Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums,

So I am really new to lifting and I was planning on starting SL5x5 tomorrow. I have the app ready and everything.

The thing is, today I got invited by a friend who has been lifting for a while to join him to lift. He works out 5 days a week and isolates muscles everyday. For example chest/tri on one day, back and bi on another.

I was told that isolating isn't a good idea and compound lifts are the way to go but I was also told that if you can get a workout partner then you should.

Do you guys think I should stick to myself and do SL5x5 or should I workout with him?


Pic related, he has a similar body type if that says anything about his experience/knowledge (I know it probably doesn't say much).

Other urls found in this thread:

>lifting with another man
How gay are you?




look man people on this talk down bro splits and shit (isolated muscle days) but majority of the people who stick to compound movements will already have quite a bit of strength. Compounds tend to leave out things such as biceps and triceps to and extent so honestly start off with a bro split and see how it works for you. If it isnt going great maybe try a PPL or a compound program. I started lifitng about 4 months ago and have made decent aesthetic and lifting gains from doing as follows:
Monday - Chest and Triceps
Wednesday- Back and Biceps and Shoulders
Thursday- Chest and Triceps
Friday- Legs
Saturday- Shoulders
Sunday- Accessories/anything i feel i am lacking in

Hope this helps bro ill still be lurking if you need anything else.

>I've been working out for 4 months
>I work out every single day

>giving fitness advice

don't listen to this retard. Strong lifts all day. He is way too new to lifting to give advice. Doing a split like your friend is fine but you need more experience and strength first. Beginner strength routines will give you those things.

Thanks man, first person to give me advice so I appreciate it. How long do your workouts usually take?

Will my friend's guidance and experience make up for my lacking of? Just to be clear, you think I'd benefit more if I worked out with SL on my own?


the problem with brosplits is people like to overtrain and do 15 different workouts for 2 muscles but if you dont do that then you and your friend will be fine

beginner strength first, always. and really use this time to concentrate on form. then when youre ready do a bro split. oh and add in accessories to youre training if you want,

Like 50 minutes. It is best to do supersets and stuff - the people in this thread are right, i am definitely not qualified to give advice but i am just sharing what has been working with me. I have come from a sporting background playing rugby and having training multiple times a week. Hope this helped

Every single day

>Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


I started with sl in the first place, I had hard time learning the form and 5 reps weren't helping. After injouring shoulder I moved to two day split and asked for help from a friend to correct my form and this combined with 8-12 rep range worked for me.
I think you will benefit from training with your friend at least at the begining, assuming he knows how to lift with correct form. But it may be just my experience, because of my tiny frame (185cm height, 16cm wrists) I can't get away with any mistake in form or I will end injuring myself.

End up injuring myself*
Shit, even my posts have bad form:/

>I started lifitng about 4 months ago

Guys we have an expert here

fuck off no need to be a cunt he asked for help and i gave him it.

You have 4 months experience, fuck off with your misinformation.

Stick to SL. You probably won't even be able to keep up with your friend because you need this time to work on your form, technique, know where your strength is at etc.

i hope your fucking mum gets raped and your dad gets prostate cancer

Curse all you want cunt, you still have fuck all gains with your 4-months-and-already-giving-advice ass

>4 months lifting
>"yeah dont listen to people with years of experience, I'm totally right because my intuition is almighty"

fuck off cunt. holy shit OP dont listen to this faggot.

Listen here and listen well OP. I started lifting bout 1.5 years ago now, and I was in just the same position as you. I read about lifting and thought that 3 times a week was bullshit and wouldnt do fuckall for me. So I went with my buddy who had been lifting for 10 months and he got me on his 5x per week brosplit (i.e. different muscle group per day). I stayed on that for 6 months and made fuckall progress. Literally didn't even hit a 1pl8 bench in that time because benching once a week is retarded as a beginner or intermediate. Once I switched to SL + accessories, my squat, bench, and deadlift all blew up in terms of weight, and I gained muscle mass too. And that's going from a 5x per week program to a 3x per week program. I surpassed my buddy in terms of size and strength once I learned about beginner programming. And need I remind you he had been lifting for 10 MONTHS longer than me.

Listen to the people that have made these beginner programs and have the EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE to advocate these programs like SS, SL, or ICF. They know what the fuck they were doing when they made these programs, and they are optimized for beginner progress. Your stupid fucking buddy probably doesnt know shit about programming and does this brosplit because he learned it from another friend who also doesn't know shit. You'd be surprised at the sheer amount of people that go lift weights that don't know a single fucking thing about lifting weights.

There's your advice. Follow a program like SS or SL, add on some accessories so you don't go full t-rex mode, and realize that many people who lift actually don't know shit about lifting. There's people that have gone to the gym for years and havent even learned about the mechanics of a squat or bench.

Also -

The reason I'm so heated by this is because I could have made such better progress by now if I hadn't wasted 6 months of noob gains on a retarded brosplit. Don't make the same mistakes I did.

General tips:
-as a beginner, you need frequency. Frequency = how many times per week you work a SPECIFIC muscle group. Not frequency of just being in the gym. What I mean is that you should be working the SAME muscle groups 2-3 times per week; only people who are advanced or on dat dere roids can really benefit off of brosplits, which have you working the same muscle groups only ONCE per week. Beginners have the physical ability to recover within a span of 2-3 days; utilize that magical ability
-FORM FORM FORM. Use GOOD form. Don't try to make linear progress until you have at least decent form on your lifts. I've seen it so many times where people just keep packing on weight but have SHIT form. Candito made a video talking about this; take a couple weeks to perfect the movements before adding on weight linearly. Watch this video:
>Rest is GOOD. You'll want to be in the gym every day. Every lifter wants to. That doesn't mean you should. Everyone likes to be drunk. That doesn't mean you should drink every day. 3-4x per week is just fine for beginner progress.

Let me not go without saying that brosplits wont not give you ANY gains. You'll make gains; you could just be making better gains on a beginner program. Programs are either
But not very often. Source of this classification goes to PowerliftingToWin.

Just get learned, OP. It's not as simple as "hurr durr pick things up and put them down"

Thanks a lot for this. It's all great advice and it's awesome to hear about someone who has been through this. I'll be sticking to SL then.

Could I ask what accessories you had on your SL? Sounds like you really had it figured out.

Hey man I appreciate the help even if you are inexperienced. When you had first answered, nobody had answered before you so if anything you brought my thread to life by making everyone reply to you

bro split = better aesthetics
SL/SS = faster gains + muscle

When I switched to SL, I had the capacity to add about 2-3 accessories. That's cause of the 6 months on the brosplit. Like I said, brosplits wont gie you no-gains; just slow gains. So I did make gains that allowed me to add a fair amount of accessories. As a pure beginner, you might not be able to. I recommend looking into Starting Strength and adding accessories online - you'll find lots of good info.

But what I did was add on Chinups, Weighted Dips, and some form of ab exercise. Later on I added incline DB press to one of the days. But that's not necessary now.

What people generally recommend is doing at least a month or two of just the compounds in your workouts and then adding on accessories.

>not doing SS+GOMAD