Which works the chest more/harder?
Which works the chest more/harder?
Neither, all you gains are lost from the weight to the weight selector, to the cables, through the pulley system, into the shaft, out onto the metal bars, onto the arms, through the handles, into the rubber grips. Now you are just moving 5% of the actual weight you should be lifting.
Meh, If I ever do that, I'd do the lower one since your shoulders are lower. Mine are fucked up and the higher one is painful. So I guess the 2nd one.
Dips and dumbbell bench
Seems like the perfect thread for this.
Is this enough chest volume:
Bench 5x5
Incline dumbells 3x8-10
Dips 3x8-10 (weighted)
or should I be adding anything like flies ?
i SERIOUSLY hope people on here aren't doing pointless literally no gains exercises like this
I am not even saying this as a FAT FUCK full-body compound shill.
youre always 100000000000000x better off just doing MORE SETS of any kind of bb or db bench that you want and just fucking off flys from your routine all together.
but scooby does flys
It's enough if you do this once a week. But people on this board will tell you otherwise.
add some incline flies and ur golden ponyboy
I do it twice a week anyway so that's danko.
I do like me some incline flies cheers lad i'll make sure to do them.
>thinks flys are a no gain exercise
this is bait, right?
or do you actually dyel this hard?
you're a fucking idiot. not sure about machine flies cause i never do them, but dumbbell flies always wreck my chest.
My chest got swole after I started doing flys like Arnold
yall who read this need to understand that hes talking about MACHINE FLYS, as the OP image shows.
of course real flys are a fucking awesome chest exercise, but make sure you start at a low weight, the chest is NOT as strong as you think it is, and if you just go to a high weight immediately you might cheat and not use your pecs.
You'll end up fucking your shoulders up too trying to compensate won't u?
>dumbbell flies always wreck my chest
lmao enjoy your nogains
barbell flies is where it's at
Falling for the fly's meme
most people here will say those are shit exercises and you get no gains etc.
Absolutely false, pick a medium weight and focus on squeezing for 1 sec at the top and slowly opening again, tempo is the key.
Try it and your chest will be burning AF after 2 sets.
thats exactly what im doing, that plus the flyes. im also working shoulders on the same day because im running a push/pull routine
sorry m8, but dumbell flys are absolute GOAT for chest development when done properly
>only 3 or 4 exercises
For chest I do:
Dumbell flys-3x10
This is after my 20 min run and core workout (do this everyday)