Anyone else love Arnold but come to realise that he has no idea what he's talking about despite being mr Olympia?

Anyone else love Arnold but come to realise that he has no idea what he's talking about despite being mr Olympia?

In his training Q and A he recommended flys to give you a wider chest. You can't increase the width of a muscle with an exercise Arnold.

He also recommended cables to hit the 'inner chest' because without inner chest work you'll only work one part of the chest muscles if all you do is bench and incline. Complete bullshit, you can't isolate the 'inner chest' and build mass in that one location.

For legs he recommended strip sets of squats once a week.

I've never seen such a decorated bodybuilder talk such complete bro science horseshit.

Is it true that with steroids you can just do any old shit and get huge? Seems to be the case.

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The basics of bodybuilding are eat lots of good food, lift heavy compound weights, add accessories and sleep lots. He had all those things down pat so he might think some of his added rituals gave his physique an added benefit.


>good food, lift heavy compound weights, add accessories and sleep lots
AND steroids and genetics which he had

Roids and Weider principles go a long way. Just lifting a lot and roiding hard will produce results.

Yes to answer your question

Steroids are a joke, but you have to be not a pussy to take them

Didn't he also fall for the "confuse your muscles" meme?

I love him as well, but you must remember that he's a businessman first and foremost.

What does he have to gain in a business sense from telling people regarded Men's Fitness tier lifting advice?


Surprised OP didn't mention him saying he's changed his mind on machines and uses them almost exclusively now because they give you a better pump and isolate the muscle better.

I stopped watching after that.

More people will buy protein powders and other products with his name on them, and will give more clicks to websites that associate with him. So he gets more royalties.

He's advocating lifting the same way he used to train back in the day, and multiple golden age body builders have also said they trained similar to Arnold. Sure some of his advice reasoning in in correct but following what he says obviously works by how many golden age pros had a similar physique to Arnold.

He also stopped body building and acting so there's literally no reason for him to stay on top of the cutting edge studies and exercises to get the prime beach body physique *sponsored by When he just needs to remain in decent shape.

>tfw you have genetics but not a 6pack

yeah arnold had great genetics (still great tho)

What do you mean by "steroids are a joke"?

To be fair he was doing all that shit on top of being on lots and lots of gear

Any kind of training he was doing was amplified like 10 times just by that

During his bodybuilding career he was also known to give out false advice to sabotage the competition.

DYEL detected. enjoy never making it cos you know better than someone else who actually did LOL

>"when I eat a large pizza on a cheat night I literally wake up leaner as it's such a shock to my metabolism" - piano

You can target the inner chest.

There is a seperate innervation (i think the lateral innervation is inner chest, look up pectoral innervation) that engages primarily inner chest fibers.

Plus nonspanning fibers exist (i.e. Why pull ups hit lower traps and not upper traps)

In the case of pullups and traps, its more because upper/mid/lower traps are separate muscles responsible for different movements of the scapula.


I tried some PEDs out after lifting for 6 years natty.

Literally more gains in 3 months than I got all my life. In 3 months my squat went from 535 for 1 to 660 pounds for 1.

There's no secrets, diets, science that will give you more benefits than your genetics or drugs will. It's just the truth.

Arnold was a roider. He could do whatever and say whatever and make progress.

>You can't increase the width of a muscle with an exercise Arnold.
Prove it. No one can prove it. Ever.

It's the problem when genetically gifted people give advice.

What works for them will probably not work (as good) for the majority of the population.

If it's bodybuilding, powerlifting or whatever.

Which is why people like Alan Thrall or Omar Isuf, both neither exceptionally strong nor exceptionally big or aesthetic, are so popular. They give good advice which is applicable to most people.

The top 1% are good for mirin and motivation, but unless they have a decade of experience actually training other people, their advice is usually shit.

you know i've been saying the same things but it's been 3 years following studies and being careful and not being bro and shit and i have seen half the results of my bro buddies who did arnold's blueprint or some other crazy bro routine for 1 year and ate clean.

so all im gonna say is dont knock it till you try it. i just started this routine 2 days ago as well, just to see where it gets me and if ive maybe been missing something. i recommend you do the same.

Arnold had amazing genetics and plenty of drugs but he also accumulated decades of top-tier experience. we're not advanced enough in studies yet to have so great of an understanding of how muscles work that we can just disregard everything experience has to say.

just keep an open ear that's all im saying.

He didnt fall for it, he INVENTED it

you seem to be mistaken
those 2 nerves (N. pectoralis med. and lat.)
both branch fibers to both pectoral muscles
M. pectoralis minor and major.
It's not like that one of those nerves exclusively innervate a certain region of those muscles

There's a scene in Pumping Iron where he says that which I think is where the idea comes from, but most of Pumping Iron was made-up to make it more interesting.