Is it worth roiding if you're under 25? I'm 18 and been lifting since my mid teens...

Is it worth roiding if you're under 25? I'm 18 and been lifting since my mid teens, got myself a good body and everything, but I want to go further. Arnold said he roided since his teens and he seems fine.

Plus, roids will probably help me fix my massive faggot babyface if I combine it with HGH. I got a fatty face.

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Advice from fellow roiders who started early or those who stopped and went natty after some cycles welcome

Ive heard from many sources it's a bad idea. Are you just looking for someone to come in here and tell you to go for it? You should know the risks associated with doing them before 25 and decide for yourself if it's worth it. (Hint: it probably isn't)

It depends on your goals. If you want to look instantly better so you can show off to people who really don't give a fuck then yeah go for it. If you don't compete there really isn't a point to it. And please don't overdose on sauna

Ive been thinking about trying it (age 19) but I'm terrified of side effects and injecting

well don't fucking do it if you're terrified, dumbass

>Arnold said he roided since his teens and he seems fine.
Oh and don't forget, he was and still is under the care of professionals 24/7 giving him the right amount of the right stuff on the right time.

Well yeah, I want to look good as hell. It's mainly because I have a circle of friends that are very competitive. When I say that I mean it, the only social life I know is full of people trying to be the best at everything. Such is life when you went to a boarding school.

If you're not competing, roiding is not worth it at all.

Nah roiding isn't even that bad. Go for it OP

It could wreak havoc on your brain development as well as the maturation of your genitalia. If you haven't stopped growing though, HGH might make you taller

First of all, arnold is has the best doctors and medical team money can buy.

Second, he's not actually fine. From what I heard he's having heart problems and doesn't eat meat.

Don't make such a huge health impacting decision to roid based off one guys anecdotal experience

It will fuck you up if you don't cruise.
make a few kids before or better yet don't, than start blasting
so more or less don't start before 35

Okay, everybody's like "omg dont do roids when 18" Meanwhile I did and everything was fine. You just have to know what you're doing. There's more risk than when you're older and have more hardened arteries.

None of you or your friends are the best, or even in the top tenth percentile, of anything you do.

I'm not saying accept mediocrity but I am saying don't overestimate your abilities, you're nowhere near the natty limit I promise you. Lift til youre 26 or 27, constantly try to improve, watch your diet, and then decide whether or not to inject hormones to get bigger muscles to not compete in bodybuilding competitions but impress two or three festival sluts at one summer event. You're risking longterm health for gains which won't even last, better to foster a healthy lifestyle and mental attitude.

unless you're baiting in which case good job

T. 21 year old kid who hasn't even begun to experience the health consequences of playing fast and loose with his endocrine system

meanwhile natty chad plays fast and loose with his gf

how tall are you?

I don't see the point if you are not going to earn a living off your body, but if you have the money and are willing to risk your health go for it. I'm not sure if there's good research on young steroid users so any advice you get will be broscience

You're funny. "playing fast and loose with his endocrine system" as in what? Permanent test shutdown isn't a thing. Even if it was, I'd just pin 200mg test e a week.
6'1. Also, there's no evidence anabolic steroids cause decreased height. Only for asthma steroids and that is a very small amount. In fact, evidence shows steroids increase linear height growth in certain cases and they are sometimes used for kids with short staure (anavar is).
"You're risking longterm health " What "longterm health risks" does a 2-3 month cycle of some Test E do? All it does is temporarily shut down natural test production and temporarily give you worse lipid values.

How much mg of Test E did you pin and for how long?

I mean you're not an endocrinologist you faggot. If you're trying to compete it makes sense to risk your longterm cardiovascular and renal health because there's a tangible reward for pinning, but if you're just lifting for health and vanity then roiding= spending hundreds for chinese chemicals to fuck with your natural chemical comp.

Unless you've got a full medical team backing you up with frequent bloodwork you will most likely fuck up.

But yeah one cycle is probably pretty low impact.

I got, and am getting, monthly bloodwork.
900mg for 2 months with an AI and 10mg nolva eod.

As if you couldn't educate yourself on the matter with the abundance of information scattered about. You don't need "professional" to roid with efficiency and safety. That being said, some genes are better at facilitating roids. Some can roid at low-mid doses their whole lives without serious consequence

Op, you are an adult so you an make these decisions by yourself. It's true that steroid use carry a negative effect, shutting down your endocrine system is no joke. However if I were you I would consider the reasons why I'm doing this instead of the immediate benefit/repercussion. Coming from a 29 fitizen who has had a lot of up and downs. Take care.

yes did one at 18. test cyp and dbol, gonna do another one in a week or so, test deca and dbol, its fucking aaaaawesome

What about HGH? HGH doesn't have any bad side effects from what I know. It also doesn't have any withdrawal problems like other roids.

In the age of the internet, there is only an abundance of bad information. Unless you care to spend hours on end reading textbooks, dont assume you can just google the fuck out of proper roiding.

looking for answers on this pleso

Wat r ur T levels now OP

Got them tested, they're shit. I have like 400ng/dl at most. K-kill me

>no bad sides

It's not like your gut suddenly explodes, it'll happen slowly over time and you'll notice it happening.

Or are you the same guy who thinks lifting some 5kg Dumbbells for reps will turn you into Arnold over night like girls believe?


>In the age of the internet, there is only an abundance of bad information. Unless you care to spend hours on end reading textbooks, dont assume you can just google the fuck out of proper roiding.

Not really true.

People generally read that shit then make a simple "wiki" so everyone can do it just buy having $350 worth of bitcoin and ability to read


How much can you spend per month?

arnold has an artificial heart valve and if you think it is because of some genetic disease he has(like he says) you are retarded

this is a cycle for retards

>roids will probably help me fix my massive faggot babyface
it wont

if you have a babyface and roid you're going to look weird - like a little boy with man's body and women will (rightfully) laugh at you

roids increase test. so they'd make your face more manly as well. simple logic

negative. face gains come from being lean and pinning tren. controlled test doesnt change your face. test with uncontrolled E2 turns you into a blooshy moonfaced pile of shit

How does tren give you a more manly face exactly?

Is it permanent? Does it only occur if you do it while young?

fine then I'll just be lean and pin tren lol

It makes you lean. Also, your jaw muscles are a bit bigger. It only occurs while you are pinning tren. it occurs when you pin tren.

lol good luck. Tren is tough as fuck

Bone structure changes are at least pretty permanent until you get old, so if you pinned tren for a while and then went off the changes would stay

show me one study that says tren alters bone composition. if you want literal skull gains, get 15+iu of GH.

well to be fair look at all bodybuilders that aren't natty

their faces look manly as fuck, it must be something that change their faces

that would be the growth hormone and slin. abusing slin is not the road you want to go down, unless you already have diabetes

but like I said tho testosterone is literally the male fucking hormone. female trannies that want to turn male blast test and look manlier than most normie men, so it's gotta work right

looking manlier =/= bone growth. like i said. its mostly genetic. tranny hormones are different hormones. they do different shit. if you want a jaw that can cut diamond, you need to lose body fat. If you want to push it to dangerous extremes like i do, you also need crippling body dysmorphia, and a 16 week test/tren/mast cycle with var and dnp there at the end.

You sound like you know your shit, I am mainly looking to improve my face (but my body as well). My body is pretty good, but I'd always like to go further because working out isn't as fun as it used to be because my gains are coming in.

My face is chubby and it looks like I'm 12 years old. I want to get more rugged, so I'd love to hear what you got

But tfw no gf


post body

Tren changes your bone structure?
Wew nice meme

Just get sus 250 from the Dr kinobody does it and looks 10/10

there's no point in buying non legit stuff when you can just get something the safe way

>injecting steroids into your body on the advice of some random asshole with no medical experience

lmao let me know how that works out for you buddy