The other (two) qtddtot(s) is almost dead.
Post your stupid questions in here, and get spoonfed basic advice by a dyel pretending to be a fitness expert
The other (two) qtddtot(s) is almost dead.
Post your stupid questions in here, and get spoonfed basic advice by a dyel pretending to be a fitness expert
Other urls found in this thread:
how do i get gf
i'm 26 yo and never had a gf
i'm afraid of dying alone
Not fitness related.
Lifting for girls is a meme.
Lifting for guys works, tho.
Ever thought about sucking dick?
>will pic related really work?
>Is there anything you would add for a beginner?
>Are energy drinks/soda killing my gains?
>I'm like 5"7 and 210 pounds, at what weight do you think ill see abs
I apologize in advance for my summer
>no. Do ss or gslp or reg parks. Sl or icf would also be better than that shitty routine.
>not doing this routine ever
>if you get sugar free, not really, but they can make you feel hungry, and you cant drink them and stay in a fasted state
>whatever weight you end up at 15%... Probably 155 or so
Thank you based user
Also ive been cutting, I'm down from 227
Should I try lifting on my cut or wait?
100% lift when you cut.
No exceptions.
We're all gonna make it
This is a troll image
Public transportation?
Literally from the link you posted:
>We conclude that there is no practical upper limit to the anabolic response to protein or amino acid intake in the context of a meal.
Neither. If you could lose fat and gain muscle this way, everyone would just do this. You need to just cut. If you're a beginner and are fat, you CAN lose fat and gain muscle by just cutting, only it won't last long.
If you fall in intermiediate in your lifts, yes.
Lose weight. If you start looking Auschwitz-mode, bulk, then cut again and hopefully next time you'll lose weight from the right places first.
Does everyone get visible abs at 10% bodyfat? I think uncle scooby said that you do in one of his vids. I've been cutting and down from 20% to 16% bf. Just wondering. I train abs three times a week with crunches but don't really apply progressive overload to them. Just do three sets to failure.
About to start taking creatine after my workouts. Do I take it on rest days as well?
Are box jumps bad for your knees? What is good form for box jumps?
>in the context of a meal
>in the context of a meal
In the context of a meal, you arent eating more than 60gram protein.
Lrn2 read past the abstract, fgt.
I dont train abs and mine are fairly visible at 16%
Same form as squat.
Plyo isnt bad for knees, it can he bad for ankles. Avoid rebound jumps
Pretty motivating. The abs thing I mean. Sweet thanks brah
>In the context of a meal, you arent eating more than 60gram protein.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Also, neither the 60 grams, nor the acts as carbs thing was mentioned in the study.
Another quote from the study:
>This explains why when net protein synthesis is measured, the relationship between amino acid availability and net gain remains linear, without any apparent plateau of effect at higher levels of availability.
By all means, correct me if I'm wrong, but I fail to see how this says anything about any limit or protein acting as carbs.
>you can reduce protein breakdown more and more, forever!
Until there is no more protein breakdown...
Then how is anabolism going to take place?
Is not eating anything all day to have a huge cheat evening/buffet with family a bad idea? Cutting. This is just one day a week. Not every week of course. What do you guys think?
Intermittent fasing is GOAT
Great idea, especially if it helps you enjoy yourself and look forward to a nice/huge meal. I did this every Friday when I knew I'd be going out with friends, worked well.
I always see rows listed as the alternative to pullups/chin but it seems like lat pulldowns mimic the movement more..can someone explain?
Horizontal pulls work mostly the same muscles as verical pulls.
Lat pulldown machines generally dont have enough weight to be useful
The study doesn't talk about that. It, however uses the word practical before the word limit, which leads me to believe that eating so much that breakdown would cease to occur and simultaneously synthesis to be maximal would be improbable.
Also, you still haven't justified neither the 60 gram figure, nor the "acts as carbs" thing, so there's that.
Idk where the first guy you linked got that specific number, or the carbs thing.
Just got home from Gym.
Squat is at 175
Bench is at 115
should i maintain weight for squat and wait for bench to catch?
Synth is maxed at 20-30g
How many grams of protein do you think you are losing over the course of the amount of time it takes to metabolize a meal
More than 30?
How fast do your muscles shrink?
Skip 3 meals and lose 90 grams of muscle? I dont think so
I workout at home and have bicep curls in my routine, it was fine for a while but I eventually developed quite a sharp pain in my right forearm/wrist, so I bought an EZ curl bar as I was told it should take the strain away. At first it was fine and there was no pain but a few weeks later I started getting the same sharp pain again. Even if I lower the weight by half there is a still a small pain which seems to increase the heavier I go. Is this a case of bad form or too much weight too soon? What should I do?
Stop curling for a few week
thanks bro. How should I do the progression?
...So you just pulled 60g out your ass.
>...Nor will your muscles fall off as an average sized food meal takes 5-6 hours to fully digest...
And we're talking about the very extreme of large meals, not average ones, seeing how the issue is maximum absorption in a single meal.
Say you digest a huge meal for ~10 hours, with 30g subtracted for synthesis I don't see how you could not slowly expend way more than 30g on stopping breakdown.
For reference.
>I dont see how you could not spend way more than 30g protein stopping 6 hours worth of protein breakdown.
If you think you breakdown 30g protein per 6 hours, you are legit tard
I don't feel my glutes when Squatting,Deadlifting or even lunging. what do
Alright Veeky Forums, skinnyfat here, I have been doing basic cardio and jogging for the past month now, along with some basic dumbbell workouts and squats (all I really have access to are dumbbells at the moment) any advice on how to see better results. My main goal is to have abs and arms that don't make me want to die when I look in the mirror
What body proportions are important to keep track of?
Just lost 20 lbs. Bulk or keep cutting? 5'11 and 143 lbs
I lift 3x/week, and run 5k 3x/week on my off days. I want to incorporate HIIT somewhere in there. My question is when and how often. My other question is I plan on just doing jump rope for it, 1 minute going as fast as I can, 2 minutes at a lighter speed, and alternating for 10 cycles. Does this sound alright?
Might buy pic related. Any recommendations?
Whew, good thing I never said that. Wouldn't want to feel like a legit tard.
I'll quote myself in case you want to read my post again so as not to misquote me:
>And we're talking about the very extreme of large meals, not average ones, seeing how the issue is maximum absorption in a single meal.
Say you digest a huge meal for ~10 hours, with 30g subtracted for synthesis I don't see how you could not slowly expend way more than 30g on stopping breakdown.
Also, you still haven't posted anything even remotely approaching a source to back up your claims.
I haven't found anything exact on the per hour rate of breakdown. If you've got anything, please do share.
The fact that you're "not feeling" your glutes doesn't mean they're not getting stronger and/or bigger.
You should only start worrying if your numbers don't go up.
None are crucial other than bodyweight.
I personally think you could still go a week or two, but at this point I think it's your call.
what was your routine/calories?
>start out doing assisted pullups and dips
>one month later
>dips went from 120 assisted to 70
>pullups went from 120 to 120
What the fuck is this shit
Even my OHP advances faster
Is this gud? It seems like it fixes a lot of the inherent problems with SS compared to Greyskull, such as adding more upper body.
What's a healthy amount of kg to lose per week? Also what's a good goal? I'm 5.2" with 128.4 lb
Those numbers are in pounds being the magnitude of assistance right?
If you gained weight in the meantime, then you got stronger without your numbers going up.
If you lost weight in the meantime, you could've lost strength, staying the same.
If you neither lost, nor gained weight, why would you get stronger/better?
usually nothing more than a pound or 2.
>then you got stronger without your numbers going up
I'm not sure I follow. Sure I got stronger as a whole in terms of every other lift getting better, but how do you get stronger at the pullup when the numbers dont reflect the progress?
Half a kilo / one pound.
Cut until you feel comfortable in your body. It's about you, not anyone else.
During the pullup, you lift your own body.
Your bodyweight increased.
Which means, if your numbers stay the same, you're still lifting more.
Ya dingus.
Does this look ok for a 2000cal cut?
Oh yeah Im a retard
Why are my dips doing so well then though?
Started at 1700 kcals removed around 50/100 kcals per week, going to 1250 kcals at my lowest. Since I hurt my shoulder last year I just recently was able to workout again, and only bodyweight exercises.
From week 3 of my diet I started doing the armstrong pullup program and a similar program for dips, adding bodyweight squats and abs exercises 3x week.
Last 2 weeks I started adding around 100 kcals per week, being at around 1500 kcals right now.
I thought about going 1750 kcals this week and going back to maintainance (1900 kcals) next week since I can hit the gym again. And then maybe start slowly adding kcals the following weeks to bulk up while finally lifting.
Sorry for the long post.
they're easier
I would personally replace pullups with chin-ups, drop curls and tricep extensions. Although if you really want to, you can curl, but do it after everything else.
Chins use more muscle groups if I remember right, also rip says they're better than pullups, and they hit the biceps.
If you bench and ohp heavy, I don't think you need accessory tricep work.
Also, he gave no reason why he didn't like OHP.
Dunno. Guess you had more room for improvement, or had more cns adaptation.
Which exercises will hit my chest the hardest? Preferably dumbell or bodyweight.
Is there any difference between doing curls sitting down or standing up?
Very funny.
If you didn't already know this, you should maintain for two weeks after a cut so your hormones rebalance themselves.
My knees keep "popping" after i'm done with squats, should i be worried?
I didnt't know it. Thanks bro. Would going for SS while mainteining the first too weeks be a good idea? Or should I start it when I start actually bulking?
So I've been thinking about working out but I'm struggling to get motivated, why should I an average weight 19 year old male workout?
Thank you, totally forgot about that site.
so I just finished working out for the first time (I used dumbbells) now my hands are hurting and I can just about manage to clench a fist did I fuck up? will working out always cause pain or what?
Training isn't about being motivated, it's about habit.
You might stay motivated for a few hours, maybe a few days, a week max. after that you'll lose the flare and go back to doing jack shit.
Training is about habit. You have to make it a habit to get your routine in, stay away from carbs, etc.
You should want to get fit because it's good for your physical and mental health, your aesthetics(chicks/guys) and your sense of worth and value as a person, and you should make habit of doing a workout at least three times a week to achieve your desired level of fitness.
Start with maintenance, you might gain some strength.
Depends if it's "sore" pain or actual pain. If it's actually painful, like when you injure yourself, then you're doing something wrong.
Could be you're just a pussy, though.
I want to look like this man. What kind of routine should I be doing?
10% = very visible abs for everyone
15% = abs outline/not very defined abs
Any tips/cues for low bar squatting?
I had knee issues from high bar and I tried low bar today
My high bar best was 115kg 3x5
I haven't squatted in a few weeks and today I got up to 110kg x5 on the low bar and it felt good as fuck, way better than high bar
unracking felt a little tough though
How do you even calculate your bf%
thanks, think I'm gripping the bar too hard
Is there any point in working out if I have no plans on changing my diet?
How much is your deficit? How tall are you and hiw much do you weigh?
your results will be shitty unless you do cardio or something
you dont need to go full on autistic bodybuilder mode
>limit shitty foods and drinks to a few times per week
>eat more protein
I think I might change diet, eating protein and cutting out shitty stuff like chocolate and energy drinks is doable thanks
yeah just start from there and make sure it's enjoyable.
When I started out I just ate a little more protein
Sitting down prevents you from using your back more.
Concerning OHP: I'm at 50kg now and I always warm up nice and slow cause I don't want to fuck up my shoulders. Routine would go something like this
and then my 3x10x50kg
Now my question. Is it a good idea to keep warming up slowly or am I wasting strength early on which I could better use to increase my max?
you're wasting too much energy on warm ups. taper the reps as you go i.e. x8, x5, x3, x1, then work sets.
What's wrong with protein bars? Their macros seem OK.
34g of carbs, 7g of fat, 20g of protein
Im looking to get into running/jogging, i rarely ever ran for the sake of running but i think im gonna have it a bit easier than the average guy since i always played soccer or atleast did some sort of cardio exercise like cycling.
What is an acceptable starting distance and duration? Should i run with music or without? Anything i need to avoid?
I'm 19 years old and have been lifting for around 7 months, ive managed to gain some size doing a pretty dirty bulk but now i wanna to actually start prepping my meals and eating an adequate amount of calories as opposed to eating 4k+ like i currently do and gaining too much fat.
My biggest problem with calculating my TDEE is that i am unsure of what my activity level is.
I dont do any sports or cardio, the only excercise I get is lifting weights. I have a part time job at subway where i work maybe 20 hours a week max, although i am on my feet for 19 of those 20 hours.
TDEE calcs are just educated guesses and should only be used as a starting point. use the scale to guess how much you should be eating.
general rule is >2lb/week weight loss is too much of a deficit, >0.5-1lb weight gain a week is too much of a surplus.
look up running form quickly (tall posture, mid foot striking etc.) and look into a couch to 5k type routine. they're all quite good ways to get into running.
the only problem is they're expensive for what they are and its easy to get enough protein from a regular diet. if you like them and can afford them then have at it
Is working out 6 days a week without changing diet enough to gain aesthetics?
I'm going overseas in 9 days and won't be able to go to the gym for 18 (eighteen) days. I have two questions:
1. How do I make sure my progress isn't completely fucked when I come back in?
2. How long do you think it will take to get back to where I am now?
My main goals are in this priority:
1. Lose weight, ca 7,5 kg
2. Improve cardio for soccer and other teamsports
3. Keep as much strenght and muscels as possible
Should i do cardio before or after the strenght workout. 3 times a week goes to soccer training, three times a week to strenght training plus cardio or vice versa, 1 day rest.
If I'm going cheap on a home gym and not getting a rack or bench right away would I be better off starting with a barbell or some adjustable dumbbells?
barbell, but youll need a bench at least and a rack
honestly never heard of anyone fucking up shoulders with ohp, it's always bench
i do ~8-12 reps with the bar then go straight into 3x5, never had any issues
you're not going to be able to do jack shit with a barbell or dumbbells without AT LEAST a bench
just dumbells
you can bench off the floor, do ohp and curls, even walking dumbell lunges
save up for something like this, you don't need a full cage if it's out of your price range
and an adjustable bench
also barbell
Is ICF just a meme or am I better off doing SL? I've been doing ICF for 4 weeks now. I did a hypertrophy routine for about a year before doing strength because I fucked up. Or should I just continue with something like PHUL/PPL/PHAT?
I'm also starting to stall on my bench. Should I switch bench to 3x5?
5'11" 165 lb natty
Stats for 5x5:
Squat: 200 (previously torn hip flexor from running track so I'm bringing this back up) lb
Deadlift: 325 lb
Bench: 200 lb
OHP: 120 lb
Row: 180 lb
I'm a 5ยด84, 185.2 lb poorfag and I want to know if you could give me any routines for training in my home.
Also, I live in a rural area, and only equipment to properly train are my dumbells (5 lb and 22 lb) and I ride mountain bike 3 times a week and used to chop wood in winter.
Squatting for the first time in a bit. High bar or low bar for a begginer?
Cardio after strength workout, or on rest days.
Try both, see which one seems comfier/easier to learn.
Low bar hits posterior chain more than high.