Hello i'm asking here because afaik there's no drug board on Veeky Forums

hello i'm asking here because afaik there's no drug board on Veeky Forums.
since i remember marihuana was classified as light drug and everybody i know and every source ive checked said things like bad trip or flashbacks won't happen after using it.
ive smoked pot 4 times in my life and 2 of those times i got really anxious and suicidal, also had gotten flashbacks
is it something wrong with my brain or is weed not as fucking great as public opinion says? i smoked with friends and they never reacted the way i did

it affects everyone differently. maybe it's not for you.

in my case, it triggered what may well have been early onset schizophrenia but i'm not about to keep smoking to find out. and i smoked every day for a while.

I've smoked a lot of pot, and never had suicidal thoughts or flashbacks. I've felt mild paranoia before, but it sounds like weed might not be for you. Do you have unrelated mental health issues?

>ive smoked pot 4 times in my life and 2 of those times i got really anxious and suicidal, also had gotten flashbacks
Same thing happened to me when I smoked it. I could never smoke it with other people so I would at night by myself then go masturbated and fall asleep. I don't think weed goes well with people who have autism. Leave it behind and stop being a degenerate.

Yeah OP, you better take a break, I had similar effects when I was 16, now 5 years later weed just makes me chill

my mother who is a psychiatrist says ive got depression but its not severe, had social anxiety from early childhood but it faded down
other than that i'm healthy

Everyone reacts to drugs differently
Friend of mine gets violently angry, though her brain is quite messed up

Weed fucking sucks. I'm pissed I wasted any amount of time smoking it. The high is shitty and it has a high body load. It just sucks.

Your friends will grow out of it. If they dont, get new friends

Well, I've know several people who were seemingly healthy and still had bad reactions with weed. I'd say just don't do it, if you aren't having fun when you're high, it's not worth spending the money

People are different. Some people die when they eat peanuts. Maybe cannabis isn't for you. I hate booz but cannabis has improved my life.

I know what being sad feels like. I've wasted a lot of my life depressed. Cannabis can amplify those feelings for sure.

If your feeling sad, or have bullshit on the backburner of your mind, then smoking a little will cause enough of a head change to bring that to the front of your attention whether you like it or not. Forcing yourself to rip up the delusions you feed yourself. Not as bad as it sounds. Good news is cannabis can help you have a new perspective on old problems. Cannabis isn't a cure all that will force you to "find yourself" but it can be a valuable tool if used appropriately in moderation. It also makes sex, food, and pretty much everything better for me.

Sometimes you gotta realize deconstructing past regrets won't do you any favors and you just need to get out of those though loops. When that is the case, go exercise.

Sounds like you were smoking too much


When I was obese weed seemed to be working pretty well for me, but now that I've gotten active and exercise plus lost all that weight it doesn't mellow me out like it used too. I would just get very paranoid and energetic but not a happy or motivated energetic, more like an anxious pacing nervousness. It's all speculation on my part but weed seemed to effect me differently before I got fit.

Look OP
I pretty much smoke weed for breakfast lunch and dinner only problem with it is the lazyNess that comes from the comedown
I know what your talking about but it's all in your head that weed doesn't make you go crazy but if your mental health isn't good this happens
I get paranoid but I was able to spot how it happens, I some alot sleep little about 4 hours on a regular day and knew that paranoia was just product stemming from that not the weed
Tame it , it's just like life , your high will become what you allow it to become and trip out because the high won't last forever it'll come down and you'll go back to normal
Ultimately it's just you and if you have beta all over your self you shouldn't do it your brain is wrong to begin with
I use to focus and mellow out
Treat life with it, sleepless? Good indicated strand
Shitty day? A strand that gives you the smiles etc. Research for effects and get some water cuz it might dry you up
Don't worry about how others perceive you cuz that's how it starts
Hope this explains something dude

Youre fucking stupid OP.

>light drugs

Forget about that nonsense. Weed is unlikely to kill you from an overdose, but that's pretty much the only thing that separates it from "hard drugs".

>2 of those times i got really anxious
Weed can certainly make you paranoid and you might feel like you're going to die (you're actually not). This is called a bad trip and is usually a consequence of smoking way way too much too fast or mixing with alcohol. However, a bad trip can also occur from very little quantities of weed. It's always a russian roulette of sorts.

>is weed not as fucking great as public opinion says
The first couple of times are pretty fun. After the novelty of weed wears off, it becomes a very mediocre drug indeed, with a meh high and a possibility of shitty side-effects. Try smoking smaller quantities, if you want the experience the high the way it's meant to be. Or just don't. It's not that good anyway.

I think it's just not for you. If you had bad experiences 50% of the time I wouldn't recommend trying it any more.

A friend of mine that smokes nearly every day has a brother who reacts very similarly to how you reacted - paranoid, depressed, anxious, etc. It just comes down to how each individual reacts.

Honestly, regular weed smoking is just not worth it in the end. And that's coming from somebody who smoked every day for 5 years. The last two months I've cut it down to once or twice on the weekends and I feel a lot better.

I get the same way. It's just not for us.

Weed is not something you ever want to get into a daily habit of using. It can trigger paranoia and anxiety depending on what you smoke and how you feel beforehand. Thc binds to cb1 receptors which causes things like hunger and paranoia and disillusion. CBD is another chemical found in some strains (not all) and it acts as a THC agonist and causes it to bind to cb2, eliminating a lot of the negative effects but in general you're better off staying away from it.

T. Habitual concentrate user. Currently quitting and using tea as a crutch.

>T. Habitual concentrate user.

Fuck quitting and just stop. If your tired of starting over then stop giving up.

good quality weed can make a person trip the fuck out the first couple of times smoking it

you lose all those symptoms when you turn into a stoner

The problem was earlier times that I quit, it was only out of testing myself to see if I was addicted. I could go a week sober just fine then go back to smoking because I realized there was no true addiction. Now my reasons for quitting are entirely different. Purpose plays a significant role and my purpose has changed drastically recently. But thanks for your concern I got this senpai. As I write this I do have a strong urge to dab but I've been drinking tea (which is also a source of cannabinoids) and it curves my yearning super hard.

you might be schizophrenic. my buddy had to give up the stuff because it was a miserable experience every time. as far as i know he doesnt struggle with schizo symptoms sober but it runs in his family and comes out when hes stoned