Okay Veeky Forums red-pill me of Tofu

Is it cheap as fuck easy protein. Or is it an estrogen supplement?

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Its fine. The estrogen thing is a meme.

For realz? That's it? Because would be easy to eat a ton of the stuff.

Everything in moderation. I like to glaze mine with maple syrup though

That sounds disgusting.

But getting enough protein is hard for me when I don't do dairy or sugar.

I could totally handle tofu a few times a week to have more variety than chicken and beef.

Protein powder breh

All protein powder is fucki g 50 percent sugar. One day of protein is a weeks worth of my sugar intake. It would kill me.

Plus whey protein makes me gassy af, which makes my squats sick for everyone else in the gym.


Pea protein breh

Enjoy your manboobs.

Nothing you just said is true.

The estrogen like molecules in soy DO NOT have the same effect as estrogen on the body. That's what the studies say.

Yes for "realz". The initial study reported that phyto-estrogens in soja get absorbed through the digestive system and can be found in the blood. It stressed, that they don't know, if these are close enough to human estrogen to actually trigger a receptor response and initiate physical changes. Another study found, that they are not. First study got misquoted and blown out of proportion by the media, as all science reporting does. Reports don't know how to science, so read primary sources.

However, tofu has a few problematic components. If you want to eat a shitload, you should stick to tempeh instead, as the fermentation process gets rid of that.

Whey protein is high in certain amino-acids and sulfur compounds, that cause cancer. And not as in "shampoo causes cancer, maybe" but rather as in "smoking CAUSES cancer, period." Stick to rice, soy, pea, hemp and bean protein powder, if you must.

I mentioned pea protein friend, read the thread.

Any of the protein powder I have bought before had a very high sugar content. And though it may not literally kill me instantly, my body is not used to eating it, and the side effects would be very unpleasant.

Thanks for the pea powder suggestion. Didn't know that was a thing.

What do you mean by "problematic components"? You mean the estrogen mimickers? You just said they were not a problem.

I went vegan a few weeks ago and started eating it. Taste like shit unless you cook it right but adding sauces and cooking or baking makes it good.

Do you eat them in soup very often? Or does soup have too much sodium?

Soy beans have oligosaccharides that are hard for the body to break down in the intestines and cause some stress on the liver (which is not a problem for healthy individuals). They are also the primary culprits in the flatulence experienced after consuming beans.

Who cares? How am I supposed to know which user you are? Use your brain, friend. Also, I gave a little bit more information and mentioned a bunch more, so stfu

You sure, you bought protein powder? Because all veggie-powder I've seen so far is at 70-80% protein with

do not believe this vegfag

0%>sugar is high content for me. My sugar intake consists of a few pieces of fruit throughout the week. An IPA tastes like a soda, and white rice gives me a rush.

I'll see if I can find some plain pea powder though.

You where the one who claimed a 50% sugar content. Also you shouldn't be that afraid of sugar. Your body runs on carbo-hydrates, which ARE sugar once digested and in your blood stream. It might be just a mental thing.

>he's not white

>chicken and beef
Then incorporate fish, pork, eggs, and beans.

Are you sure you didn't buy a mass gainer?

At most there should be like 2g fat, 6g sugar, for a scoop that has 24g protein.

When I was taking Whey, I was gassy too although I'm as white as can be and don't have problems with Yogurt or raw milk.

Pea protein isn't as digestible and tastes and mixes like shit.

How do i prep the tofu, what ways can i chose from. Vegan fag reporting in

I get plenty of carbs, and those don't give me the side effects of sugar.

I'm white as fuck. Like the other guy said, I don't have a problem with milk and cheese. Whey protein is just a special kind of plague to your food tubes.

I forgot to mention fish, I eat that a few ti es a week already. Eggs are just a subset of chicken right?... I eat them everyday. I eat pork occasionally but too much makes me feel like a gentile. I love beans though.

Where can a city guy get venison?

Could you put it in stew or something?

Quest. Expensive, but has infinite uses when doing low carb.

Tempeh is much better. Seitan is better. If you still do tofu instead, couple it with a lot of broccoli and other veggies.

It only takes a little bit longer, but yeah it tastes horrible if you don't mask it with tasty stuff. (applies to all veggie proteins). Still better than eating by-products of the cheese-industry that they threw away before they found a way to market them to idiots. I prefer them to cancer and skyrocketing to the moon on my combustive expulsions.

>just a meme
>In animals, the intake of phytoestrogens was reported to impact fertility, sexual development and behavior. Feminizing effects in humans can be subtle and identifiable only statistically in large populations.

>protein powder is 50% carbs
Are you retarded? It's not called sugar and protein powder, it's fucking protein powder, it's got fucking 90-97% of its calories from protein, you retard.

> There have been only singular reports on modified gender-related behavior or feminization in humans in consequence of soy consumption.

> However, the estrogenic potential of phytoestrogens does not prevent from extensive use of soy in infant food and other foodstuffs as well as pediatric parenteral nutrition.

You realize, they're basically saying "yeah, don't overdo it". There could be minor effects on children, but we have no prove.

Also in tempeh and many soy products, the phyto-estrogens are not even present.

> Evidence in support of clinically relevant biological effects has, however, been generally rated as insufficient or absent

And your linked articles gets better:

> This matter should be clarified by independent research, which can have implications for the future of soy in the agriculture.

So they did not do any research themselves and just speculate wildly. Sound's like the whole, "excessive cholesterol intake isn't harmful, we're financed by the national egg council" study.

Literally their only evidence is that, large doses of phyto-estrogens (from other sources than soy) reduce hot-flashes in women a little bit better than placebos. From which they conclude that it feminizes moderate consumers of soy. Good job!

Tofu has a low protein caloric percentage. Straight up edamame or tempeh is better because it's less processed.

Only if the soy is organic.


Well first you should be dropping $100 a jar for the good shit. Stop buying the $20 chocolate milk powder

Sodium is a meme unless you have an underlying condition, faggot.

>rice, soy, pea, hemp and bean protein powder
I use a mix of wild rice, soy, pea, hemp and quinoa protein. Great micros and easy on the stomach but filling AS FUCK so I can't have too much.

This x100.


If you consume too much soy, it'll have a negative impact. You'd have to consume a heck of a lot for it to have adverse hormonal effects on your body OP. I prefer other milks anyway, e.g. I use organic oat milk when I have porridge (oatmeal) because it tastes nicer. Unsweetened almond milk is what I generally use for smoothie bowls and baking.

Soy butter is tasteless to me. I've yet to try olive butter but I like sunflower butter a lot.

Also, check out black bean spaghetti - it has shit loads of protein, but it's not cheap. I make my own black bean burgers - they're awesome, and quick to make. You can freeze batches of them too.

>only statistically in large populations.

that's mass gainer you fucking idiot. buy regular protein powder.

Where I live it's not cheaper than for example eggs.

Given that you think protein powder has 50% sugar, I'm not sure you've ever actually tried whey protein.

People with thyroid issues shouldn't eat much of it, as it inhibits the body's ability to absorb iodine properly.

You've obviously never met a man who fell for the tofu meme.
There are studies on both sides claiming tofu does and doesn't cause feminization of the human body.
Why don't you ask someone who was actually on a tofu rich diet, when they started growing man boobs, or their dicks shrunk.
It's real nigger, large amounts of tofu will fuck your life up.
It's meant to be a meal supplement every once in a while, not eaten daily or multiple times daily.

Vegan for 2.5 years now. Tofu is an inexpensive and lean protein, and consuming it doesn't come with the cost of higher cholesterol or cancer. I also recommend seitan. A box of vital wheat gluten goes for $3 at my local super market, and it contains 140g of protein and only 400 calories. As a plant based alternative to meat, it's definitely got the best consistency.

Don't care. You have no gains so your opinion is discarded.

alright m8

>dietary cholesterol raises blood cholesterol
>meat causes cancer

Kill yourself pls

>Whey protein is high in certain amino-acids and sulfur compounds, that cause cancer

what a bunch of bs. no amino-acids cause fucking cancer.

post a source about this, or stop with the shitposting

>come with the cost of higher cholesterol
dietary cholesterol doesn't raise cholesterol you dumb hippie

>or cancer

meat causes cancer only if grilled/cooked at high temps. broiled, boiled or steamed meat is absolutely ok to eat

Burnt toast causes cancer too. It's not the meat itself that causes cancer.

>Whey protein is high in certain amino-acids and sulfur compounds, that cause cancer. And not as in "shampoo causes cancer, maybe" but rather as in "smoking CAUSES cancer, period."

no it doesn't cause cancer. there are actually studies implying it has anti-cancer properties

everyone with their fucking broscience on this board

What the fuck does sugar have to do with protein?


ye generally grilling should be avoided

"increases in the risk of several cancers may be associated with high consumption of red meat or processed meat."

"High-temperature cooking methods generate compounds that may contribute to carcinogenic risk, but their role is not yet fully understood"

Holy fuck I can't wait for you veganfaggots to die already.

You have no idea how wrong you are on so many levels. And you only wrote like 3 sentences

>In the case of red meat, the classification is based on limited evidence from epidemiological studies showing positive associations between eating red meat and developing colorectal cancer as well as strong mechanistic evidence.

so basically they only found an association, without knowing 1) the way people cooked to meat (like mentioned above, and in your q&a article, grilling makes food carcinogenic) 2) the health status of the sample group. my bet is most people either grill or fry the meat

and ok, lets say red meat in all its forms causes cancer. most people here eat lean meats, so your argument is invalid


I'll live longer than you. Google it.

Enough of an association to classify red meat the same as cigarettes

My argument was simply that tofu isn't linked to increases in cholesterol or cancer. You haven't invalidated that, or even addressed it at all...

alright so i'm not gonna read all these replies because i'm a lazy fuck. now tell me. should i eat tofu or not, if yes how much and is the estrogen thing real? i've been looking to change my diet a bit, and looking at more soy based options also.

>to classify red meat the same as cigarettes

cigarettes are no where near red meat m80. one is an addictive substance that causes a plethora of other issues other than cancer, and that's established through many studies not just some casual statistical association done in some sample study

also, hdl causes cholesterol not cholesterol itself. bottom line is, you can eat meat and not risk any of this if you do it right

what you do is warp scientific findings your way to drive your argument.

you can eat it, phytoestrogens don't activate human receptors. how much is up to you

Eat tofu. In choosing tofu over meat, even occasionally, you will be reducing both your carbon footprint, and potentially decreasing your risk of certain cancers, heart issues, etc.

Just like anything else, consume it in moderation. A couple blocks of tofu a day isn't bad for you, and in fact it can fight breast cancer, which is even a risk for men, but don't get all of your calories from it, or you'll face deficiencies elsewhere.

Soy has a negligible amount of estrogen, that will not affect you by consuming it. I've read there is one documented case of gyno that doctors linked to soy intake, and the guy was drinking gallons of soy milk a day. On the other hand, it could have just been correlation.

Yes, studies are mostly unclear. Some say yes, some say no. Feel free to read a few and see for yourself. Eat in moderation and see how you react to it. I get 80g protein from soy each day for about 5 months now and nothing negative has come around.

Aww, poor bby is mad because he's only just discovered that his diet isn't good in for him.

Instead of checking facts, do you always lie to yourself to excuse your ignorance? It's okay sweetie. The answers are out there, you just need to persevere.

That's weird that they "are no where near" each other, yet they are both classified as group 1, carcinogenic to humans.


no they aren't. PROCESSED red meat was classified group 1

red meat was classified group 2a. learn to read hippy

also, right below

>9. Processed meat was classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). Tobacco smoking and asbestos are also both classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). Does it mean that consumption of processed meat is as carcinogenic as tobacco smoking and asbestos?

>No, processed meat has been classified in the same category as causes of cancer such as tobacco smoking and asbestos (IARC Group 1, carcinogenic to humans), but this does NOT mean that they are all equally dangerous. The IARC classifications describe the strength of the scientific evidence about an agent being a cause of cancer, rather than assessing the level of risk.

for the mentally impaired like you

I Eat tofu every day since 3 months, and still want to fuck girls. It's a meme.

You clearly don't understand how the classification scheme works.

from the who report you're jacking off too

"The classification gives you an idea about the strength of evidence that it causes cancer but it doesn't give you any clue about how much you need to be exposed to have cancer, it's not a classification about the risk."
Ferrence, a go-to expert on tobacco, has no problem with that. "There are lots of things that are Group 1 carcinogens that are less hazardous than tobacco.

"It means they're known carcinogens, it doesn't say anything about the magnitude of the risk, or the magnitude of the consequences."

"The risks of smoking and the risks of a diet high in processed meats are not limited to just one disease, so a risk assessment of just bowel cancer, the focus of the meta-analysis, won't give someone a complete picture on which to make personal choices."

Congratulations on basing your lifestyle on a bullshit misunderstanding of basic English.

Most red meat is processed

This doesn't disprove what I said, it actually validates my point. You said, they're nowhere near each other, yet this shows that they don't evaluate risk, and so it's not proven one way or another. For all we know, tobacco could be less cancerous. The fact that they're classified the same is evidence, that the statement they aren't anywhere near each other, without any support, is absurd. They both have shown without reasonable doubt, that consumption of them causes cancer. That's what you should be focused on.

This is some grade a cognitive dissonance. Y'all are confronted with a fact, recognize it, and go full defense mode, fighting everything semantical thing you can, except your own beliefs. What's the point of even arguing?

You guys are misunderstanding what I'm saying all together. If I once argued that processed meat is more cancerous than tobacco, maybe you'd have some credence in what you're saying. If I smoked cigarettes, but didn't eat bacon because of it's classification, then I'd agree, my lifestyle would be hypocritical.

At the end of the day, I'm basing my diet off of what is best for the environment, my own health, and with regard to the right to life of all sentient beings.

>for all we know tobacco could be less cancerous then smoking

...really? That's your arguement. Fuck me you're a moron. It's hard to intelligently debate absurdity but I challenge you to find a single peer reviewed study that suggests that your statement is even up for debate.

>For all we know, tobacco could be less cancerous

are you retarded? i am asking you legitimately cause i see that you don't know jack shit about cancer yet you go on about your failed argument like a moron

>Most red meat is processed
no it's not. processed red meats are deli shit and sausages, smoked meats etc. cuts you get from the butcher, that you cook to eat are not processed.

you are the one in full defense mode here, defending your rabbit grass eating diet on the grounds that "meat causes cancer", when in reality specific meat causes cancer if it has been prepared and cooked in specific ways.

go eat a green smoothy now to detox you fucking hippy liberal

>At the end of the day, I'm basing my diet off of what is best for making me feel like a real fucking special snowflake


>inb4 that's not what i said

it's funny how vegans don't even know how to argue for their life choices. the only true argument for veganism, is that it's better for the environment. instead of focusing on that, they go on about the "health benefits" while most of them look like anemic auschwitz survivors

All people are animals, but not all animals are people. Simple fucking principal.

"Health" or bullshit right to life arguements.

well morality is subjective, but even that i understand to a degree.

Tranny here who's done a lot of research into phytoestrogens. You have to pretty much replace your diet with 100% soy all the time for it to have any effect on you and even then it wouldn't do anything near real estrogen.

Although it doesn't really concern men because they usually don't have much estrogen in their system, in women and people taking bioidentical estrogen it'll actually lessen the effects of estrogen because the phytoestrogen takes up receptors and is much much less effective.

If you already have gynecomastia it might be worth skipping it though since it may worsen other underlying hormone issues.

If you're really concerned about your hormones just ask your doctor for a blood test for them.

Don't listen to xer! I was going to major in STEM until I accidentally had soy milk at a party. Now I'm majoring in sociology with a minor in Spanish lit and my boyfriend Steven is trying to make me wear assless chaps when he fucks me.

i shouldnt have laughed as much as i did

Don't missgender me you misogynistic white devil! My pronouns are fit/fits/fitself

>This is what whoever actually believes


It's ok user trans people already know we're memes.

that picture perfectly sums up my experience with ever tranny, awesome

Been out of this thread for a while so not going to search the posts, but:

basically the few studies that say otherwise (were funded by the egg industry and) investigated individuals with near saturation levels of LDL, and then of cause more cholesterol doesn't raise the levels. Here is research that says it's bad:

there is tons more!


And to the idiot that said amino acids don't cause cancer, you there are more than the essential amino acids. E.g. Methionine, which is a sulfur-containing amino acid, that feeds cancer cells and foster heart deseas. It's found in whey and eggs (even in the whites), yay!

No you retard, that just means its safe to eat until you get prostate/breast cancer. That doesnt mean it wont effect your hormones even if you eat a little.

Soyfags are hilarious desu.