Why are all Chads white?

Why are all Chads white?

I never saw an asian, middle eastern, black, or hispanic Chad on Veeky Forums

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Zyzz was Chad

Cause other ethnicities actually go outside

Zyzz doesn't count anymore. Dead can't eat pizza

Hispanic->Don Juan


I never saw a Chad on Veeky Forums

Chang Thunderwang

To qualify as chad you must be white

> Muslim is a race
You realise Islam is a dominant religion in India and the subcontinent, right?

dont like him calling them muslims?

how about sand niggers - is that a little more clear?

Because White master race

>Veeky Forums

looking in the wrong places buddy.

Hispanics have a lineage of being chads. Who was that spanish dude who fucked his way through the noble class? I forgot his name, and he could just be a fictional character, but I'm sure we've all heard of latin passion. Although these days it seems less so than their forebears.


is it just not being a pathetic loser? I've seen the word Chad being applied to anyone who isn't an /r9k/ NEET

Italian>Don Juan

Chad is just this guy you know? He's a real hoopy frood.



There are lots of Asian Chads in California. I saw a Korean guy lifting in a pink polo shirt the other day.

Who is this queef queen?

the asian version of chad is being rich as fuck

>I never saw an asian Chad on Veeky Forums
You clearly aren't looking hard enough.

The king of Veeky Forums is half Asian, half Olympic God.

Indian is RAJ you fuck

RAJ is out there fucking PRIYA whilst RAVI is being a """""""""""""nice guy""""""""""" waiting for his parents to fix a MARRIAGE

no actually, even arab isnt clear enough.

Ever heard of Frank Yang?

Abdullah generally, but Saddam is the greatest muslim Chad to ever live

In my high school the biggest Chad I remember was some Armenian guy from Iran. Im sure there were a few more but this guy really stuck out as Chad.

don't you ever say that this fucking /r9k/ retard is the king of Veeky Forums again you fucking homo

Zyzz is King forever

Because you wouldn't accept then as 'Chad' because they're not white silly :^)
>mfw at this trick question

elliot was a real human bean and a real hero, that can't be said about many others

Are you sure the Armenian guy wasn't from Armenia, or perhaps the guy was Iranian, and from Iran? It just seems weird that an Armenian guy would be from Iran.

Im sure. Why is that hard to believe?
Here in California ive met a lot of Armenians from Iran. Theres still a big Armenian community there.

Chads are the last stand of implicit white identity.

I just didn't realize they'd track it in that order that way, like if you'd grown up in Germany and then moved to France, I'm not sure you'd describe yourself as an American from Germany. But I guess that, even though Armenia still exists, it's kind of like a displaced people thing where origins are important, like Sikhs saying they're Sikh from somewhere, or Jews saying they're Jews from somewhere.

no, socks in sandals are


this chad meme needs to die

why is being alpha frowned upon you fucking cucks

I want /r9k/ to leave


It's NASCAR, not black car.

I am the Stacey except all I do is go to gym and stay home

Are you sure you're not Chun Li?

Zyzz is basically a misc legend that leaked to Veeky Forums because of autism and crossposters

newfag detected

not really

because Chad is a white name.

GOKU here eats CHOW MEIN while you jerk off to his country's ANIME.

Zyzz was LITERALLY a Veeky Forums poster m80

nope, he was someone that posted on Veeky Forums, he was a misc poster, big difference

Yeah Jews and Armenians are quiet similar in that way. Probably because they both got cleansed back in their days.


>misc and Veeky Forums
>literally in the credits

Sand-niggers is fine. Specifying Indians and Muslims is retarded though as there's a significant Muslim population in India.

Muslim isn't an ethnic identifier any more than Christian or Buddhist is.

>those races


being a chad is about genetic superiority

Because Chad isn't just a guy who gets chicks, he's a guy who gets a specific, highly desirable *type* of chick in a specific, frustratingly effortless way.

> Asian
Chad is masculine. The last Asian who could be masculine by white standards was Toshiro Mifune. Others like Ken Watanabe might be handsome or charming but lack the raw Chad masculinity.
> middle eastern
Could theoretically exist, but they lack the patience to be Chad. They just go in full caveman, fail, and then rape the girl. Even the rich, handsome ones are try-hards. Chad doesn't try.
> Black
Despite what you see on TV or read in /r9k/, most white, latina, and Asian women will not date or even hook up with a black man. About half of them find blacks inherently repulsive, and the other half know that white men hate coalburners. Llike Arabs, black men are too try-hard to be Chad.
> hispanic
Latin charm is real and powerful, but it's too active and purposeful. He charms with his words and dance moves. Chad can dance but doesn't have to.
> Indian
Poo in loo. Accent sounds ridiculous.

Not that I have anything against those others races, it's just that's not how they work. Chad is what Veeky Forums hates because Chad is just blessed. He's Chad because puberty was early and graceful, getting him onto good sports teams early and gifting him with a stronger, less awkward body at an early age, which he converted into easy social status. His dad has money, so he had a car and no worries about bills or college. He's naturally handsome and extroverted, so combined with his other gifts he gets to spend his formative years around all the prettiest girls (Stacy). Talking to them, asking them out, fucking them all came easy.

Most of Veeky Forums had awkward puberty and awkward high school. Most of us are introverted. We never had the young highschool romance or status. Fit worked hard to get what it has. /pol/ hates Tyrone because he won't stop chasing white girls; /r9k/ hates Chad because he never had to.

No one will ever be as alpha as cletus.

WTF I hate Chad now??!

Go home robot.

how does that disprove anything I said?

That's like saying scooby is a Veeky Forumsizen eventhough he doesn't post here

I second this cracka

But Zyzz did post here.

He just stopped because his heart did.

he did post here but he was from misc and he poured over.

He's not a Veeky Forumsizen, he's a miscer

>not a newfag
>zyzz never posted

Can't you read?

amen to that

Chad is a bro and he fucks the babes. He fucks YOUR babe, specifically.

I've known some guys who look better than the majority of the genetic turds that det posted here. Get off /pol/ my friend. The worlds a big place.