What should eat if I lift early in the morning? I wake up about 30-45 min before workout... Currently I just have a banana and that's it, but I'm not sure whether it's the right way to go.
Morning lifting
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Something is better than nothing
30 mins might not be enough to allow for much more food though
I have a bit of oats before I go
When I was in your boat I just had a banana and a bit of milk but it was only 4 months and I didn't like it. You do get used to it though
Ham and eggs
Baked beans and toast
Anything high protein with at least moderate carbs.
Special k cereal, in coconut/almond milk
3 servings = 30 grams of protein, that's an easy 400 calories including the milk. I'll have a banana with it I feel like it or bring a Gatorade to the gym cuz sweating balls off
I also work out in the morning. I crack a few eggs into some oatmeal and nuke it. Add flavored whey, and yogurt if I have it. Honestly it looks like prison slop but it tastes good.
I started eating entirely for nutrition (rather than pleasure) a long time ago.
Probably just better off blending some egg whites, peanut butter(any flavor that's natty), oats(optional) fruit(frozen or regular your choice) cinnamon
If I eat 20-30 grams of egg whites at a time I won't have smelly ass gas. And microwaving eggs is just gross and smelly and will give you mud butt
first water
then fruit and yoghurt
or fruit and a shake
30 mins is pretty small time frame to be eating alot and training i would if you could get a proper breakfast and wait like an hour minimum
but if you can't then just do what you gotta do
defo add a shake to your breakfast though good to get some protein in you before training
>coconut/almond milk
fucking spastic why not just milk
better macros and not from a fucking nut
we weren't meant to drink milk from a nut they don't have no titties
raw egg whites contain an enzyme that binds with biotin cooking them destroys the enzyme
You'd drink the milk from my nuts though
but you produce it
thats natural
and normal
and fun
milking a fucking almond is not
Thats good to know, bc i eat at least 8 raw eggs daily
>raw egg whites contain an enzyme that binds with biotin
It can fuck you up. Its rare, and probably not going to happen. But if you eat 8 raw egg whites daily for years, its very possible.
sweet bro science bruh.
see my reply
You don't want to spike blood sugar and insulin first thing in the morning. Eat a breakfast void of sugars (a little bit of fruit is ok) and carbs, but filled with healthy fats, proteins, and fiber.
My typical breakfast is eggs and bacon if I have time to cook. Sometimes I make smoothies which is 1-2 cups of greens, a bit of nut milk, 2% yogurt, a little sliced fruit, and a dash of cinnamon or another tasty herb. If I'm in a rush I have coconut oil with a dash of cinnamon on a spoon or an avocado.
Would you hit a gym right after?
My biggest issue is that if I eat a proper breakfast, I feel heavy and tired during the workout.
>You don't want to spike blood sugar and insulin first thing in the morning.
Why? Don't you want to have more energy for the workout?
w/e works for your goals.
you can go fasted or eat something light.
some people can eat over half their tdee in the morning and not throw it up because their intensity is shit.
You can't even broscience right
The morning and post workout is the best time to spike your insulin as it's when you're most insulin sensitive and need to get nutrients into your muscle quickest
A dick. High in protein.
>You don't want to spike blood sugar and insulin first thing in the morning
To confuse the body?
1egg/3whites, 1/2 cup oats before. 1egg/3whites 1/2 cup oats, 2 scoops whey while cooking post supps and meal he before workout
10g of BCAAs and a black coffee
thats what I do. I digest rather slowly and any more will hinder my training.