the skin surface means closer to the bloodstream correct?
No it's from HIVE. Think they are sold out though as it's not on their pricelist.
How much DNP are you running?
You're fine. I love injecting shoulders.
whats with the pussy needle, I use 1.25 on my delts and it goes in fine.
youd hafta be an auschwitz victim to use that
Lol so you pinned delts with a slin pin?
Thats normal and coming af
Worst case the oil goes subcutaneous ie under the skin which is fine, but there's very little fat on shoulders so probably went IM
The way you worded it sounded like you shot up some test
Why so little protein? You a midget?
>not mixing heroin into your test and injecting it iv for double gains
You don't have to pin deep into a muscle, especially with small amounts of oil
you can only fit in so much protein in 1500 calories nigga.
going the meat or yogurt route gives me 150grams.
taking the pussy cauliflower cheese path gives me only lower 100s.
>You can only fit so much
375, you can fit 375g of protein
Ever heard of psmf? You eat 800-1200 cals of protein, 200-300g
Does dbol fuck up caliper testing because of the subq water retention? what amount does it increase it by?
that's not what PSMF is you fucking melon
oh boy
How is it not?
Zero carbs, trace amount of fats and shit tons of protein
I've done it 3x with great results
is there a specific reason i have not shit in almost 48 hours on tren, and cant shit? i think i crashed my estro and i see constipation listed as a side of that.
it's not "shit tons of protein", it's the minimum amount of protein required to maintain lean body mass. whatever you're doing is just fucking stupid, if you want to eat 1200 cals just eat a normal amount of protein (hint: not 200+ grams) and the rest fat so you dont die from kidney failure
>200 grams
>Kidney failure
Kek fucking manlets
stick finger up ass and mix it around. this will soften the stool. if it still doesn't come out dig it out.
also more tren should help
Or take a fiber supp...
try eating your vegetables
Anyone got a link to the DNP guide?
dead bread
Back on DNP as soon as my order arrives. woo for cold weather.
Do you guys even get cold weather
Coldest it ever gets here even in winter is around 20 degrees celsius daytime
Yeah some of the other aussies said it can get pretty damn cold sometimes
Gets down to -8°c here
Ausfag too
14 degrees celcius is pretty bearable. Anything consistently below 24 is go-time.
I train like 3 years. I read a little but from what I see most popular anabolics require taking test too and crashing bodies production. Is there anything out there that doest mess with test production?
The whole point of steroids is to replace your test production with something more powerful
Any androgen will make your body stop producing testosterone. Your body is really good at homeostasis, so when your androgen levels fall again it triggers your body to start producing test again. Estrogen is also involved but theres no real evidence that AAS use affects long term hormone levels. Testicular atrophy will hinder your ability to produce test, but with time (or hcg) they will grow back and become proficient at hormone production.
That is how PSMF works for the natty population. The only reason fraud advocates 1g per lb bw, is because the steroids will ensure minimal muscle loss, but natty lifters don't have that perk.
Cheers, I'm getting up in age and didnt wanna crash test because I dont think it will recover like young person. I guess unavoidable by nature of the drugs. I just though maybe with peptites and newer stuff, there might be way.
Bruh, recovery doesn't have much to do with age. In fact, you're better off using test at a higher age, since you can get dat dere pharma grade test if you ever come off.
>since you can get dat dere pharma grade test if you ever come off.
Well that's quite the baseless claim to make if there ever was one
im on dnp and its 90-100 F this week.
Everybody knows that you can get prescribed TRT if you have low test, and it's mainly prescribed for older people, as long as you go through the hoops.
I know, I go back and forth on just running test. But the fact that its a 'forever' thing, I try to put it off as long as possible, even though it is very tempting in other ways.
>Everybody knows that you can get prescribed TRT
In what country? What hoops? How low must the test be?
We have no idea how old he is or how low his test levels would be after coming off, nor the country he lives in.
I don't even know what country you're from to assume they WOULD prescripe TRT
go thru 2 tests a month between generally for test levels
below 300
Different user with a question on that... How frequent is testing after the treatment begins? Do they just check a before and after, or is it every month or something?
Is there an expiration date on test E?
every month for the first 3 months of therapy to adjust dosage. No, they arent going to overperscribe test for bodybuilding, itll just be to keep levels at a normal level. Usually 500-800.
>eating under 80g carbs a day to keep my face nice and defined
>see my skellington coworkers eat fucking chips and a bottle of coke/full plate of rice/bigass french fries and beans or whatever then finish up with some kitkats
God that really makes my blood boil.
General rule of thumb is to use brewed gear within 2 years as the oil the test is suspended in will eventually go rancid.
Yeah, eating regular food you can only fit like 375g of protein in there.
>mfw cutting on 1500 kcal is now an excuse to eat less protein.
My diet atm?
>3x2 eggs, 1 white + 1 yolk.
>5-700g steak
>300g green veggies
>3 small apples
>100-150g chicken.
And to get fats ill eat some nuts and fry instead of grill my meat.
Guesstimate? 180/80/45.
I could swap out apples and substitute with 250g steak. Thatd make it 230ish brotein.
Total kcal here 1400. Though im getting around 1700
Hey I'm new here what snake poison do I need to inject to get big muscles thanks
Botox straight into the muscle group you want to grow.
Though you will need to supplement vitamin D. +- 40.000IU a day for months or itll just look weird.
(it may seem like a lot. But vitamin D comes in 5000IU caps here.)
all of it